By chance, I came across a YouTube video about a carnivorous mouse known as the grasshopper mouse, aka Onychomys leucogaster. While it is rare, it fortunately is not endangered. As their name implies, they eat grasshoppers and other arthropods; and they are common here in the grasslands of North America. They are formidable predators. They will take on poisonous scorpions and centipedes as well as other mice. They have even been known to be cannibalistic when food is scarce. Their most fascinating habit is that they howl at the moon prior to making a kill, which has given them the nickname of werewolf mouse.

Having learned about this garden ally, I was thrilled. While hundreds of grasshoppers moved into my garden, after the weeds in the neighboring yard had been cut, there seemed little that I could do about it. I was grateful that I had at least one toad to help control them and my cats found them to be a tasty snack. I have talked to other residents who have tried to convince the town to allow chickens; but the powers that be would not budge on their position. It is frustrating because I am less than a mile from the county, where chickens are allowed. There is a large feral cat population here so I am uncertain about the presence of the grasshopper mouse. One can only hope. 

While the grasshoppers consumed my dill and tasted most of the plants in the garden, they were unable to cause severe damage to anything else. They hung out on my beans, munching the leaves; but they did not eat the beans themselves. I attribute this to the vast polyculture that I had planted. In addition to numerous herbs and vegetables, I had many flowering plants that I had included to attract the butterflies and hummingbirds. Grasshoppers, mosquitoes, and other pests, have only become a problem because we humans have planted vast expanses of monocultures; but this is not Nature’s way. When we mimic Mother Nature, rather than trying to control her, all species remain in balance.

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I had not realized how anxious I had become about the 2024 election. Today; however, I am overcome with relief. This is not so much because former president Trump has won the election; but because I have seen that more and more people are awakening. Last night the growing Light of peace, harmony, and love for our country began to spread across our nation. It has begun a journey to cast out the darkness. In my heart, I voted for Bobby Kennedy. In actuality, in the end, I voted for Trump, because I trust the integrity of Kennedy. He had implored his supporters to vote for Trump and I acquiesced because I knew if Kamala were to win, our country, and our planet would most likely be headed for World War III.

Today I feel more hopeful than I have felt in a very long time. I remain concerned because Trump refuses to see the devastating effects of fracking. He does not understand the vital need for us to protect all species, to protect their habitats, their water, and their food sources. He does not comprehend our connection to Nature and to the balance that is necessary to ensure the health, not only of the human race, but for the health of all living things on the planet. Like so many, he does not realize that we cannot continue to take from the earth without giving back. Thankfully, Bobby Kennedy has a clear understanding of, and a lifetime of experience interacting with Nature. 

I heard Elon Musk state that he does not believe our planet is overpopulated. He too, needs to awaken to the fact that we are dependent upon the ability of all species to thrive. The planet does not belong only to humans. We are not separate from, but a part of all living things.

Last night the human race took a giant leap forward. If president-elect Trump keeps his promise to Kennedy, to include him in his transition team, we will be well on our way to healing our very broken world. I do not know how quickly positive changes will come about and I am certain that the corrupt entities in the current government will not calmly accept their defeat. I do not know how much longer I will be alive to witness those changes; but I am grateful that my children, my grandchildren, and my great grandchildren will now have a chance for a better future. Their freedom of speech will be protected and hopefully, they will never have to experience the atrocities of war. 

Clearly, this has been an historic election. I will end this on a positive note – although I still do not care for Trump, I believe he is a good person. One thing is for certain and that is his tenacity. Like Bobby Kennedy, he has refused to give up. In the face of so much adversity, censorship, and lies told about them, they have both remained steadfast in their journeys. God bless them both.

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I began following and supporting Robert F. Kennedy Jr. seven months ago, after becoming disillusioned with what I was hearing on PBS and NPR. I have listened to countless videos of RFK Jr’s talks and interviews; and I have been awed by his frankness, his authenticity, his integrity, his wisdom, and his resilience. I was equally impressed by his running mate, Nicole Shannahan. A few months ago much to my dismay, RFK Jr dropped out of the presidential race. I know that many of his supporters were shocked, as was I; and even more so when he announced that he was endorsing former president Trump.

I listened to Bobby Kennedy’s reasoning and I have come to realize that he is our great example, of practicing non-judgement and of being willing to listen to those with whom we may disagree. I learned that like Bobby, Trump too, has been censored, falsely accused, and even targeted in assassination attempts. RFK Jr shared his discovery that he and Donald Trump had more in common than either of them had previously believed. 

