12 April 2024 OUT OF EARTH

In recent news that I read, researcher Steven Jacobsen revealed that another ocean lies inside of our Earth, approximately 700 kilometers below the surface. It is said to be three times larger than all of our known oceans put together. I find this fascinating. 

Many years ago, I read the well known novel, by Jules Verne, Journey to the Center of the Earth. I thought as I was reading it, that it seemed quite plausible, until I reached the ending of the story. The protagonist was blown out through a volcano, which was far too fantastical. However, being that our planet is nearly 8,000 miles wide and about 4,000 miles to its center, we have barely scratched its surface. 

Many, many people are intrigued with outer space. To be sure, it helps us to recognize our own insignificance. I think these people are very much mistaken; though, in thinking that we were “put” on the Earth. In truth, we came out of her. She is, as native cultures suggest, our true Mother. All physical form is manifested from Earth herself. Our consciousness, that temporarily inhabits our physical form, is part of the ONE consciousness that permeates the universe and beyond. Our egos trick us into believing that our life is our own; but there really is no individual life. We are simply a tiny speck in the totality of LIFE. 

I am not sure why I am excited about the newly discovered ocean. I think it gives me a ray of hope, knowing that potable water on our planet’s surface is severely threatened from decades of human pollution. But on a more subtle and personal level, I believe as Robin Wall-Kimmerer suggests in her book, Braiding Sweetgrass: “Being a good mother includes the caretaking of water.” We begin our lives floating in a bag of amniotic water. Our bodies are made of around 60% water. Oceans cover over 70% of our planet. We are drawn to large bodies of water like the ocean, lakes, and rivers because of our deep connection to water. Water and earth are inseparable and our bodies are inseparable from both. Even after we die, our bodies return to Mother Earth, from whence they came.

Posted in APRIL2024 | Comments Off on 12 April 2024 OUT OF EARTH


I have been subscribing to a literary gardening magazine since early 2000. It was the first magazine in which I had been published. Recently, its founder, Pat Stone, retired. The magazine has been bought by a large publishing company and I just learned that I can no longer get print editions. 

The price has increased dramatically and rather than being published only four times a year (spring, summer, autumn, and winter) it is now produced monthly. I had moved and discovered that I was missing issues. I never received the usual subscription renewal offer in the mail; but I was suddenly being inundated with daily emails from the new editor. When I at last contacted them, I learned that the print edition was no longer available, so my only option is to subscribe to the online version, or drop my subscription entirely.

I like to read in bed in the evening as it helps me to fall asleep. If I wake up in the middle of the night, I read some more so that I can fall asleep faster. I am told that reading online is more environmentally friendly, although I have my doubts. Millions of worn out or obsolete electronics end up in landfills. The substances used to make the batteries are clearly not environmentally friendly. While the rest of the world becomes deeper and deeper entrenched in their phones and other devices, I prefer to limit my time on them. I dislike the way these devices lure us away from the present moment. I resent the time I must spend sorting through emails and the hours wasted while I am pulled away from the real world, often without realizing it. 

I still have a large library of books filling my bookshelves. I love to buy books to add to my collection. When my girls were young, and also my grandchildren, I frequently bought them books as gifts, in hopes of instilling in them a love of reading. It comforts me to be surrounded by books, knowing that I can pick one up whenever I want to. I often refer to my many gardening books for information. Mostly, I love knowing that I can curl up in a chair with a book or magazine and a cup of tea to sip on. But, clearly, I cannot curl up with my phone or my computer. I have tried; but it is downright uncomfortable!

Posted in APRIL2024 | Comments Off on 9 APRIL 2024 CAN’T CURL UP


This blog will be sporadic for a couple of months as I am moving yet again. When I moved in with my daughter last June and began landscaping her tiny yard, I expected it would be my last move; but my granddaughter decided to change high schools and my daughter had grown tired of her hour-long commute to work.

