I love watching the squirrels outside my window. Their agility, though not necessarily graceful, is beyond amazing. They intuitively know which tree branches are willing to hold their weight, when combined with their speed and the distance from which they jump. Some people, like myself, enjoy the amusing acrobatics of squirrels. We routinely set out the squirrels’ favorite foods of corn and peanuts. Many types of squirrel feeders can be attached to trees, providing them a feeding station of their own, apart from the bird feeders. Rarely does this deter them; however, from making their best efforts to steal the bird seed, since they are also very fond of sunflower seeds. 

Sciurus niger, or the Fox Squirrel, is seen as a problem by some who perceive them as tree rats, rather than tree squirrels. I have had nearly tame squirrels in the past that would take a peanut right from my hand. In fact, the squirrels would run up to me as soon as I walked out my back door, so I made it a practise to keep peanuts in my pocket. I enjoy watching their complicated maneuvers as they hop from the porch roof to the porch railing; and then make a flying leap to the lowest branches of a tree. Occasionally, I hear a thud overhead when they jump from one of the trees to the roof, or when they race after one another across the width of the roof. I often wonder how they can hang on in the 60 MPH plus wind gusts that we often get here. The squirrels do not seem at all hampered or inconvenienced, though, by the challenging wind. 

Watching the squirrels is a form of entertainment for me. Watching any animal, wild or domestic, can teach us so much. When I first began working with swans, my job was to observe and to write down interactions and behavior. Indigenous Americans had a reverence for all animals, and plants as well. Their knowledge was vast because they spent time observing and listening to the animals and plants around them. Modern scientists on the other hand, approach other life forms as though they are mere objects. They isolate, they capture, they imprison, and they torture other living things in order to understand them; but they will never understand because they do not respect life. More people are waking up to the fact that there is vast intelligence in all living things. These other beings are sentient. They can teach us, but we must honor them, listen to them, and realize that there is so much we do not know. We must release our belief in our own intelligence and our own self-aggrandizement if we are to attain true wisdom. They say that when we are ready to learn, the teacher will appear. Our teachers have been here all along, but we must stop our incessant noise if we are to hear what they are saying.

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Recently,  I have been trying to learn the taxonomic names for wildflowers. As one thing leads to another, I became curious about our yearly visit from Punxsutawney Phil. Groundhogs belong to the squirrel family – Sciuridae – and to the genus Marmota. There are more than a dozen species of marmots, but Phil belongs to that group known as Marmota monax. They are known; however, by several names, including woodchuck, whistle pig, and just plain marmot. They hibernate during winter where their heartbeat can drop from 80 beats per minute, to only 5! Their body temperature drops as well, and they can lose up to 30% of their body fat over the winter months. They usually emerge from hibernation around the beginning of March when they can be heard whistling for a mate. The Black-tailed Prairie Dog, Cynomys ludovicianus, which also belongs to the family of squirrels, is not looked upon nearly so admiringly as the groundhog. They have been the subject of many heated controversies between city planners and those who argue in defense of the tiny rodents. In the territorial disputes between humans and prairie dogs, it appears that humans are winning. Groundhogs are loners for the most part; while prairie dogs create underground “towns” sprawling for miles beneath the prairie grasses. Instead of whistling, prairie dogs emit a tiny bark similar to a dog. Despite the fact that prairie dogs serve an important role in the ecosystem, by keeping the soil aerated and providing food for foxes, coyotes, hawks, and other predators, there are simply not enough human allies to aid them.

The tradition of Groundhogs Day began in Germany in 1887, evolving from the Christian celebration of Candlemas. The European hedgehog was used to predict the length of winter, rather than candles. When German immigrants came to America, they decided to substitute our native groundhog for their yearly ritual, in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. It has always seemed rather silly to me because this day falls at the midway point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox; so we are only halfway through winter, whether Phil sees his shadow, or not. I wonder if humans will ever outgrow their perpetual need for fantasy? Punxsutawney Phil is no more real than Rudolph or the Easter Bunny; but we persist in these juvenile stories. I am all for celebrations; but shouldn’t we be celebrating real life cycles and real animals? The celebration of life itself should be a daily ritual. Let’s honor the animals of the world – even the rodents – not as legends, but as our relatives.

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Once was a time when all that we ever needed was provided for us for free. We lived like the buffalo and other animals, taking only what we needed and moving on. There was a symbiotic relationship between the plants and the animals. When the buffalo munched the grasses, it stimulated the grass to grow and the grass was fertilized by the buffalo droppings; so both the buffalo and the grasses benefited in the relationship. The buffalo consumed only about half of the grass in an area before moving on, which allowed the grass to replenish itself. Bears and other animals would arrive at a place where salmon was plentiful at a particular time of the year. They would take their fill and move on, so that the salmon could spawn and ensure plenty for the following year’s cycle. This is the way life on earth was designed. It is cyclic. Everything on, through, and around our planet moves in cycles. 