Over the course of the past several months my own suspicions about the corruption in our current government have been confirmed – not only by Bobby Kennedy, but by Tulsi Gabbard, who has also left the democratic party. Becoming more honest with myself, it became apparent that I, like so many, have been too quick to judge and form opinions based on hearsay. I have been a strong critic of Donald Trump. Bobby was willing to look for the things that he and Trump agreed on in spite of the fact that they do not agree on everything. In reality, no two people ever agree on everything, but it is through debate, conversation, and compromise that we can come to mutual understandings. Bobby Kennedy has shown us how we can all learn to get along with one another.

Election day is just five days away. I am still torn as to how I will vote. RFK Jr did not make it onto the ballot in Wyoming. I could write him in; but he has asked his supporters to vote for Donald Trump. Trump will invoke Bobby’s help in returning to America its moral compass. Together they will bring us back to a state of health and put an end to the dangerous censorship that threatens all of us.

I never cared for Kamala Harris, even when I listened to her debate prior to the 2020 elections. I intuitively felt that there was something dark and nefarious about her. I sense that she has an icy, cold heart. In fact, I recently learned that as a prosecutor in California, she was arresting parents because their children were truant from school. I am sure that she has some good qualities, but certainly not the qualities that would make her the right choice to be our commander-in-chief. 

In my heart, I still want to vote for RFK Jr., but would this potentially help Kamala and hurt Trump? Our country, and indeed our planet, are on a slippery slope headed for disaster. It is up to all of us to vote from our hearts. I will go in person to vote on November 5th. I do not believe that voting by mail (when we have a choice) affords us the deep sense of belonging and commitment to our duty as citizens. If all voting were done in person, requiring photo ID, it would help put to rest the growing fear that has been generated about voter fraud. If you are undecided, or if you feel that your vote won’t count, I urge you to take this election seriously. Our lives, our country, and our planet are at stake.

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I wish to apologize to my faithful readers, for my long absence. This has not been for lack of things to say; but for lack of energy. Many hours a day for the past six months have been spent weeding, digging, planting, raking, and tending to plants – followed by preparing meals and washing dishes (by hand) before falling, exhausted, into bed. Often, my hands have been too painful to even hold a pen or to type. In addition, I participated in our local farmers market to relieve us of excess produce that we could not use. 

While the demands of the garden have lessened somewhat, the garden chores have yet to be completed. I still must plant the garlic, the spring flowering bulbs, and sow the seed that requires cold stratification in order to germinate in the spring. I will be receiving 10 trees from The Arbor Day Foundation, which need to be planted as well, before we have a hard freeze. We have not had rain for two months, which worries me, although as is typical for this part of the country, the first snow of the season is due to arrive along with Halloween, or possibly a day early.

I still have much planning to do for next year’s garden – installing raised beds, planting a hedgerow, and (hopefully) constructing a greenhouse. I will also be starting a part time job so that I do not succumb to the winter blues. I will aim for posting two blogs per week, since there is so much happening in our world at this time. The conversation here is far from finished, so please do comment, like, dislike, and above all, question everything. Conversation will benefit us all.

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I am re-reading Braiding Sweetgrass, by Robin Wall Kimmerer; which I suspect will become a timeless classic. It is filled with profound wisdom that would appear inconceivable to most people today. She shares in the book the “Honorable Harvest,” the respectful and appropriate means by which indigenous peoples used the gifts that Earth had provided for them. She says that through “practical reverence” we can become responsible stewards of non-human species. By enacting reciprocity through giving back, by never taking more than half, by taking only what is given, and by remembering to say “thank you,” we ensure our continuous supply. 

There no longer seems to be a moral compass guiding our actions. The motivation of most people is deep desire, want, and longing; and a false belief that they never have quite enough. We live in a lavish, abundant universe; but because rarely do we respect, appreciate, share, or give thanks for what we have, that abundance is elusive to many. We often take more than we need. We even take that which is not given. We cling to and hoard what we believe to be ours alone, out of fear of not having enough. We waste profusely and treat what we have disrespectfully. The momentary happiness from having acquired some coveted thing, soon disappears. What remains is an unquenchable desire for still more. Any joy that was believed to have been found in the acquisition of something, cannot be found, because joy wells up spontaneously from within whenever we are giving rather than taking. 

Is this not the key to a happy life? It is in the giving away that we gain the most. The more we give, the more we have. The less we give, the less we have. If we begin each day in gratitude, expectant and knowing that our needs will be sufficiently provided for, we open ourselves to  miracles, both small and large. If we begin each day asking ourselves how we might give back to life rather than asking what we might get from it, we allow for unbidden joy to surface. This is reverence, practical, sacred, sustainable.

