There is always so much hype in the media about prolonging one’s life. Do this, don’t do that, eat this, don’t eat that, stop doing this, start doing that – all promising better health. People are sucked in by advertisements flashing across the screen of their devices. They want to believe that a miracle cure or drug will save them, or that it will extend their life by decades. They are hoping for a day in the future when their challenges will have dissolved and their lives will be perfect.

Billions of dollars are spent seeking a “cure for cancer.” That cure does not exist and it never will. These people do not understand that all disease begins in the mind, regardless of its origin. Sure, we have degraded our soil, our air, our water, and our food. There are millions of poisons and plastics floating around in our world, and in our bodies, that contribute to compromised immune systems and poor health. The approach by scientists is always to create some magical pill or treatment, or to slice open bodies as though they were merely chopping veggies for a salad. They genetically modify genes and seeds, grow living things in test tubes, replace body parts with that of other humans and other species, and even with foreign materials. 

One day humans will come to understand how primitive and barbaric these practices are. We will realize that the future never arrives because all we ever have is this moment. We will not concern ourselves with prolonging “our” life because we will understand that we are part of all LIFE, which is infinite and eternal. We will, rather than trying to “cure” disease, begin to eliminate the external causes. We will learn to respect Nature, to grow food organically and sustainably; and we will cease the use of poisons altogether. We will begin to care for Earth, for its water, its air, and its soil. We will protect its plants and its animals – and we will care for, rather than fight, each other. We will become the true guardians of our planet. We will no longer engage in toxic thinking, which feeds disease organisms. As we shift from taking, to giving, from violence to peace, disease will naturally be eliminated. We will no longer have the need to look for cures because we will no longer have the presence of disease. We will have finally learned to live in balance.

Posted in NOVEMBER 2023 | Comments Off on 20 NOVEMBER 2023 FROM TAKING TO GIVING


Scientists have learned much in the past century about our planet. They have been able to determine its approximate age and gleaned much of its history. Millions of life forms have evolved and later been lost to extinction. Our Earth has undergone 5 mass extinctions precipitated by freezing, flooding, volcanic activity, chemical changes in the atmosphere, and the most recent one, by an asteroid from outer space colliding into it. 

Life; however, is unstoppable. A very small percentage of life forms managed to survive the extinctions and begin again. The first extinction took place 440 million years ago. The most recent extinction was just 60 million years ago. Humans have inhabited the planet for a mere half million years. In just the past 50 years, we have altered the planet so drastically as to set us directly on the path for a 6th extinction. 

Our planet, according to scientists, is about 4 ½ BILLION years old. This is hard for most of us to wrap our heads around. Even the 4 ½ MILLION years since the first mass extinction is difficult to comprehend. When I contemplate my own life, a teeny, tiny spec in relationship with the whole of life, I realize more than ever my insignificance – all of our insignificance. Itty bitty microbial life, microscopic sized insects, snowflakes, grains of sand, also appear as nothing compared to the scheme of life. And yet, we are all a piece of the entire tapestry. We are nothing, but we are everything. We are not vital, but we are one of billions, maybe trillions of life forms that make up the whole. It is the great diversity that makes up the community. It is from community, not individuality, that great accomplishments are realized. Our lives themselves are of little importance. It is how we choose to live each moment that truly matters.

Posted in NOVEMBER 2023 | Comments Off on 16 NOVEMBER 2023 MOMENTS IN TIME


I cannot help wondering why I have landed in this place that is so resistant to anything the locals view as a threat to their cowboy mentality. The lifeless soil that is quickly losing its ability to escape desertification, is blown across the plains to be lost forever. I am an outsider here. The people use the term tree hugger as if it was profanity. 

I am making the best of this newer subdivision of duplexes. Each tiny backyard is surrounded by solid white, plastic fencing. It is so lightweight that the gates are blown off in strong winds. I assume that the fences were put there for the numerous dog owners, as they do little to provide privacy. Each resident can look down into the yards of their neighbors from their upstairs windows. 