Early humans honored the cycles of life. They lived in gratitude for what was given to them. They took only half of what was provided. At some point though, we became greedy. We developed agriculture and began to take more than our share. We turned the gifts that Mother Nature had provided us for free, into commodities. And we forgot to give thanks.

We have forgotten how to feel reverence for or to show respect for the earth on which we stand. We no longer tread lightly upon the land, but stomp with heavy feet. We put up fences and falsely believe that we own the property we live on. We pollute our water sources and buy and sell billions of plastic bottles filled with water or sugary drinks. We then pollute the earth further by tossing the plastic into landfills and into the oceans. Acres and acres of land are laid waste to build our homes and streets, our soccer fields and golf courses. We have bared millions more acres through tilling, allowing weeds to take over, and rendering the soil devoid of the healthy organisms that once thrived there. Too many people do not even know where their food comes from. Fewer still remember to say grace before their meal. Mealtime itself, has become a hurried affair. We continue to take more than our share. We must start remembering what we have forgotten. We must remember to take only what we need and we must remember to say thank you.

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In some areas of the country, spring is just around the corner. Late winter bulbs like Winter Aconite, Chionodoxa, Crocus, and the dwarf Iris reticulata will be making their brief appearance. I must be content with the daffodils I purchased at the store. Their cheerful yellow, like big smiley faces, warms my thoughts momentarily; then I remind myself that it is still January. Spring is yet far, far away, no matter how much I wish for its arrival. Of course the arrival of spring all depends on where you live, whether or not the previous occupants planted bulbs, or you, yourself, took up the task of planting them in the last or previous autumns. There is something truly miraculous about these very early spring bulbs. They seem to suddenly appear out of nowhere, thrusting their colorful heads through the snow to tease us out of our gloomy thoughts. Like a friendly smile, they touch that tender place within us and coax out joy and hope, reminding us to never give up; but to “keep on keeping on.” Spring will come.

One day soon, we will look back and the pandemic of the past twelve months will become a distant memory. Life trudges on. Sometimes it seems to barely move and other times it skips or gallops or runs like lightning; but it is always moving. As the very early bulbs begin to die back, they are followed by the early ones – Jonquils (Trumpet Daffodils) Hyacinth, Anemone, and early Tulips. The beautiful thing about bulbs is that they multiply. If you plant ten bulbs this fall, you could easily have twenty or thirty in the second spring following. Their ability to naturalize and cover entire hills and tracts of land, is a reminder of the complex life that lives beneath the soil. They require little care and it is so worth the trouble of planting them, when you are rewarded for your efforts in a few month’s time. They are very much like a surprise gift – or a surprise guest that has come to cheer us. We could all use a little cheering right now. If you do not have bulbs planted near you, purchase some at the store. Then promise yourself to plant some this coming fall. Even if you aren’t going to be there to enjoy them, the bees and early emerging insects will thank you.

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Reproductive health care is every woman’s right, so it is no surprise that President Biden is rescinding the Mexico City Policy, which was a move by the previous administration to prevent abortions. Our bodies do not belong to the government, or to anyone else for that matter. If a woman chooses to end a pregnancy, it is her choice alone. We have hungry children in this country and all over the world. We have children who are starved for love and even for the simple comforts of a roof over their head and running water. We have children whose mother or even both parents are addicted to drugs – or they are in prison. We have too many unwanted children growing up in foster homes. We have irresponsible parents who neglect their children. Most importantly, we have a world that is over crowded with humans, creating an imbalance which is forcing the extinction of thousands of other species.

We have doctors who support lives artificially, rather than letting nature take its course – survival of the fittest. The quantity of human life has taken precedence over the quality of life. The ego has become involved where higher wisdom should have been consulted. While so many children are in need of loving families, couples spend thousands of dollars on artificial insemination, wanting children “of their own”. But, they are ALL our children. Despite our skin color or our ethnicity or our religion, we are all connected. We should ensure the quality of life for all children. We should recognize that all of us will die at some point, regardless of whether we are one month old, 95 years old, or still in our mother’s womb. Perhaps the right-to-life enthusiasts should consider that same right for the animals that lived in the forest they just clear cut – or for the beneficial insects that they eradicated with pesticides. We all deserve a quality life. We all deserve ownership over our own bodies. We deserve the right to choose. May our choices reflect the greater good for the world.

