There is always so much hype in the media about prolonging one’s life. Do this, don’t do that, eat this, don’t eat that, stop doing this, start doing that – all promising better health. People are sucked in by advertisements flashing across the screen of their devices. They want to believe that a miracle cure or drug will save them, or that it will extend their life by decades. They are hoping for a day in the future when their challenges will have dissolved and their lives will be perfect.

Billions of dollars are spent seeking a “cure for cancer.” That cure does not exist and it never will. These people do not understand that all disease begins in the mind, regardless of its origin. Sure, we have degraded our soil, our air, our water, and our food. There are millions of poisons and plastics floating around in our world, and in our bodies, that contribute to compromised immune systems and poor health. The approach by scientists is always to create some magical pill or treatment, or to slice open bodies as though they were merely chopping veggies for a salad. They genetically modify genes and seeds, grow living things in test tubes, replace body parts with that of other humans and other species, and even with foreign materials. 

One day humans will come to understand how primitive and barbaric these practices are. We will realize that the future never arrives because all we ever have is this moment. We will not concern ourselves with prolonging “our” life because we will understand that we are part of all LIFE, which is infinite and eternal. We will, rather than trying to “cure” disease, begin to eliminate the external causes. We will learn to respect Nature, to grow food organically and sustainably; and we will cease the use of poisons altogether. We will begin to care for Earth, for its water, its air, and its soil. We will protect its plants and its animals – and we will care for, rather than fight, each other. We will become the true guardians of our planet. We will no longer engage in toxic thinking, which feeds disease organisms. As we shift from taking, to giving, from violence to peace, disease will naturally be eliminated. We will no longer have the need to look for cures because we will no longer have the presence of disease. We will have finally learned to live in balance.

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