The parcelization of land continues to be a huge problem for wildlife. The unchecked construction of more houses and buildings and parking lots, for humans, puts barriers in the way of wildlife trying to reach food and shelter. The developers remove the topsoil, along with its essential microorganisms, leaving the residents with lifeless subsoil. Most of the residents do not care, but for those who are gardeners – especially organic gardeners – it can be a problem. I want to tear down the plastic fences and plant hedgerows in their place. This would allow for the safe passage of wildlife and for the possibility of their survival, as more and more of them slip towards the brink of extinction.

At great risk of ridicule from neighbors, or threats from the local authorities, I set up my compost in the alley behind the yard. The front yard, which I had spent the entire summer trying to bring back to a state of health, speaks for itself. It is now, by far, the nicest yard in the entire three block area. I know that talking to or trying to convince others of the need to stop poisoning the land would simply fall on deaf ears. Maybe; however, their curiosity will get the best of them and they will open their minds to the importance of creating habitat for other species. Regardless of whether I can spark an awakening of consciousness in the people here, I quietly rejoice in my own heart. Every time I see a native insect, bee, or bird in the space that I have created just for them, it gives me hope.

Posted in NOVEMBER 2023 | Comments Off on 13 NOVEMBER 2023 JUST FOR THEM


The manipulation of the American people by the rich and powerful, and by our own government, has become increasingly evident. We are manipulated through social media, through educational systems, and through capitalism. The ability to think and to intuit independently has been mostly erased. Individual power has surrendered into pathetic submission. Far too many people are completely reliant on others telling them what to do, how to live, and even what to believe.

Our history books tell us what the government wants us to know and to believe. Most of the news channels are driven by sensationalism, while truly relevant news (about the dire state of the natural world) is pushed aside. I often watch PBS news in the evening, but even that channel may not be totally reliable. To not watch any news at all would be like sticking my head in the sand. The news that comes across popular social media apps is questionable at best and is often interlaced with fake news. 

For the past month, the news has been filled with doom and gloom, mostly depicting the horrifying war between Hammas and Israel. I have listened to interviews from both sides as well as our own government’s justification for its defense of Israel. Israel’s position is that Hammas must be stopped at all costs – and that cost has been astronomical, both in terms of lost lives and the total destruction of spaces that were once home to many. The Palestinians claim that they have been oppressed for years and that they have been denied one of the most basic necessities of life – water. They say that Israel wants to take away their land and their livelihood. So I am asking myself, why is our government backing Israel? Why do we continue to supply weapons to countries at war, when the last thing our world needs is more weapons? I am asking myself, who are the real terrorists in this situation? 

It seems that Donald Trump is in the news most every day, although it is never because he has done anything good for the country, or for our planet. Mostly it is for his sneering, derogatory remarks about others, or his self-pity about how unfairly he has been treated. It was revealed that if he is re-elected in 2024, he hopes to have more control over government policies and the freedom to execute executive orders according to his whim. How blind are the people who support him! Do they honestly not see that he is deranged and manipulative, and that he has the makings of a dictator on the same level as Hitler? He needs to be locked away with the key thrown away, and denied all communication with the public.

I am disgusted by our government’s obsession with military strength and wars that do not involve us – yet. America has a collective bloated ego that blinds it to the real needs of our world. The covert manipulation must be exposed and we must demand the truth. We (Americans) may never fully understand the conflict between Hammas and Israel. We must take everything we hear with a grain of salt. Most importantly; however, if the United States is to be a world leader, we should be leading with peace and spreading more light, more kindness, and more empathy – NOT more weapons and more violence.

Posted in NOVEMBER 2023 | Comments Off on 9 NOVEMBER 2023 COVERT MANIPULATION


If there is one thing I have learned over the course of my lifetime, it is time management. Since I am a gardener and have worked outside for a large part of my life, this is often based on current weather conditions. While I normally prefer to get my blog written and posted early in the morning, mornings like today force me to put first things first. I had battled furious winds yesterday afternoon as I tried to prevent straw from blowing off the top of my raised garden beds. They had been further damaged from our four cats who perceived the exposed soil as a new litter box. They had even dug up a few of the garlic bulbs that I had planted in them a few weeks earlier. Needless to say, I was slightly irritated; not to mention that strong winds alone have a tendency to make me irritable. 

