Today, I am reflecting on reflection. Light shines forth from its source, our sun. It is reflected off the clouds to the snow; and then it is further reflected from the snow to the surrounding space. When the sun reflects off a placid lake, it illuminates everything around it. Light reflecting from a pane of glass, or a mirror, is so enhanced that it can be temporarily blinding. When we carry light within our being, it is capable of reflecting back to us, from others, even without their knowing. As our individual lights reflect, they increase and bring more light into the world. If enough of us begin reflecting our light, there is hope that the darkness consuming our planet will disappear.

Much of the country is snowbound today as we are confronted with another severe winter storm. The world feels dark inside our homes and many of us are winter-weary. I am looking at the snow differently now; however. I am noticing that the light reflecting from the clouds is reflecting back to us from the snow, blanketing us in peace. The sub-zero temperatures are seemingly pressing plant life back down into the earth. Many animals in hibernation will remain huddled in sleep, in their dens; but our Earth has begun its trek back towards the Spring Equinox, and the growing light will soon begin to nudge them awake from their restful repose. The green shoots of summer snowflakes, crocus, and grape hyacinths will be poking themselves through the snow and opening flowers to the welcoming light.

Today, I reflect on the growing light of Spring and my spirits are uplifted, knowing that the dark, dreary Winter will soon be overpowered. Spring will win the day and Winter will retreat once again, to prepare for battle with Autumn, later in the year. In spite of the cold today, I am smiling at the snow, because I know its days are numbered.

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