She put her house on the market in early February. Any house that she chose to buy in Torrington was contingent upon the sale of this one. I undertook a strategy that I had borrowed from a friend and which had worked for her and others. In meditation, I slowly moved through each room of the house thanking it for what it has provided us while we have lived here. I thanked each of the trees and plants that I had lovingly placed, in soil that I had improved. I knew that the rightful new owners would appear and that they would fall in love with it. They would appreciate and care for the new plantings and be thrilled with the newly constructed raised garden beds that are now perfect for planting in.

My heart is breaking because I have to leave the peach tree that I had planted only eight months ago. It was a labor of love. It is now on the verge of bursting into bloom. The crocus, snowdrops, hyacinths, fritillaries, and allium are timidly poking up through the mulch. It is a bittersweet sight because although the last couple of days have reached into the 70’s, snow and frost are still a likely possibility.

I am grateful that the house we will be moving into has a much larger yard with two mature cedar trees. The soil is better. Because there are fewer buildings to cast shade, the availability of the imperative six to eight hours of sun, that are necessary for most plants to thrive, is ensured. 

I have come to accept the changes that life continues to present me. The natural chaos, the breaking down, followed by rebuilding, is Nature’s way. Clinging to what was only causes suffering. I have learned to simply keep on keeping on.

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I recently heard that if Trump were to win the election, he would make it a priority to ban marriages in the LGBQT community – the goal being to convert our entire nation into a Christian Nationalist regime. We should not take this lightly since his followers did manage to overturn Roe v Wade. Many of us were shocked. How could this happen? I think that too many were not paying attention to Trump’s dangerous rhetoric. It is a fact that Christianity has been in a steady decline for decades, so it might not seem possible that a marriage ban could happen. Still, we need to be observant of the threats he continues to make. 

Trump continues to spew hate towards many sectors of people. He asserts that all immigrants are criminals and makes many false claims about those he chooses to hate. He may have a lot of followers, people who blindly allow themselves to be manipulated and hypnotized by his poorly hidden rage; but he continues to put his foot in his mouth. Are we going to allow a criminal to occupy the white house again? Are we willing to allow our basic human rights to be sabotaged? His supporters turn a blind eye to his reckless behavior and his numerous criminal charges. He was recently ordered to pay four and a half million for his fraud case in New York. He said, “It isn’t fair.” This is how I pictured him in my mind as he said it: sitting on the floor, pouting, with his thumb in his mouth and his other hand holding onto his security blanket (his supporters.) He does not act like a grown man, but as a spoiled child.

In spite of those who back him, I believe his many prejudices will be his undoing. Now that RFK Jr has announced his VP and his message is getting out to more people, a shift has begun. Those who have been frustrated and apathetic and those who have had no interest in voting at all are sitting up and taking notice. I frequently bake bread and I love to watch the way the dough rises, becoming a large, soft malleable ball that once baked, nourishes those it feeds. I am watching Robert F. Kennedy Jr. rapidly rise into the consciousness of more people. I can feel the energy. Hope is rising.

Posted in March 2024 | Comments Off on 29 MARCH 2024 HOPE RISING


As some of you know, I stopped writing this blog back in December. It was not that I had run out of things to write about; but like many of you, I had become depressed about the overwhelming challenges that so many of us are facing. I had fallen into despair about the state of our planet and I was overcome with a sense of hopelessness that I could do anything to make a difference.

I had been watching the nightly PBS News Hour and the news was growing grimmer by the day. The news anchors that had recently taken over the program began to reveal their obvious bias in what they perpetuated to be unbiased. Having to hear about Donald Trump in the news every single day was nauseating. I was annoyed because they barely mentioned other candidates who were running for the upcoming election. When a couple of weeks ago, they came out and declared that it was down to a Biden/Trump rematch, I was truly annoyed. Like many of you, I had mistakenly believed that we had to choose between the lesser of two evils, which was like no choice at all; but I am happy to tell you that we have a third choice! They briefly mentioned Robert F. Kennedy Jr. had not, in fact, dropped out of the race. He was now running as an Independent. They downplayed this fact by accusing him of being a non-vaxer and a conspiracy theorist –  of which both are untrue. 

