This time last year, there was tension about the upcoming vote. The rift between the “Trumpsters” and the Democrats had grown so wide, that divorce ensued among those who could not tolerate the different political view of their spouse. Later on, after the inauguration and the attempted coup on our white house, divisions grew wider based on those who were appalled by what happened, and those who supported the mutinous behavior.The animosity between the pro-lifers and those who advocate for women’s rights is becoming even more contentious. Racism has once again risen up, demanding that we confront that which has yet to be resolved. Now there is yet another elephant in the room, of haves versus have nots, of pros versus cons, and police brutality versus people of color. We now have the vaccinated versus the un-vaccinated.

 We have the “science is fact” group versus “freedom of thought” group. The truth is that science does not necessarily make something true. Many scientific “facts” that have been proven, were later un-proven. How often has the Food and Drug Administration approved a drug, and then a few years later, removed it from the market? Science is probing. Science is asking questions and trying to understand. Science is forming hypotheses and allowing a margin for error. It is experimenting, wondering, attempting to shed light on what we do not understand. Too many people today have relinquished power to the field of science, falsely believing it will provide them the final word. This is not unlike the power afforded to the Christian church a few centuries ago. 

Science is only one means of learning about the world we live in. Meditation and living in harmony with nature can often answer the same questions, without the need for test tubes, charts, graphs, and human interpretation. Intelligence has been given precedence over wisdom. Those who are blessed with wisdom are not often given the respect they deserve, because others want to see physical “proof”. This division between those who seek to control through science and force, and those who answer to a higher power, trusting their own intuition, must be sorted out. We must look for common ground among those whose beliefs are different from our own. Those who believe in the science and who dutifully received their vaccine, believe that they are protected. Those who choose not to subject their immune systems to what they believe will compromise them, should not be forced to do so. I, for one, know that I am healthy. I have a healthy immune system, and I refuse to dwell on thoughts of sickness. My choice not to receive the vaccine, harms no one else. Those who choose to get the vaccine, harm no one else. If it harms no one, do what you will. (The Wiccan Creed).There is no problem here, so why are we creating one? We should instead, learn to live and let live, and close the great divides that separate us.

Posted in OCTOBER 2019 | Comments Off on 19 OCTOBER 2021 DIVISION


This morning I read about a woman who was clearly one of the most courageous ever. Megan Rice was a Catholic nun and she was a peace activist. She had been arrested and spent two years in a federal prison while she was in her 80’s. She had broken into a government complex to protest the harboring of nuclear weapons. She died recently at the age of 91.

In the 1971 film, Harold and Maude (played by actress Ruth Gordon) Maude rescues a dying tree from the city, intent on driving it to the forest in order to save it. She was a Holocust survivor about to turn 80 years old.  

I am not nearly so courageous as these women. My own peace activism is carried on behind the safety of my computer. Throughout history in nearly every country, women have banded together to protest war and march for peace. They have marched for women’s rights, civil rights, and voting rights. They have come from all walks of life. They have protested through songwriting and acting, through writing and uniting. They have fought for human rights and animal rights. They have been young and old; but there is no denying that a woman on a mission is a woman to be reckoned with. You have probably heard of the famous quote from a line in the play, Mourning Bride, written by William Congreve: “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.” This sentiment usually refers to a woman who has been rejected in love; but I believe it reflects the enduring strength of women. From ancient times when women were marked as witches, tortured, hung, and burned at the stake, to the present day where in some countries they remain under the control of men, women are fighting their way back to equality.

We are the birth givers for a reason. A lactating mother can nurture her child with limitless tenderness and patience; but when that child is threatened, a terrifying fury is unleashed. We women are more powerful than we know. United, we can change the world.

Posted in OCTOBER 2021 | Comments Off on 18 OCTOBER 2021 COURAGEOUS WOMEN


Even if climate change was not a serious threat affecting life on our planet, we would still be in serious trouble from the pollutants in our environment and the poisons that are finding their way into our bodies. We have air pollution, light pollution, noise pollution, and the pollution that has infiltrated our waterways and oceans. Our soil too, has been contaminated from the acid rain that falls upon it, seeping down into the groundwater. Some plants, such as those commonly used in a rain garden, can help to mitigate the pollutants before they run downstream, or reach the underground aquifers, but the aquifers are drying up. We are running out of water.