My day had not begun well since one of the aforementioned cats thought it would be fun to knock one of my houseplants off the dresser at 4:00 in the morning. I am pleased to say that the day definitely improved. I was not going to allow the wind to get the better of me, nor allow the hard work that I had put into creating the raised beds to be jeopardized. It was imperative that I get the soil covered up again, knowing that it is never a good idea to leave soil exposed to the elements. I placed very thick layers of straw over the top of each bed and watered them thoroughly. I knew, of course, that this would not be enough to stop the wind from blowing it off a second time. I remembered the plastic fencing that I had put around the garden, and later taken down, once I began making the raised beds. Fortunately, I had enough to lay over the top of all three beds with about a foot to spare. I held it down by placing rocks all the way around each one. I may have mentioned that rocks are quite numerous in this area, so I had at least a thousand to choose from. I am relieved now because the plastic fencing, having very large holes, allows the wind to pass right through it;  therefore, the beds are now protected from both wind and cats.

This brings me to today. The wind blows here more often than not so you need to learn to gauge your activities according to the miles per hour that the wind is blowing. Thankfully, it was calm this morning, so I went straight outside to complete gardening tasks and put the rest of the garden in order for the coming winter. I also watered newly planted trees and sprinkled the last of the micro-clover seed on the existing lawn. I believe that I am mostly finished with gardening now, other than cleaning my gardening tools before putting them away. The truth is, I am never really finished. I will take advantage of nice days to work on cleaning up the alley behind the yard and refinish my wood potting bench. I will start growing salad and herbs indoors, plan next spring’s garden, and order more seeds. Writing takes precedence over most things; however, I will always put first things first, take my walks during the warmest and least windy part of the day in winter, and during the coolest part of the day in summer. It’s common sense, really. I am grateful to have the freedom to manage my own time. I am grateful to have the wisdom to prioritize what is truly important (in my own life, at least) and to be fully present in whatever I choose to do in each moment.

Posted in NOVEMBER 2023 | Comments Off on 6 NOVEMBER 2023 FIRST THINGS FIRST


A large number of people live within the boundaries of their own existence and within the confines of their limited consciousness. Seldom do they consider their own smallness or their expendability within the whole of life. Some have an ever insatiable curiosity about the world they live in. This curiosity has helped us to learn about our planet and our place in it; but with each new discovery more mysteries are revealed. 

We live our lives on the surface of a huge, round starball that is suspended among an infinity of other stars. We have studied life from the miniscule, microscopic level, to other universes that are light years away. We have studied other species and we have even studied ourselves, yet we still know so little. There are those who claim to know more than others and others who blindly accept what has been passed off as truth. Life; however, will continue to be a mystery. For every new piece of information we acquire, more questions and more mysteries are presented for us to solve. Some are deluded, believing that in understanding only a fraction of life’s manifestations, they can control it. They do not recognize that their own existence is due to something far bigger than themselves.

We have learned, and finally admitted, that numerous other species also have great intelligence. They are innovative when presented with challenging situations. Many other species employ tools. This should come as no surprise. Ernest Holmes announced that there is a power in the universe that we can use (to heal our bodies and to heal our lives and our circumstances.) What he failed to realize is that that power is available to all living things – not just humans. It is what helps them, and us, to evolve.

There has been talk on the news about hundreds of miles of underground tunnels that have been created by the terrorist group, Hammas. Throughout human history, men have dug beneath the ground, to mine minerals from the earth. There had been rumors when I owned a home west of Denver, that the nearby Federal Center contained underground tunnels, possibly running underneath my house. There are untold mysteries that lie beneath the surface of the earth. There is undiscovered life at the bottom of the ocean, far deeper than we have been able to descend. Volcanoes exist on the bottom of the ocean as well as on the surface of our planet. There is potential for volcanic eruptions and earthquakes, not only as a natural planetary event, but also caused by human activity.
Ernest Holmes also said that this great power, which is available to all, is no respecter of persons. We can use power, but we cannot control it. The only thing that can control the unleashing of great power is love. That is the greatest mystery of all.

Posted in NOVEMBER 2023 | Comments Off on 2 NOVEMBER 2023 MYSTERIES


I sometimes hear people say that they choose to do nothing (to help the planet) because they do not believe that they alone can make a difference. They think that if they alone cannot change the world, it cannot be changed. What they do not understand is that no one person can. It takes all of us – together. Would one grain of sand lament that it alone cannot make a beach? Would one drop of water complain that it could not supply the ocean? Great things happen only when a large number of individuals cooperate and work together towards a common goal.