This actually got my attention and I turned off the news and Googled Robert F. Kennedy Jr. I was taken to his website: kennedy24.com where I began to read about his policies and watch the videos. The more I read, the more excited I became. My despair was overcome with hope. You see, he is the only candidate who has made protecting our water, our soil, and our food a priority. He is the only one who has made the connection between poor health and Big Pharma. He is the only one who truly understands the corporate wealth that has created poverty for so many. He knows that war is not the answer and that peace is what we all want. I realized, almost instantly, that RFK Jr is who I want for our next president.

My blog has been on vacation; but I assure you that the thoughts have continued to flow. I signed the petition last week, to get RFK Jr on the ballot here in Wyoming. I am resuming writing this blog. Please, continue to engage, to like, to comment, and to share. Help me get Robert F. Kennedy into the White House.

Posted in Uncategorized | Comments Off on 27 MARCH 2024 NO CHOICE – THIRD CHOICE


I have always told myself that whenever the words stop flowing, I will stop writing this blog. I committed myself to writing it and I have remained true to that commitment for nearly 5 years. I woke up just before 4 a.m. this morning with the intention of writing today’s blog. Suddenly; however, I felt that it was time to stop. I was reminded of Forrest Gump who, after running for miles and miles, simply stopped and said, 

“I think I will go home now. “

I do not have “writer’s block.” On the contrary, I wish to pursue writing more stories and poems; and to polish some that have lain fallow for years. 

Life on this planet is going in one direction, but I am turning to face a different direction. I wish to walk down a road that is more familiar to me. I will spend more time reading the books in my bookshelves (mostly gardening) that have patiently waited for me to open them. I will turn a deaf ear to those who tell me that I must spend my time interacting on social media, because that is the way things work in today’s world. This is the new normal for my grandchildren, and perhaps to some extent for my children; but It is not my world. 

Modern society would have me believe that I should not go anywhere without my phone. I have on occasion; however, forgotten it when going to the store. I often leave it in a different room than the one I am busy in. I mute it whenever I am sleeping and I no longer take it with me when I am out walking. I do like my phone for a few reasons. I like that today’s phones do not need to be attached to a wall with a long cord to reach throughout the house. I like that it remembers peoples’ phone numbers so I don’t have to look them up. My smart phone  is like having a walking encyclopedia at my fingertips and I like that. But, I will not be its slave. You see, even in my old age, I remain a rebel. With so little time left on this planet, I choose to spend every minute doing something I would rather be doing, like sinking my fingers into fresh, loamy soil, or writing with a pen in a notebook, or on a piece of paper.

If you have enjoyed reading my blog over the years, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. If you have never purchased or read my book, Question Everything: Overcoming Passivity in a Perilous World, I encourage you to do so. Thank you to all of my faithful readers, but I must say goodbye for now.

Posted in DECEMBER 2023 | Comments Off on 7 DECEMBER 2023 A DIFFERENT DIRECTION


Another year is quickly moving towards its end. There is an end to everything in life – even the most dire of events, which at the time may feel endless. All things must pass and time heals all wounds. This may have been an especially good year for some; and it may have been one of the worst on record for others. You may have met someone, fallen in love, and married in 2023; or you may have undergone a bitter divorce. You may have lost a loved one or welcomed a newborn into the world. You may have bought a home, or suddenly become homeless. You may have begun a great new job, or been fired from one unexpectedly. The thing about year ends; however, is that they become a reminder to reflect on recent events and to determine what we want to be different in the coming year.

Time is nothing more than a series of events. We get into trouble when we begin to label them as good or bad. We can waste our time thinking about our regrets and past mistakes; or we can move on, accepting that the past cannot be changed and knowing that thinking about it only causes our suffering. Negative thinking can easily become a pattern for those who find comfort in feeling bad. They become stuck in a vicious cycle as they allow their minds to go around and around and around over some past event. When we realize that thoughts become things, we begin to guard our thoughts. In dwelling on the past, we continue to recreate similar events. When we learn instead, to think about what we want in the present moment, we can change the direction of the future. Our minds can be extremely stubborn when we attempt to direct them away from habitual negative thinking; but it is like breaking any other bad habit. We must replace the “bad” habit with a “good” habit. We can change one thought at a time by re-wording it and transforming it into an affirmation. 

