I sometimes hear people say that they choose to do nothing (to help the planet) because they do not believe that they alone can make a difference. They think that if they alone cannot change the world, it cannot be changed. What they do not understand is that no one person can. It takes all of us – together. Would one grain of sand lament that it alone cannot make a beach? Would one drop of water complain that it could not supply the ocean? Great things happen only when a large number of individuals cooperate and work together towards a common goal.

Our country evolved from the idea that a single person could achieve greatness and wealth. What was not realized at the time, was that individuals could do this, but only at the expense of others. The idea of separation, fueled by ego, drove a wider and wider wedge between those who were successful and those who were not. The ego wanted affluence only for himself, but not for his neighbor. 

We have now reached a tipping point in human history where the great achievers make up only about 1% of human life. The number of people struggling to survive, or barely surviving, is making up a larger and larger percentage. These people believe that they cannot change what is. They believe their vote doesn’t count so they do not vote. They feel helpless to stop the poisoning of our planet, so they do not recycle. They stick their heads in the sand and go on doing what they have always done. They are not willing to change their habits because they feel it is useless to try.

We all make a difference every single day, whether we acknowledge it, or not. We cannot consume a meal, but one bite at a time. We cannot make a journey except by taking one step at a time. We are often unaware that a smile we freely gave, or a word of kindness said to someone, made a difference in their day. We may not feel large enough or smart enough or strong enough to stop the corporate greed that has been running our country, but we are consumers. We have more power than we know. What we choose to buy – or not to buy – is like voting.

I recently switched back to buying soap in bars, instead of the plastic pump bottles. Bar soap comes in a simple paper wrapper. I had made the decision to not purchase anything in plastic bottles if I could find a better alternative. I found a company in Canada (http://www.getcleanpeople.com) that makes laundry sheets for the washing machine, so I purchased some. They came in a small cardboard box of only 4.5” X 4.5” X 2.25” and there are enough sheets to do 96 average size loads. There was no extraneous packaging, no toxic chemicals, and no artificial fragrance. Now there are no more plastic bottles taking up space in my laundry room and more importantly, I am no longer adding to the plastic problem. A while back, one of my daughters gave me shampoo and conditioner that came in bars. Now I no longer have plastic bottles in my shower either.

It is the choices that we make as consumers that will help to turn the tide and give our Earth and all of its inhabitants a chance to heal. If you say that you cannot make a difference, I must tell you, that is just not true. Every choice we make is a vote – either for the planet – or against it. How will you choose today?

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