Our country evolved from the idea that a single person could achieve greatness and wealth. What was not realized at the time, was that individuals could do this, but only at the expense of others. The idea of separation, fueled by ego, drove a wider and wider wedge between those who were successful and those who were not. The ego wanted affluence only for himself, but not for his neighbor. 

We have now reached a tipping point in human history where the great achievers make up only about 1% of human life. The number of people struggling to survive, or barely surviving, is making up a larger and larger percentage. These people believe that they cannot change what is. They believe their vote doesn’t count so they do not vote. They feel helpless to stop the poisoning of our planet, so they do not recycle. They stick their heads in the sand and go on doing what they have always done. They are not willing to change their habits because they feel it is useless to try.

We all make a difference every single day, whether we acknowledge it, or not. We cannot consume a meal, but one bite at a time. We cannot make a journey except by taking one step at a time. We are often unaware that a smile we freely gave, or a word of kindness said to someone, made a difference in their day. We may not feel large enough or smart enough or strong enough to stop the corporate greed that has been running our country, but we are consumers. We have more power than we know. What we choose to buy – or not to buy – is like voting.

I recently switched back to buying soap in bars, instead of the plastic pump bottles. Bar soap comes in a simple paper wrapper. I had made the decision to not purchase anything in plastic bottles if I could find a better alternative. I found a company in Canada (http://www.getcleanpeople.com) that makes laundry sheets for the washing machine, so I purchased some. They came in a small cardboard box of only 4.5” X 4.5” X 2.25” and there are enough sheets to do 96 average size loads. There was no extraneous packaging, no toxic chemicals, and no artificial fragrance. Now there are no more plastic bottles taking up space in my laundry room and more importantly, I am no longer adding to the plastic problem. A while back, one of my daughters gave me shampoo and conditioner that came in bars. Now I no longer have plastic bottles in my shower either.

It is the choices that we make as consumers that will help to turn the tide and give our Earth and all of its inhabitants a chance to heal. If you say that you cannot make a difference, I must tell you, that is just not true. Every choice we make is a vote – either for the planet – or against it. How will you choose today?

Posted in OCTOBER 2023 | Comments Off on 30 OCTOBER 2023 HOW WILL YOU CHOOSE?


I knew it was coming. I knew the warmish days and mild breezes of autumn would soon give way to brutal cold and the inevitable winds. Yesterday I was in a mad rush to get my spring blooming bulbs into the ground. They had traveled all the way from Holland and had arrived only the day before. Somehow, I managed, in spite of my aching back, to plant them all by eleven o’clock in the morning – all 75 of them. I have completed 90% of the remaining gardening chores, like storing the hoses and tucking mulch around the perennials. I have taken time to enjoy the final fleeting days of gardening in the warm sunshine, beneath blue sky and magnificent clouds. The temperature has dropped to only 25℉ from yesterday’s 75℉, ensuring the first snow of the season that is supposed to arrive later today and linger into Saturday.

Knowing that the cold weather was moving quickly towards us, I still resisted. Life is all about change and you would think that I could accept that truth by now. Changes rarely happen slowly, which would allow us time to adjust. They can happen in the blink of an eye and we are seldom prepared. My body must now make the physical adjustment to being perpetually cold and having to wear a minimum of three layers at all times. Soon, we will have to adjust our time back from Daylight Savings Time, which I have never liked. 

I must now re-focus. Hopefully, I can fulfill my lifelong dream of having a greenhouse, where I can continue to do what I love regardless of how cold it is outside. With limited space inside, I can grow very little other than salad greens and a few herbs under my small grow light. I can plant amaryllis and paperwhites in pots for indoor bloom, but this is simply not enough to satisfy my need to grow pants. I still lay awake at night, planning landscaping projects that I want to do, but cannot do for at least another seven months. I know that I must accept this involuntary confinement indoors. I must have patience as I wait for the snowdrops and crocus to poke their heads out of the ground. This is the time of year when I wish that I was a bear. I could simply curl up in my den and sleep until spring. I have no choice but to adjust to this sudden change and continue to look for the silver lining in the clouds.

