As some of you know, I stopped writing this blog back in December. It was not that I had run out of things to write about; but like many of you, I had become depressed about the overwhelming challenges that so many of us are facing. I had fallen into despair about the state of our planet and I was overcome with a sense of hopelessness that I could do anything to make a difference.

I had been watching the nightly PBS News Hour and the news was growing grimmer by the day. The news anchors that had recently taken over the program began to reveal their obvious bias in what they perpetuated to be unbiased. Having to hear about Donald Trump in the news every single day was nauseating. I was annoyed because they barely mentioned other candidates who were running for the upcoming election. When a couple of weeks ago, they came out and declared that it was down to a Biden/Trump rematch, I was truly annoyed. Like many of you, I had mistakenly believed that we had to choose between the lesser of two evils, which was like no choice at all; but I am happy to tell you that we have a third choice! They briefly mentioned Robert F. Kennedy Jr. had not, in fact, dropped out of the race. He was now running as an Independent. They downplayed this fact by accusing him of being a non-vaxer and a conspiracy theorist –  of which both are untrue. 

This actually got my attention and I turned off the news and Googled Robert F. Kennedy Jr. I was taken to his website: kennedy24.com where I began to read about his policies and watch the videos. The more I read, the more excited I became. My despair was overcome with hope. You see, he is the only candidate who has made protecting our water, our soil, and our food a priority. He is the only one who has made the connection between poor health and Big Pharma. He is the only one who truly understands the corporate wealth that has created poverty for so many. He knows that war is not the answer and that peace is what we all want. I realized, almost instantly, that RFK Jr is who I want for our next president.

My blog has been on vacation; but I assure you that the thoughts have continued to flow. I signed the petition last week, to get RFK Jr on the ballot here in Wyoming. I am resuming writing this blog. Please, continue to engage, to like, to comment, and to share. Help me get Robert F. Kennedy into the White House.

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