As a new year approaches we can remain lazy and trapped in negativity, or we can remain vigilant and produce thoughts that will help us to thrive. It is a little like the survival of the fittest. Animals in the wild must be proactive if they are to remain alive. A lion must hunt and her prey must remain alert if they do not want to be her next victim. If the lion does not hunt, she will starve and perhaps her cubs will die. The wildebeest must guard her young, even when overcome with fear, as the lioness approaches. Our human lives are not as black and white as animals in the wild. We can live for years in misery, mindlessly feeding the ego with our negative thoughts; but if we are to cultivate joy in our lives, we must allow the death of the ego. We must face life with the strength of a lion and sacrifice our ego for our greater good. We can face the coming new year head on by expecting only good.

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I have come to the conclusion that we need to do away with political parties. We must stop trying to fit people into boxes of red versus blue, conservative versus liberal, and pitting one against the other in a hopeless duality. This old paradigm no longer works. People are no longer willing to attach themselves to a particular set of beliefs, so just like with organized religion, organized political views are also falling into disfavor.

The people need to have more say in their government. They need a larger voice and more power to make a difference. This can only be accomplished through voting. The current system leaves no room for real choice. Since most people do not, and are not even encouraged to vote in the primaries, they feel that their vote is meaningless. They are left to choose between the lesser of two evils. Far too many do not vote at all because they believe the system is rigged and that their vote will not count.

I listened to a Ted Talk the other day: “U.S. politics isn’t broken. It’s fixed.” Katherine M. Gehl refers to herself as being “politically homeless.” She proposed a way of voting that would allow the people greater choice. They would first vote in the primaries, choosing a total of 8 candidates, regardless of their democratic or republican affiliation. Then, they would vote in the final election, choosing their first, second, third, fourth, and fifth choice. The final outcome of this type of voting would better reflect the real wishes of the people. They would be basing their decisions on the candidates themselves, rather than based on loyalty to a particular party. 

Our current system creates a divide which no one wants to cross. It is like two neighbors who will only talk to each other over the fence where they can cling to their own view. They refuse to take the fence down entirely, in order to find common ground. 

I believe that most of the world’s population is tired of fighting. We are tired of war and conflict and the endless ruin and suffering that it causes. The system must change. The people should be allowed to vote on important issues, such as abortion and gun violence, rather than allowing the Supreme Court to make these decisions. The old politicians must relinquish their grip and allow a new generation with fresh ideas, to solve the world’s problems, and to usher in a time of peace.

Posted in NOVEMBER 2023 | Comments Off on 30 NOVEMBER 2023 NO PARTIES


Tigers in India, like our American buffalo and many keystone species, have endured mass slaughtering by humans. During the mid-1900s there were nearly 40,000 tigers in India; but as the human population grew and deforestation, loss of habitat, and poaching caused tiger populations to dwindle, there were less than two thousand remaining, a mere 25 years later. Fortunately, Indira Gandhi created a wildlife protection act in 1972 providing almost 30 tiger reserves. Unfortunately; however, many of the reserves are butted up next to human populations and a few humans have fallen victim to the tigers.

One male, T24, had been blamed for four deaths. He was removed from the reserve, leaving his mate and two offspring to survive without him. The female, unable to find her partner, grieved for a long period of time. In the end, another male moved into his territory and the female had no choice but to give in to the new dominant male. T24 was placed in a small enclosure, which was nothing more than a large cage. He began to suffer from intestinal problems, from the lack of exercise and having to accept whatever meat was provided for him. They operated to remove the blockage in his intestines, but the problem kept recurring, obviously, because they did nothing to eliminate the cause. Many of the citizens have protested, pleading for the animal to be freed and returned to the reserve; but he remains a prisoner.