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It is with great relief that I read in today’s news, that President Biden will be “pausing” new oil and gas leasing on public lands, and offshore. This is another step in the right direction. On his first day in office he re-entered the Paris Climate Agreement and repealed the permit for the Keystone pipeline that Trump had foolishly pushed forward. There will no doubt be pushback and disagreement by those who remain ignorant and stubborn in their refusal to acknowledge climate change. Our new president’s purposeful steps to combat this serious problem does not currently prevent extraction on private, state, or tribal lands; but at least it is a step.

I am encouraged that the Biden Administration is looking at the big picture. They know that simply putting a stop to current practices will do little to reduce greenhouse gases. It will basically require the revamping of nearly every aspect of modern human life. As more people become aware of the problems our world is facing, there will be more who join the ranks of those seeking solutions. We must work towards and quickly reach that place where we are no longer dependent on fossil fuels. We must arrive at a new paradigm where electric cars, solar power, and sustainable farming are the rule and not the exception. When the race consciousness arrives at knowing that we are NOT separate from nature, but PART OF IT, we will be able to make giant strides in our human evolution. We must step down from this false mountain of superiority before it crumbles beneath us, or melts like the polar ice caps, dropping us to our demise. Instead of trying to control nature, we must approach her with humility and reverence so that she can teach us her mysteries. By seeking her wisdom and not merely intellectual knowledge, we are taking the first step, merging onto the highway of global healing. If we are to stop the devastation that has been left behind, by greedy perpetrators who never looked back, we must get their attention. We must help them to see where they have been blind. We must ask them to change their ways – not for themselves, but for their children’s children’s children.

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Early this morning I sat watching snowflakes falling softly from the sky, accumulating on top of the bird feeders, the porch railing, and the ground – each one taking a slightly different path before silently disappearing into the blanket of other snowflakes. There was no struggle among them. They were simply free-falling, allowing their short lives to take them where they needed to be, to become the life giving substance for thirsty plant roots moving beneath the soil, or for a bird stopping off at the birdbath to clean its feathers. 

We have had snow off and on for several days now. Two days ago, I brushed 6 ¾ inches of the fluffy stuff off my truck. It’s lightness made it easier to remove from the top of my truck, which stands several inches over the top of my head. This snow was not wet enough to make a snowman, or to form a snowball to aim at an unsuspecting friend. Although I do not like snow because of the unbearable cold that accompanies it; I find it very beautiful. I know that this dehydrated landscape welcomes it and that it will settle the ever present dust, at least until the wind returns.

I am learning about swales in my permaculture class. These are shallow depressions made to follow the contour of a property and aid in slowing down the flow of water. I have long known of the important role a rain garden can play in helping to arrest water runoff. A rain garden helps to prevent the excess nitrogen from fertilizers, from running off the landscape into the sewer systems where it carries away precious topsoil. Contaminated rainwater can end up several miles downstream, killing off fish, invertebrates, and amphibians. I have used rain barrels in the past, desperately trying to save as many gallons of rainfall as possible. It helps to  minimize the need to water the garden from city or well water. What I have recently come to understand, is the necessity to SLOW WATER DOWN. By channeling and redirecting the flow of water that nature provides for free, through a property, we make it available to the trees, shrubs, and gardens growing there. The excess then has the ability to percolate slowly through the soil to replenish aquifers. We can create swales, redirecting water into a rain garden or into a pond; thereby creating a more diverse landscape in the process. 

Last summer, during the few rains that this area saw, I watched helplessly as water ran away from my garden into the driveway. I filled every available bucket that I could find; but did not come close to capturing even a fraction of what ran down the driveway and into the street, depriving my garden from this rare and valuable benefit. With my new understanding, I can prevent this shameful waste of our most precious natural resource in the future. By creating swales, rain gardens, and ponds; and by designing my gardens according to the contours of the land, I can slow the flow of water, keeping it on the property and protecting it from drought. Today, as I watch the snowflakes continue to fall, I am seeing them in a brand new way.

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So many of our expectations for ourselves have been based on what society or our parents expected of us. Seldom have people asked themselves what they truly want, because the need to conform and to comply has been instilled in most of us from early on in our lives. For generations past, men were taught that they should acquire a wife, along with a degree, a prominent position in society, and a home. Women were taught that they should find a husband and provide their parents with grandchildren. If we were married and had a spouse, we were generally accepted into the folds of society. Our place in the community, if we were men, was based on our ability to acquire and to achieve. If we were women, we were expected first to serve our husband by performing wifely duties and only then, and only if it did not interfere with our primary duty, we could pursue our own career. Thankfully, times have changed. The stigma of marital status; however, remains with us. We have had but one president – James Buchanan in 1856 – who did not bring a wife with him to the White House. In his case, the role of First Lady was filled by his niece. 

