Today marks a brand new day for our nation. I have spent the morning watching the inauguration of our new President Joe Biden. It was moving and it was beautiful to see so many with light emanating from their faces. President Biden’s speech was brimming with hope and confidence. He stressed unity, assuaging the angst of those who had not voted for him and stated his intent to serve all Americans. He reminded us that, “Our democracy is precious. Our democracy is fragile. And, our democracy has prevailed.” He went on to say that, “We do not lead by the example of our power; but by the power of our example.”

I am grateful that the transfer of power was peaceful and that the horrific violence of two weeks ago did not repeat itself. I pray the day will come when the same sincerity and tone can be evoked for our entire planet. President Biden wants to heal the soul of America. I believe our nation, by its example, can heal the soul of our planet.

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At some point racism will cease to exist. White supremacists will no longer be able to consider themselves supreme because the races will continue to become more and more diluted, until no one can claim to be pure anything. Even caucasions can carry the genes of several foreign relations. I, myself, have been born of German, Swedish, and Welsh descendents. There are possibly more, but I have never had my DNA tested. 

At what percentage can you call a person black? If she is 49% black, does that still make her black? If he is 52% Latino, does this mean he is not white? We are often asked (but not required) to check a box stating our ethnicity on job applications and other forms. I had not previously given much thought to this before; but I now realize how difficult that must be for some people. They are being asked to CHOOSE which people they want to be associated with and if they are of mixed race, that could be anywhere in between, or a potpourri of several races. This is so unfair. Frankly, it is nobody’s business! It should not matter because we are all human beings.

I am grateful that our incoming president, Joe Biden, is appointing several people of non-white ethnicity to his cabinet. Trump and his allies may continue to stick their heads in the sand, continue to spew out their hatred for those who have a different skin color, and treat them as less than human. There will probably always be groups of self-righteous people who will find some reason to hate others – if not skin color, it may be a person’s economic or academic status, or their age. Eventually though, all people will come to recognize that we are all related. We are all family, living on one globe. When we remember that the people in our lives are mirrors, reflecting back to us our own state of consciousness, we will come to understand those parts of ourselves that we are unhappy with. When we can see ourselves in others, we begin to close the chasm between us and help to bring back unity to a divided world.

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Twenty five thousand National Guard troops have been deployed in anticipation of more violence, during Wednesday’s inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden. I am grateful that since my daughter recently returned from deployment, she cannot be pulled for this current duty. One of her comrades; however, has been sent to Washington D. C. I can feel the tension mounting as Wednesday approaches. There have already been arrests made of those seeking unlawful entry into the capitol grounds and surrounding areas – a woman impersonating a police officer and a man carrying a handgun and ammunition. 

My memory takes me back to the day John F. Kennedy was assassinated, in November 1963. I was just eleven years old and in the 5th grade. Sitting in my elementary school classroom, I remember the shock and somber heaviness of that day. A radio was brought into the class so we could follow the news. I was too young to fully grasp or to appreciate the gravity of that event; but the feeling of it remains embedded in my soul. I recall watching the funeral procession from our living room as my family gathered around our black and white television.

I think that what our country is facing today, is possibly just as grim as the political atmosphere of the early 1960’s. Today, it is not as clear who our enemies are. There could still be violent Trump supporters within the White House, from the staff in the kitchen, all the way up to the politicians themselves. There could be “bad cops”, traitors, and “wolves dressed in sheep’s clothing”. The evil could be lurking in the very fabric of our democracy. Trained snipers could be hiding in plain sight and even within the law enforcement departments or the military, that are meant to be protecting the incoming president. 

This is not just paranoid thinking. Clearly, the threat is very real and that is why so many soldiers have been called out to confront the possibility, of still more domestic terrorism, not only in D. C., but in major cities around the country. The division in our United States has continued to grow wider over the course of the last four years. Trumpism has been a virus every bit as deadly as COVID, spreading throughout the land and feeding the flames of hatred. It has ignited dissent even among family members and become grounds for divorce. The only way to fight this social virus is to NOT fight it. There is no vaccine that will stop the spread of this malignancy. The only way to banish it is to build immunity in our hearts. We must strengthen our capacity for love. We must enforce within ourselves, empathy and compassion; and we must refuse to lower ourselves to the indignity of contempt and violence. We must become beacons of light and shine that light into every dark corner. Only then, can we preserve the sacred peace and live in harmony with one another.