Posted in OCTOBER 2023 | Comments Off on 26 OCTOBER 2023 SUDDEN CHANGE


 I have often talked about the dangers and the prolific use of glyphosates, more commonly known as Roundup®. A far more dangerous insecticide has been in use since the 1990s. Neonicotinoids are used to treat seeds. It is then taken up by the roots where it travels through the vascular system of the plants and into the foliage. Insects that eat the plants then die. The problem is that the non-targeted insects eat those plants as well, so even the beneficial insects, including bees, are killed. It proceeds to travel through the entire food web so that birds that eat the infected insects also become ill. Traces of it are found in the many foods that we ourselves eat. Various forms of neonicotinoids are found in the flea and tick treatments that veterinarians prescribe for your pets. There has been a partial ban on the use of neonicotinoids in Europe since 2013. New Jersey, Maine, and Nevada have also placed bans on their use other than by professionals; and California has recently banned them from over-the-counter sales. Why do they wait to impose the bans so long after the damage has already been done?

Chlorpyrifos are another widely used form of pesticides. Our morning cup of joe is saturated with insecticides, pesticides, fungicides, and synthetic fertilizers. They are found not just in agricultural products, but also in golf course turf, treated wood, fence posts, and utility poles. They are used to eradicate mosquitoes and fire ants. Most of the foods that we eat contain dangerous amounts of these chemicals. They are in our apples, oranges, strawberries, citrus fruits, wheat, and corn. They are in our bodies and in the bodies of our children. The names of the numerous products that are classified as chlorpyrifos and neonicotinoids are almost impossible to pronounce. I am not even sure that the scientists who create them or those who use them, can pronounce them. I wonder if this is to somehow provide the illusion that the creators are smarter than the average consumer?

On some level I believe that we all know the truth. We know that we are playing with fire. As long as we continue to allow these poisons to be released into our world and into our environment, as long as we ignore what is happening right under our noses, this evil will persist. We will continue to have autoimmune diseases and unexplained illnesses. All the while, the scientists, the manufacturers, the agriculture industry, and the medical and pharmaceutical industries will continue to achieve huge profits – at the expense of all other life on Earth.

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I detest guns, violence, and war. I have always avoided conflict and prefer flight to fight in uncomfortable situations. War, in my mind, has never been the answer. A pacifist in the strictest sense, I believe peace is always the only answer. Yes, I grew up in the late 1960s and early 1970s. I have remained loyal to my “hippie” ideals. I am passionate about growing flowers so I am a flower child in a very real sense. “Make love, not war” is a motto that many have lived by, and still do. My great, great grandparents were Quakers. Quakers are known for their pacifist beliefs and their refusal to bear arms. They believe, as many Native Americans believe, that we should tread lightly upon and be good stewards of Mother Earth. Apparently, those intrinsic values were passed on to me in my genes. Today; however, I am asking myself if war is the only means by which the human population can be significantly reduced. 

It was one of those articles that had been impassively bumped to the back of more “interesting” headlines. The article announced that the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service had just declared 21 species extinct. This article should have been at the front and center of the world’s attention. The species, which had been on the endangered species list, had been removed, because they have not been seen for more than a century. They included birds, fish, mussels, and a fruit eating bat. These animals had disappeared because of deforestation, overconsumption, water loss, and the spread of invasive species, including disease organisms. Our continued human infringement on the habitat needed for their survival has gone unchecked. Scientists have warned us for years about the devastation humans have created all over the planet and the effect it has had on other species. In my lifetime alone, more than two thirds of our wildlife populations have been lost. Prior to the arrival of European settlers, at least 30 million (possibly a billion, or more) buffalo roamed the plains of North America. Their numbers were reduced to a mere 541 (possibly less – sources vary) by the late 1800s. Bison once kept the land healthy with their constant movement. Nature’s cycles were kept in balance for centuries. The white man then brought their domestic cattle, their horses, and their non-native grasses, altering the landscape forever and almost completely eliminating the bison. 

Fortunately, a few species have been able to recover; and with the help of dedicated individuals, have been brought back from near extinction. If we continue as we have done for the past 100 years, it may be too late for many – if not all species. So, I cannot help wondering if perhaps after all, war is the answer (to reducing human population.)

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