The times are changing still and they always will; usually progressing in baby steps, but sometimes in milestones. The election of Barack Obama was a more recent milestone. With Kamala Harris as our new vice president, we have taken yet another giant step; and we now have a Second Gentlemen instead of a Second Lady in the White House. Perhaps one day, in the near future, we will see an indigenous American hold the highest office in our nation. A new generation of women are becoming inspired and motivated to ask their own hearts to guide them, rather than an outdated social construct. 

In 1969, the musical group, The 5th Dimension, recorded their song, Aquarius. Many believed at that time, that we had reached the dawning of a new era. According to some astrologists, the planets are moving from the age of Pisces into the age of Aquarius. There has been disagreement as to when the new age will actually begin, and controversy as to the changes that it will bring about. One thing I think we can all agree on, is that 2020 was a year of great change, of great loss (of lives, due to COVID) and of great achievement (the election of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris). Mine was a generation who believed in the power of love and of peace. In their song, The 5th Dimension suggests that the Age of Aquarius  will usher in “Harmony and understanding, sympathy and trust abounding.” While none of us knows for sure what the future may bring, their lyrics implore us to, “Open up our hearts” and “Let the sunshine in.”  We can set aside the outdated ideas of “acquiring” and set our sights instead, on achieving equality, freedom, and well-being for all.

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Once upon a time winter was a quiet time. The other day I was walking in the cemetery, but it was not quiet. Three employees walked along with leaf blowers attached to their arms, blowing leaves into a pile. At least they were blowing them in the same direction that the wind was blowing – at 40+ MPH. The cemetery is planted with numerous evergreens, mostly blue spruce and ponderosa pine, but all of the lower branches, up to about 15 feet, have been cut off. I presume this is to prevent them from growing over the tombstones that have been adorned with garish plastic flowers and angel figurines. The desecration of and the deprivation, by the removal of the trees’ lower limbs, detracts pitifully from their beauty. They are further violated when they are starved, by removing the fallen leaves that would have fed the soil beneath them, which in turn would have fed the trees through their roots. This is all done in the name of dead bodies that are no longer occupied by their former souls.

This morning there is a neighbor across the way cutting a mountain of firewood with a chainsaw. Added to its intrusive hum are the snowblowers that join in harmony to remove last night’s freshly fallen snow. All of this noise, all of this disregard for life is considered normal. Both the people creating the noise, as well as those who must listen to it, simply block it out with headphones blaring in their ears, or by turning up the volume on their TV’s; but there is no escaping the noise. Even in the few remote areas, the quiet is often disturbed by an airplane or a drone flying overhead. 

The quietness of a winter’s day has been lost to most of us. The quieting of our own mind is the best that we can hope for.

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For most of my lifetime, I have lived in a youth oriented society. Age, wrinkles, grey hair, and slowness are eschewed by most of the younger generations. There is an overwhelming collective behavior among women, to color their hair, get breast implants and other cosmetic surgeries, wear layers of makeup, and dawn false eyelashes and false fingernails. Both sexes have become preoccupied with their bodies by engaging in running, cycling, working out, and participating  in numerous sports. While their credentials and financial status, and their position in life provides them security and a false sense of self-worth, few of them possess wisdom.

There once was a time when elders were respected and looked up to for their wisdom. They were treated with kindness and some degree of reverence. This was especially true among indigenous societies. As an adolescent, my own grandmothers were dearer to me than any other adults in my life. I cannot say that my own grandchildren feel the same for me. Since my daughter’s return from deployment one month ago, she and my granddaughter have been living here with me. My granddaughter has not spoken ten words to me during that time. I gave up years ago, trying to establish relationships with my grandchildren. They barely acknowledge my existence. They live for the most part, un-disciplined, self-absorbed, and with their heads staring into their phones. I asked my granddaughter, when she came home from school yesterday, if any of her teachers had talked about the inauguration. She had no clue that it was a historic day. She did not know that we had just witnessed sworn in, our first ever female and black vice-president. And, she could have cared less.

Today I am grateful that we have a wise elder in our White House. Many complained that he is too old. They complained that Bernie Sanders (who would have also made a great president) was too old. I know that President Biden’s forty plus years of experience and his accumulated wisdom, is exactly what our country needs at this time in history. I do not know; however, how to change the prevailing attitudes about age. I am reminded of the 1970’s song by Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young, Teach Your Children. “Just look at them and sigh – and know they love you.”

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