A very wise man said, in the documentary in which I had learned about T24, that we should let Nature take its course. This is the same advice I give to those who call me about injured swans and other birds. He believed that what had turned T24 into a killer was when he had been captured and treated for a splinter in his paw. The anesthesia had worn off before they were finished and the tiger had run away. The tiger’s foot may have become infected and he might have died; but that was for Nature to decide. The man believed it was this human interference  that turned the tiger into a “killer.” Based on the cruel and sadistic ways in which humans have treated other animals, it is no wonder that more of them do not hate us. 

I will never understand this compulsion that so many people have, to control others, be it other species, or our own. We place animals in cages, in zoos, tie them to stakes, and lead them around by the neck on leashes. The wings of birds are often clipped to prevent them from flying away. When animals do not obey the humans’ wishes, they are often beaten. They are neglected and treated as though they were inanimate objects. More often than not, caged animals and pets become ill as they are prevented from living in the company of their own species and they are denied the ability to hunt or forage for their own food. In the case of those acquired through the illegal pet trade, most will die. 

It is unnatural for any species to be confined. We even confine our prisoners, who also suffer from illnesses. The lack of exercise and sunshine, combined with poor quality food, leaves many of them in an unhealthy condition. There was a time when prisoners were made to do hard labor. Perhaps, they were better off than the prisoners of today, who often do not see the light of day. They are “pampered” with television and sedated with pharmaceutical drugs to keep them subdued. 

The Bengal tiger of India is one of the most beautiful animals on the planet; but like so many other species, we have brought them to near extinction. Human life is valued above all other life. After the killings in India, large groups of men descended on the reserve to retrieve the bodies of the victims so that they could be buried. Personally, I would gladly give up my own life for such an animal. Let it consume me and do not waste precious ground to bury me, or have me wastefully cremated. On those rare occasions when a bear, or a lion, or a tiger attacks a human being, revenge is foremost on peoples’ minds. Those who hate these animals refuse to see that they have the same intelligence, feelings, and emotions that we have. Often, our compassion for an animal is misplaced. We believe that we must intervene, interfere, and “save” the animal; but this is not Nature’s way. I hope the day will come when we will learn collectively, to accept, to allow, and to stop interfering with the balance that Nature had already created before we arrived.

Posted in NOVEMBER 2023 | Comments Off on 27 NOVEMBER INTERFERENCE


In reality, every day is the day after – after the previous day. The day after a big event; however, can be especially peaceful and contemplative. It reminds me of the feeling you can get after finishing a really good novel. Or, the relief and satisfaction you feel when you have finally finished a particularly momentous task. My several days of preparation for yesterday’s Thanksgiving meal were well rewarded. Most of my family members had to make a three hour road trip and we were all nervous about the pending snowstorm. Many of them had to be at work early this morning, so becoming snowbound was not in their plans. I simply declared that it would all work out as it was meant to.

I sometimes like to observe my life from a slight distance and marvel at the synchronicities and harmony with which events unfold, when I do not try to control outcomes. It seems to make no difference if it is small, inconsequential things, or large, looming challenges. When I simply let go of expectations and allow my higher self to guide me, life flows smoothly and tiny miracles are an everyday occurrence. Yesterday was a day like that and while many might consider it just plain luck, I know better. 

The day began with what could have turned into a horrifying disaster. I was just stepping out of the shower when I heard my daughter scream. She was lying in her bed and her German Shepherd was crawling under it, where she likes to sleep. My daughter suddenly saw flames coming from the outlet where her phone charger was plugged in. Fortunately, she got the fire out and there was no issue with the outlet. Apparently, cheap phone chargers from the dollar store are notorious for bursting into flames. I told her our guardian angels were watching over us.

The turkey and pies and stuffing and gravy and all the food was done to perfection, all at the right time, and the family all arrived on time as well. We had a wonderful meal and the snow held off. They had to leave shortly after, which made me sad; but they all arrived safely back at their own homes before the snow got bad. Today, all is back to peace and quiet and the outdoors is blanketed in snow. It is the day after and a day to be thankful once again.

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