The astronomical number of poisons that have permeated our world is frightening. Most of the chemicals that we are exposed to every single day are not natural ones that were already here before human beings inhabited the planet. They are the result of scientific meddling and the development of highly toxic substances for which we do not know the ramifications. Every day new poisons are being manufactured in laboratories. Since these chemicals are man-made, our greatest error is in assuming that they are safe. A poison is a substance that is capable of causing illness or death in a living organism. For the past 100 years, or more, new “products” have been produced on a regular basis. Unlike the venom from a snake, very few of these poisons will bring about instant death. Chemically produced poisons act more slowly, upsetting the delicate balance within and weakening a normally healthy body. 

It is being shown that numerous toxic chemicals have penetrated nearly every body on the planet today. We breathe, eat, drink, and absorb through our skin countless toxic substances on a daily basis. There are poisons in our carpets and furniture, in our clothing and personal care products, in our laundry and cleaning products, and in our food. If that were not enough, we ingest pharmaceutical drugs – and possibly some illegal ones. Far too many people still smoke cigarettes, which affects the non-smokers through second hand smoke.

People are getting sicker and sicker. Our pets, too, are succumbing to many of the same illnesses. Cancer and autoimmune diseases are on the rise. Those who become sick, go to the doctor where they are given still more chemical substances in the form of drugs and vaccines, in the erroneous belief that one man-made drug can overcome the effects of another. They live under the illusion that the doctor will rid them of their ailments, not realizing that in most cases, they are providing them with more ailments. Those who are sick, or the loved ones who care for them, are gullible targets for the drug companies and the doctors peddling their drugs. They are convinced that any one of four different vaccines will save them from COVID19 and they never stop to consider the effects that taking the vaccine will have on their overall health. It may save them from COVID, but what new affliction will befall them and what bigger price will they pay? Fortunately, not all of us are so easily tricked.

Posted in OCTOBER 2021 | Comments Off on 15 OCTOBER 2021 POISONS


I have asserted for years that we should not be wasting money on space exploration, treating  our planet like a worn out toy that can be discarded and replaced with something new. After all the hype of yesterday’s SpaceX launch, I was delighted to hear that Prince William’s views are in alignment with my own. In an interview for the BBC, the prince said that we are robbing from our children and “that’s not fair.” I know that a growing number of younger people are feeling this and we need to be doing all that we can do, to deal with the damage that has already been done. Prince William stated that “we should be trying to repair this planet – not trying to find the next place to live.” He goes on to say, “…no more clever speak, clever words – not enough action.” It is time to stop simply talking and lamenting about climate change. It is time for bold and innovative solutions.

I believe what we need is to adopt a code of earth etiquette.The dictionary defines etiquette as the customary code of polite behavior in society or among members of a group. We are all members of this earth group and we are citizens of this planet. To be polite is to show behavior that is respectful and considerate of other people. Should we not treat this planet, that is the very source of our life, with nothing but politeness? The definition of “ethics” is the moral principles that govern a person’s behavior or code of conduct. In our human advancement, we have left those moral compasses and rules of etiquette behind; but should we not have them today as the guiding principle in all that we do?

Prince William has joined forces with Sir David Attenborough to launch what they are calling “Earthshot”. It is a challenge to scientists and others to undertake the huge task of finding answers to our most pressing problems, and to reach for a Nobel prize in environmentalism. They hope to change the prevailing attitudes of doom and gloom and to loosen the grip of anxiety that has befallen so many people. It is a challenge to transform the prevailing negative attitudes into ones of positivity, hope, and possibility. We all need to be on the same page, the page that will take us to a happy ending.

Posted in OCTOBER 2021 | Comments Off on 14 OCTOBER 2021 EARTH ETIQUETTE


There are a few animals that seem to have taken the brunt of much human loathing. These animals have been hunted, poisoned, trapped, killed indiscriminately, and brought to the brink of extinction. Coyotes, wolves, and snakes are bitterly hated by many farmers and ranchers. The ranchers see as though with blinders that narrow their sight. They act without conscience or remorse. They care only about their own bottom line, refusing to look for a middle ground in which they might be able to coexist. 

