If there is one thing I have learned over the course of my lifetime, it is time management. Since I am a gardener and have worked outside for a large part of my life, this is often based on current weather conditions. While I normally prefer to get my blog written and posted early in the morning, mornings like today force me to put first things first. I had battled furious winds yesterday afternoon as I tried to prevent straw from blowing off the top of my raised garden beds. They had been further damaged from our four cats who perceived the exposed soil as a new litter box. They had even dug up a few of the garlic bulbs that I had planted in them a few weeks earlier. Needless to say, I was slightly irritated; not to mention that strong winds alone have a tendency to make me irritable. 

My day had not begun well since one of the aforementioned cats thought it would be fun to knock one of my houseplants off the dresser at 4:00 in the morning. I am pleased to say that the day definitely improved. I was not going to allow the wind to get the better of me, nor allow the hard work that I had put into creating the raised beds to be jeopardized. It was imperative that I get the soil covered up again, knowing that it is never a good idea to leave soil exposed to the elements. I placed very thick layers of straw over the top of each bed and watered them thoroughly. I knew, of course, that this would not be enough to stop the wind from blowing it off a second time. I remembered the plastic fencing that I had put around the garden, and later taken down, once I began making the raised beds. Fortunately, I had enough to lay over the top of all three beds with about a foot to spare. I held it down by placing rocks all the way around each one. I may have mentioned that rocks are quite numerous in this area, so I had at least a thousand to choose from. I am relieved now because the plastic fencing, having very large holes, allows the wind to pass right through it;  therefore, the beds are now protected from both wind and cats.

This brings me to today. The wind blows here more often than not so you need to learn to gauge your activities according to the miles per hour that the wind is blowing. Thankfully, it was calm this morning, so I went straight outside to complete gardening tasks and put the rest of the garden in order for the coming winter. I also watered newly planted trees and sprinkled the last of the micro-clover seed on the existing lawn. I believe that I am mostly finished with gardening now, other than cleaning my gardening tools before putting them away. The truth is, I am never really finished. I will take advantage of nice days to work on cleaning up the alley behind the yard and refinish my wood potting bench. I will start growing salad and herbs indoors, plan next spring’s garden, and order more seeds. Writing takes precedence over most things; however, I will always put first things first, take my walks during the warmest and least windy part of the day in winter, and during the coolest part of the day in summer. It’s common sense, really. I am grateful to have the freedom to manage my own time. I am grateful to have the wisdom to prioritize what is truly important (in my own life, at least) and to be fully present in whatever I choose to do in each moment.

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