I have always told myself that whenever the words stop flowing, I will stop writing this blog. I committed myself to writing it and I have remained true to that commitment for nearly 5 years. I woke up just before 4 a.m. this morning with the intention of writing today’s blog. Suddenly; however, I felt that it was time to stop. I was reminded of Forrest Gump who, after running for miles and miles, simply stopped and said, 

“I think I will go home now. “

I do not have “writer’s block.” On the contrary, I wish to pursue writing more stories and poems; and to polish some that have lain fallow for years. 

Life on this planet is going in one direction, but I am turning to face a different direction. I wish to walk down a road that is more familiar to me. I will spend more time reading the books in my bookshelves (mostly gardening) that have patiently waited for me to open them. I will turn a deaf ear to those who tell me that I must spend my time interacting on social media, because that is the way things work in today’s world. This is the new normal for my grandchildren, and perhaps to some extent for my children; but It is not my world. 

Modern society would have me believe that I should not go anywhere without my phone. I have on occasion; however, forgotten it when going to the store. I often leave it in a different room than the one I am busy in. I mute it whenever I am sleeping and I no longer take it with me when I am out walking. I do like my phone for a few reasons. I like that today’s phones do not need to be attached to a wall with a long cord to reach throughout the house. I like that it remembers peoples’ phone numbers so I don’t have to look them up. My smart phone  is like having a walking encyclopedia at my fingertips and I like that. But, I will not be its slave. You see, even in my old age, I remain a rebel. With so little time left on this planet, I choose to spend every minute doing something I would rather be doing, like sinking my fingers into fresh, loamy soil, or writing with a pen in a notebook, or on a piece of paper.

If you have enjoyed reading my blog over the years, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. If you have never purchased or read my book, Question Everything: Overcoming Passivity in a Perilous World, I encourage you to do so. Thank you to all of my faithful readers, but I must say goodbye for now.

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