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I believe that what sets humans apart from other species is not our intelligence; nor is it our opposable thumbs. Numerous other species have been proven to be highly intelligent and many have been shown to use tools with great dexterity and creativity. Some may even be more intelligent that we are. I believe that the greatest flaw in human character is the inability of most, to be content with what is. In short, by creating lives that have allowed us more leisure, we have produced a hollowness, a sense of boredom which we attempt with much futility, to fill. Men, especially, seek adventure. They have a nearly unquenchable thirst for competition, a desire to fight and to prove their strength. In their frustration, they continue to invent new games and new sports to fill that void – or they join the military to fight senseless wars.

Millions of people flock to our national parks each year – not to appreciate the amazing natural landscapes, flora, and fauna, but to climb to the top of treacherous mountains, to descend into deep caverns, to mountain bike ove steep terrain, or to ride the rapids of fast flowing rivers. These sports require all kinds of special clothing and gear. There is no purpose to the dangerous situations in which these people place themselves, other than to feed their bloated egos and provide them a high from the activities that send their adrenaline skyrocketing. From motorcycle riding, to car racing, wrestling, boxing, football, and soccer – to name only a few – this need to feel challenged will always seek an outlet. Those who are not naturally inclined to sports, may turn to gambling or to drugs. 

When human beings were hunter/gatherers, the masculinity of men was put to the test on a daily basis. Hunting was dangerous because we were part of that world known as “eat – or be eaten.” Our modern conveniences have left us up a creek without a paddle. The survival skills of modern man are sorely lacking. In the event of a natural disaster, an economic collapse, or a civil war, we may very well be thrust back into a scenario of “survival of the fittest.” The fittest will not be the ones who can manipulate the world trade market. They will not be the ones who possess guns or the ability to build bombs. The fittest, who survive, will be the ones who know how to grow their own food and who hunt – not for a “trophy” – but to feed their family.

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January is the longest month of the year. Although six of the other months have the same number of days (31) January always seems to drag on and on and on. I know this sentiment is not shared by everyone. There are millions of people who love the cold and winter sports and who have a perpetually higher body temperature than I have. I believe I would be accurate in saying; however, that these people are NOT gardeners. For those gardeners who have the space and for the truly fortunate ones who have a greenhouse, some seeds can be started indoors in late January and all the way up until the last frost date for their area. 

Starting plants from seed can save a bundle of money and provides a greater variety of plants that can be grown. There is also a greater sense of satisfaction as you watch the seeds grow into  tiny seedlings, eventually reaching their full potential and setting seeds of their own. It is difficult to have that same feeling for a potted plant purchased from a garden center and placed in your own garden. It is more like adoption, than “birthing” the plants that you nurture. Perhaps in some way we “bond” with the seeds we plant in a way that simply cannot be experienced in those flowers that we buy already half grown.

As these seemingly endless days of winter march on, I know that in reality we are inching closer to spring. It is the waiting that becomes difficult. It is like putting my life on hold. Winter is an interruption. It is a great inconvenience that I must endure. I await spring like a child waits impatiently for his birthday. I wait and I wait; knowing that spring will come – just not soon enough! Science fiction writer Robert A. Heinlein was inspired by his wife’s comment about their cat, when he wrote The Door into Summer. She said, “He’s looking for a door into summer.” I am looking for that door, too.

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Early this morning I glanced out of the window and saw a robin sitting on the tree branch. It promptly flew away, but left me wondering why it was showing up in the middle of winter. It turns out that robins can be seen year round throughout all of the lower forty eight states; however, they tend to go where they can find a plentiful supply of fruits. I suspect that the robin I saw was merely passing through and may have been attracted by the fresh water I provide each morning in the bird bath. 