Wolves and coyotes live in similar habitats and hunt similar game; but wolves, being carnivores, eat mostly deer and elk, and occasionally bison and moose. Coyotes are omnivores and have a varied diet of rabbits, birds, snakes, lizards, mice, cactus fruits, and sometimes insects. They help to regulate other species like fox, raccoons, and skunks. Both are considered to be keystone species. Coyotes are smaller than wolves and wolves will eat coyotes given the opportunity. Wolves were killed by farmers and ranchers without restraint in the early 1900’s. They were a keystone species in Yellowstone, and when they were gone coyotes moved in and overpopulated the area, since there were no more wolves to keep them in check. All of the other species down the food chain began to be affected, throwing off the balance of the entire ecosystem. It seems that throughout the past 50 years, wolves have been relisted and delisted from the endangered species list in states like Montana, Wyoming, and Idaho; but it appears that the ranchers are winning again, at least in Idaho. When Trump was holding office, he removed the grey wolf from the endangered species protection. Yesterday an agreement was reached allowing up to 90% of Idaho’s wolf population to be killed. Contracted hunters are allowed to use any means necessary to eradicate the wolves – snowmobiles, helicopters, traps. They can even kill them at night when they are sleeping. A group of high school students in Boise had been studying a particular group of wolves since 2003. Recently it was discovered that federal agents had gone into the mother wolf’s den and killed eight pups! 

Imagine the uproar that would explode should human babies be slaughtered in the night. Will we ever learn that other species have just as much right to be here as we do? Will we ever learn that every living thing has a purpose for being here? Will we ever learn to value life itself as much as we value our money? We perceive these animals as our enemies. Our perception is clearly distorted.

Posted in OCTOBER 2021 | Comments Off on 13 OCTOBER 2021 PERCEIVED ENEMIES


Oil spills have been occurring for more than a century worldwide. The BP oil spill that occurred off the Gulf of Mexico in 2010 was the most disastrous. We only hear about the big ones, but they happen on a regular basis. According to some reports, they have been decreasing, but why have they not stopped entirely? The most recent spill that happened along Huntington Beach in Orange county California, released more than 125,000 gallons of crude oil into the sea. It is responsible for the deaths of still more fish, birds, marine life, kelp forests, plankton, sea turtles, and invertebrates. Slapping the companies with huge fines and requiring stricter management of oil rigs will not bring that life back. The media reports on the financial loss and the impact on residents, visitors, and tourism – but there is rarely much concern shown for the non-human loss of life. It is the economic loss resulting from such spills that is foremost in their minds.

I like to think that there will come a day when we no longer rape the earth, when forests are allowed to grow and the science of solar power replaces our current methods of extracting a living. It is unlikely to happen in my lifetime; but I will continue to speak up and to care for my planet in hopes that I can add to the tipping of the scales back to a state of normalcy. I will continue to strive to mimic Mother Nature and to be aware of my carbon footprint. I will try to live by example and to be the peace that I wish to see and to know that there are others like me. I cannot change the world, but I can do my little part each day to ease the pain in our world.

Posted in OCTOBER 2021 | Comments Off on 12 OCTOBER 2021 OIL SPILLS


It is long past due, but gratefully President Biden has stepped up to the plate to recognize the indiginous Native Americans, Native Alaskans, and Native Hawaiians who have lived on this land for hundreds of years prior to the European settlers. This second Monday of October has been celebrated for more than 200 years to honor Christopher Columbus; but as most know, it was the Vikings and not the Italian explorer, who first discovered America. Indiginous Peoples Day was created to honor the culture, language, customs, and contributions of the native citizens of this country. It is a beginning, but infinitesimal to making the reparations that these people are due. South Dakota replaced the national Columbus Day holiday in 1990, with Native Americans Day. Several other states have followed suit with their own descriptive names, as well as different dates, but until today, these were not federally observed holidays. A few were celebrated in addition to Columbus Day and others dropped Columbus Day entirely. I am not clear if Biden’s proclamation means that Indiginous Peoples Day is meant to replace Columbus Day, but I doubt that many of the people living here today give a hoot about Columbus.

