In reality, every day is the day after – after the previous day. The day after a big event; however, can be especially peaceful and contemplative. It reminds me of the feeling you can get after finishing a really good novel. Or, the relief and satisfaction you feel when you have finally finished a particularly momentous task. My several days of preparation for yesterday’s Thanksgiving meal were well rewarded. Most of my family members had to make a three hour road trip and we were all nervous about the pending snowstorm. Many of them had to be at work early this morning, so becoming snowbound was not in their plans. I simply declared that it would all work out as it was meant to.

I sometimes like to observe my life from a slight distance and marvel at the synchronicities and harmony with which events unfold, when I do not try to control outcomes. It seems to make no difference if it is small, inconsequential things, or large, looming challenges. When I simply let go of expectations and allow my higher self to guide me, life flows smoothly and tiny miracles are an everyday occurrence. Yesterday was a day like that and while many might consider it just plain luck, I know better. 

The day began with what could have turned into a horrifying disaster. I was just stepping out of the shower when I heard my daughter scream. She was lying in her bed and her German Shepherd was crawling under it, where she likes to sleep. My daughter suddenly saw flames coming from the outlet where her phone charger was plugged in. Fortunately, she got the fire out and there was no issue with the outlet. Apparently, cheap phone chargers from the dollar store are notorious for bursting into flames. I told her our guardian angels were watching over us.

The turkey and pies and stuffing and gravy and all the food was done to perfection, all at the right time, and the family all arrived on time as well. We had a wonderful meal and the snow held off. They had to leave shortly after, which made me sad; but they all arrived safely back at their own homes before the snow got bad. Today, all is back to peace and quiet and the outdoors is blanketed in snow. It is the day after and a day to be thankful once again.

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