Today we are having sustained winds of close to 40 MPH and gusts of over 65 MPH. A small group of sparrows gathered in the tree branches, but they struggled to maintain their grip and quickly dispersed. The bird feeders are swinging wildly in the gales and the birds have retreated to a place safe from the relentless tossing and battering. The squirrels, too, remain hunkered down in their nests and tree cavities to await a calmer hour. My chickens huddle under the protection of the porch steps, in the northwest corner that holds the warmth of the morning sun. I remain within the safety of these four walls, as well. The walls are thin and uninsulated. Even the double paned windows cannot prevent the drafts from finding their way in; and they do little to subdue the howling of the wind, or the crash of branches sacrificed by the trees, that fall with a great bang upon the roof. 

The wind is unnerving. It gets on my nerves and makes me grumpy. I long for the long, soaking rains of Virginia. I long for green, for trees, and the smell of decaying leaves. I am in awe at the few trees that have stood the test of time in this near-desert. Their ability to bend and to withstand the wind’s relentless huffing and puffing is truly inspiring. I know that resisting what is, will only cause my own suffering. I will look at the trees, behold them as a mentor to remind me that I too, must bend. It is only when I remain soft and malleable that my inner strength will provide stability. Resistance does not make us resilient. Resistance impedes our balance. In not resisting, my roots can plunge deeper, my branches spread wider and further. When I cease to resist what is, I have the strength to endure whatever these uncertain times may bring.

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If I had wings, I would fly away from here. I would soar above the rest of the world and seek shelter in the trees. If I had wings, this world could not hold me down and I would know freedom that cannot be imagined by my fellow man. Human beings feel masterful with their huge, cumbersome flying machines. They can fly, but they are not free. I have often thought that birds were perhaps of higher intelligence than us mammals, who are tethered to a terrestrial existence. I believed that since they had evolved sufficiently in consciousness, they had earned the privilege to fly. They have no need for cars or buses, or even bicycles. They do not pollute the air, nor do they require maintenance, or fossil fuels. Like us, they require food and water and shelter, but they can scout it out from the air. It seems that they live a life that I can only dream of – a life of true freedom. Of course, as the saying goes, “Until you’ve walked a mile in my shoes…(or flown about in my wings) you cannot know the many perils I face. 

Life used to be easier for birds. Before human beings encroached on their habitats, food was plentiful. They lived in areas where they were part of a perfectly balanced food web. Today; however, with the introduction of alien plant species, their natural food sources are not always available. There is the added poisoning from herbicides and pesticides that are consumed unwittingly by them. The water that they find to drink is often contaminated. In the case of waterfowl and shorebirds, oil spills caused by humans, covers their plumage, rendering them unable to fly. Other waterfowl may meet with a prolonged and excruciating death, after ingesting lead from the bottom of lakes and ponds, that has been left lying from gunshot and fishing lures. Birds can become entangled in fishing lines left by an irresponsible fisherman, causing them to starve to death, or they may sustain fatal injuries from the numerous plastic, glass, and metal objects left lying about by humans. Larger birds, like swans, often die from electrocution when they cannot see the power lines in the center of their flight path. When adult birds die, their offspring are often left to fend for themselves. Up until the emergence of guns, birds led a relatively safe existence; but when humans began to shoot birds and ducks right out of the sky, many species were subsequently hunted to extinction. Prior to that, birds were trapped and imprisoned in cages, their freedom forever taken from them.

I watch the birds outside my window and I often wish I could share in their freedom; but I know that freedom is a double edged sword. Their freedom is no more guaranteed than is my own. Freedom is a God-given right; but human beings have made prisoners of us all.