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One of the things that I love most about summer is a good rainstorm. I love to listen to the thunder. I love the sound of rain – the pitter patter against the window pane. I love the fresh smell of recently washed air. I love the way my garden responds, as plants that had been languishing in the heat, suddenly perk up and the green becomes greener. Often, the rainstorms are followed by rainbows. 

Yesterday I was able to enjoy three rainstorms. I had driven 30 miles to do some grocery shopping and as I pulled into the parking space at the supermarket, a dark cloud opened up and a deluge of rain burst forth. I had forgotten my umbrella, so I simply sat in my car for the duration, which was just over 30 minutes. I watched as people ran to and from their cars, knowing that for most of them the rain was an inconvenience. Later, on my drive home, I went through another rainstorm and after arriving home, yet another. I miss the long, soaking rains of the southeast. Now I must be content with the short lived rains here in this semi-arid climate. I think it is sad that so many people spend almost the entirety of their lives indoors, insulated from the natural world and from the rain.

I am grateful. I am grateful that I can spend several hours a day nurturing plants, coaxing vines and flowers into colorful displays and caring for vegetables that will in turn care for me. When I work in my garden it is a win-win situation of giving, taking, and giving back again. Rain is more than a gift. It is water in one of its purest forms and every living thing is made up of water. We are essentially water, too. Summer rain reminds me of just how precious water is and how precious is this thing called life.

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My battle with Convolvulus sepium (better known as bindweed) is one that I will probably never win. And, like so many people, I will not resort to chemical warfare because unlike them, I know that it will never be completely eradicated. It is in the same family as the morning glory, but lacking any degree of propriety in the garden. It grows overnight and I suspect, by day as well, never slowing its reign of terror. It loves to grow next to sidewalks and brick buildings where it is difficult to grab hold of. It can completely cover a chain link fence in only a matter of days. It camouflages itself, changing color and leaf shape to impersonate other plants and make itself less noticeable. It slithers up beside your garden plants only to strangle them while using them for support. It sends out a dozen or more winding tendrils from a single root, to out compete not only other plants, but also each other. It grows from its millions of roots underground that descend over 20 feet. It grows from pieces of the root and seeds from its innocent looking white to pinkish flower. If not kept in check, it can smother a garden in no time at all.

Laying down thick layers of cardboard and mulch, as I have done, only suppresses it for a short time. It soon finds ways to emerge from any space left uncovered. It will even grow through the layers of cardboard once it has begun to break down. Landscape fabric, which is often used, never stops it for long. When the fabric is lifted, a thick mass of its roots lie just beneath it. In time, it grows through the fabric as well. Bindweed is in no uncertain terms, tenacious; but so am I. 

After returning home from the garden center the other day and setting down my newly purchased butterfly bushes, I noticed a bindweed vine that I had missed pulling earlier in the day. I immediately pulled it. And then, I saw another. And another after that and another… twenty or thirty minutes later, after having pulled numerous bindweed vines, I finally went inside. The garden that I started only a couple of months ago is slowly beginning to flourish. I will not allow convolvulus to destroy what I have spent endless hours, too much energy, and far too much money creating. I know the only way that I can win this battle is through diligence and persistence. In a couple of years when my perennial plants are established, when they have grown bigger and stronger, and  less vulnerable to the evil vine that threatens them, my vigilance will pay off.  I will keep pulling up bindweed  and I will win. 

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A few years ago, I spent the 4th of July with a friend who had suffered grievous injuries while he was a soldier in Vietnam. He had been exposed to Agent Orange and watched for the remainder of his life, his fingers disintegrating. Orange was an herbicide that the military used to kill the thick tangle of forest, in order to reveal where “the enemy” was hiding. This friend also suffered from PTSD as do many soldiers returning from war. Civilians, too, who have escaped and lived through heavy bombing in war torn countries, live in constant terror from their vivid memories.

Last night I had to endure hours of loud fireworks which were supposed to have been at least two blocks away, but sounded as though they were directly below my bedroom window. Last summer, while living in a town that allowed fireworks, the booms that were set off in the street, just outside our front door, shook the house. Even in those cities and towns where fireworks are illegal, it does not stop the millions of people for whom they are an “amusement.” Human beings have a seemingly insatiable desire to find things to do that they think are fun, regardless of the monetary cost and with complete disregard for their neighbors, their pets, and wildlife. 

With the heat waves and wildfires being brought about by global warming, I do not understand why so many people still choose to participate in this dangerous tradition. They are deaf to the noise pollution, blind to the suffering it causes, and ambivalent about whether or not their actions are causing harm to others or to the planet. I was surprised that the chief of police in this town had posted a reminder to the locals, that setting off fireworks in town was illegal. He reminded them to be in compliance “out of respect for our war veterans.” While fireworks are not legal in the town, they are unfortunately legal in the county. Based on the noise that has been going on for several days leading up to the 4th, and even today while I worked in my garden, not  many people paid attention to his plea. Respect, it seems, has gone entirely out of fashion.

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28 JUNE 2024 MAN OR BOY?

Last night I listened to an interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on the Dr. Phil program. Kennedy was given the opportunity to address many of the issues that we are all concerned about. It was brought out that many people do not -have not – will not take the time to listen to or read what he has to say. They base their opinions on hearsay or they read only the headlines in the news, but do not read the entire story. A few weeks ago I listened to Robert Kennedy interviewing an extremely well educated Amish farmer. The farmer stated that we can actually read faster than we can listen. In spite of not having had formal education beyond the eighth grade, this man had acquired most of his education through reading and life experience. I have heard it said that today’s generation has an attention span of only about 15 seconds. They merely skim the surface and rarely actually absorb information or learn critical thinking.

After the interview with Dr. Phil, I listened to The Real Debate that was streamed through the social media platform X. This was done because Biden, Trump and CNN refused to allow RFK Jr. on the debate stage with them; so unfortunately, it was necessary to listen to the non-stop accusations and bragging of President Biden and Trump as well. Bobby Kennedy was given the opportunity to answer the same questions (on X) that were being asked of the other two on CNN. 

A debate, in my mind, should be the setting for serious discussion and the exchange of ideas. The participant should answer a question by putting forth his proposals and solutions for meeting specific problems. Neither President Biden or Trump acknowledged the existential problems that our nation and our world are facing; nor did they offer any fresh perspectives. When asked what he would do to address the climate crisis, Trump COMPLETELY IGNORED the question and continued talking about the previous question, which was the unfair treatment of blacks. Biden, too, glossed over the climate question and veered off in another direction. Listeners had to endure their childish, derogatory, and belittling remarks of one another and their gloating about their own accomplishments for the entire time.

I have spent the past several months listening to every interview and talk that has been posted on RFK Jr’s website (kennedy24.com) in order to get to know who he is and what he stands for. From these I have learned that he is genuinely honest, moral, and unflappable. His worldly, well-rounded education that he acquired both formally and from life itself, as well as his forty years experience as an environmental attorney gives him a clear perspective. He walks among “we, the people” and does not look down at us from a false and egoic sense of self. He not only sees the problems we face – he asks “why?” He said that we must “question everything” – which is exactly what I said in the book that I began writing in 2013 and later published: Question Everything: Overcoming Passivity in a Perilous World. 

I am sad that so many of my own generation have been sucked in by the lies of mainstream media and they simply repeat the inaccuracies that they hear without actually listening to what Kennedy has to say. If you are concerned about the state of our country, if you are reluctant to vote because you were told that you must choose between the lesser of two evils (Biden or Trump) I encourage you to listen to RFK Jr. and to what he has to say about those issues you care about. He speaks the truth with integrity and respect. The difference between the man (RFK Jr.) and the boys (Biden and Trump) is clear. Who do you want to become our next president this November – a man – or a boy?

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People find all kinds of ways to escape the stresses of modern life. This morning we have had a brief thunderstorm so I am forced to stay indoors for awhile rather than running straight away to the garden. Being outdoors and working and creating gardens in our newly acquired space has consumed most of my waking hours for the past two months. Each day I tell myself I will begin writing this blog again; and yet each day I find myself outside, not wanting to go inside. Before I know it, it is time to go in, make dinner, wash dishes, go to bed, and get up the following day to do it all again.

Gardening is more than just a passion of mine. It verges on obsession. It is my escape from a life that is approaching the finish line. I want – no, I need – to landscape this large yard as quickly as I can. I want to enjoy an abundance of flowers, and hopefully fruit, while I still inhabit this body. It will be several years before I, or anyone, can enjoy the shade and other benefits from the trees that I am planting. It is too late now to plant asparagus – until next spring – and then it will be three years before it can be harvested. Most perennials take at least three years to really get established. In this agricultural community where herbicides and pesticides have been liberally and frequently applied, I do not know how long it will take for the beneficial insects, the native bees, the butterflies, and other wildlife, like toads, to discover the safe habitat that I am creating for them. Clearly, I am on a mission here. I will not stop until I can no longer get up.

When a friend of my daughter saw how much I have accomplished, in the short time that we have been here, she told him that the time I spend in the garden is pretty much “all day, every day.” Today is Summer Solstice; however, and I know I have only a few short months remaining before the brutal cold and wind return. Where will I escape to then?

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