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When I was raising my daughters as a single mom, we attended a church on a regular basis. It was known as the Science of Mind, based on the teachings of Ernest Holmes and following that of his predecessors, who originated the New Thought movement. It wasn’t a religion per sé, but a philosophy by which one could change the conditions of her life by changing her thinking. At the end of each service, the congregation would stand, hold hands and sing, “Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.” If you take these words to heart, then you understand that peace must truly begin with each of us, with each relationship we have, each and every day. We must make a conscious effort at all times to let go of judgements, to honor our differences of opinions, and to release any need to control others.

The five days since the insurrection and the domestic terrorism that took place at our White House, has left our country in a state of shock and fear. Now, we not only have ongoing concerns about the worsening of the pandemic; we also have the unsettling possibility that the world, as Americans have come to know it, could erupt in civil war. There is talk about a future collapse of our economy. There is a growing sense of panic among those who do not know how to grow or cook their own food. With so many, who have become reliant on obtaining food and other necessities from their local grocery store, this could result in unimaginable pandemonium. People are buying guns and weapons to protect themselves, because they do not trust their neighbors, should chaos overtake us.

It is more important than ever, that we do not allow fearful and paranoid thinking to cause us to do desperate things. There is a group of people whom Trump has incited and fueled with anger and hatred. They are a threat to our democracy, which is why we must begin now to practice peace and “to become the peace that we wish to see in the world.” Evil will always exist somewhere on our planet. If it is not Trump and his followers, it will be someone else who is just as dangerous. We must rise above and not lower ourselves to their same behavior. Fighting only adds fuel to their hostility. If we make peace our priority, the disdain of those who would try to engage us in war, will dissipate, in the same way that the darkness recedes when the sun rises each morning. We must pray for peace. We must make peace our daily practice. Peace begins with you and with me.

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I was told by a friend that my chickens would not start laying until the spring, so I was pleasantly surprised when I discovered two eggs on the Winter Solstice. They had been laid on the floor in one corner of the chicken coop, in spite of the fact that I have three nest boxes with a fake egg in each. It took only one time; however, of showing Violet the nest box and she began to use it. Within a few days, Ivy began laying too, in the next box. Late last week, Marigold laid her first egg. Buttercup and Iris have not as yet begun laying, but I am sure it will be soon.

I am always amazed when I look at the eggs. They are so perfect and pretty and often, still warm whenever I retrieve them. My chickens are a breed known as Easter Eggers; so they have different colored eggs. The color of their eggs; however, is determined by the color of their ears. Violet’s eggs are a bluish green. Ivy’s are a light brown. Marigold’s eggs are light grey. When the other two chickens start laying, I may not be able to tell whose egg is whose. For now I am enjoying the daily observation. I have spent many years observing nature – swans, various birds, and other animals. It is so enjoyable and I never grow tired of it.They fascinate me, as do their eggs. Their eggs are little miracles that remind me daily of the miracle of life.

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In light of yesterday’s coup at the White House, I know that I, along with many others are holding our breath until Biden is sworn in on the 20th. While I intuitively knew for weeks – months even – that something like this would happen, I was not prepared for the unease and stress that I experienced while watching the news unfold yesterday. Our country has not felt this vulnerable since 9/11; and it is not just from the political division that has been growing more intense. COVID, the enforced isolation, and the loss of income for so many, has allowed fear to engulf large numbers of people. Like cornered and trapped animals, they become unpredictable. This is partly why Trump was able to brainwash and manipulate so many. He fed their fears with lies and hatred, fueling their anger. 

A former army general was being interviewed on PBS last night and affirmed my own angst, saying that, “Trump will stop at nothing to retain his power.” Many people over the past months have alluded to Trump’s similarities to Hitler and to other dictators around the world. Fortunately, most of the other lawmakers have at last concluded that Trump has gone too far in instigating the anarchy and the attack on our democracy that we witnessed yesterday. Even his vice president, Mike Pence, at long last stood against him, refusing to break the law by assuming power he did not actually have.

The next two weeks will keep the American people sitting on pins and needles. Once Biden is sworn in, it is doubtful that Trump will go away; but with enough prayers and enough love our country will emerge from the blight that Trump has infected us with. We must all take a deep breath and face the new day, whatever it brings.

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