In Canada, the second Monday in October is celebrated as Thanksgiving Day. Since winters are more brutal in the north, it makes sense. Canadians do not make as big a deal of the holiday as do Americans; and until recently, they have not adopted the consumer craze of Black Friday and Cyber Monday. It does seem fitting that their Thanksgiving coincides with Indigenous Peoples Day since the first Thanksgivings were celebrated with Native Americans alongside white settlers. 

It seems that nearly every day of the year has been proclaimed to honor someone or something. In addition to the well known Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, there is a Grandparent’s Day (which few people know about) Secretary’s Day, National Nurses Day, and Women’s Equality Day, to name only a few. I am not sure why we find it necessary to set aside days to observe these things. Celebration seems to be embedded in our DNA and human beings love any reason to party. Each day; however, should be a reason to celebrate – and honoring and respecting one another should be imbued in all people.

Posted in OCTOBER 2021 | Comments Off on 11 OCTOBER 2022 INDIGINOUS PEOPLES DAY


Sometimes I contemplate the amount of change that I have witnessed in my lifetime, now more than half a century. I often find it hard to comprehend that I already have two great-granddaughters and another great grandchild on the way. Then I consider the trees. 

California is known for many things, mostly for its beaches and its progressive attitudes. Earthquakes have remained a subtle concern for those living there, but more recently it is the droughts and wildfires that have its residents on edge. I have made only a couple of short visits to the state, but what impressed me most were the giant redwoods and sequoias. The wildfires have burned more than 3,000 square miles this year alone. Last year, more than 10,000 of the giant sequoias were destroyed. 

The loss of a human life is sad. The loss of any animal or bird, especially the extinction of entire species, is heartbreaking; but the loss of trees, some of which are more than 3,000 years old, is beyond devastating. The Sequoiadendron giganteum, or Giant Sequoia, is one of only three species of redwoods. They are found in a small, isolated area of only about 4,000 square miles, to the west of the Sierra Nevada mountains. They can reach a height of between 250 to 350 feet, depending on conditions. The oldest living and most well-known Giant Sequoia, named General Sherman by the botanist who had served under General Sherman during the Civil War, is estimated to be around 2,500 years old, give or take a few hundred years. The oldest sequoia known to have lived, was 3,266 years old! 

The coastal redwoods, Sequoia sempervirens, occupy a thin strip of the northwest Pacific coastline, stretching into the southern edge of Oregon. The Metasequoia glyptostroboides, or Dawn Redwoods, have a considerably shorter lifespan, but they are one of the tallest trees overall and they are faster growing than their cousins. All three redwood species are threatened.

When I think about what these ancient ones have lived through and what they have witnessed, I am filled with  great reverence for them. What ancient mysteries and wisdom lie within their enormous trunks?  These stunning and enchanting trees remind me of how insignificant my own life is in the whole scheme of things. They remind me of how precious life is. I will pray for these trees. I will pray that they are protected from the devastating wildfires so that they can continue to inspire us and watch over our Earth, like royal kings and queens.

Posted in OCTOBER 2021 | Comments Off on 8 OCTOBER 2021 THE ANCIENT ONES


Yesterday I walked outside midday, to find the air filled with the delightful sound of birds flying overhead. I knew at once that these large flocks heading south for the winter were not Canada Geese. Their call was a kind of staccato. I did not have my binoculars so I could not be certain if they were Whooping Cranes or Sandhill Cranes; but I suspect the former because of this part of Wyoming being so near Nebraska. The Platte River Valley has been a stopover for migrating Sandhills for thousands of years. It was a warm, clear October day and I was mesmerized at the beautiful sight and sound of them as they travelled together in their V-formations, moving fluidly across the sky. It filled me with joy.

I called for my daughter, who was in the house at the time, to come quickly so that I could share this brief, but beautiful gift. I felt privileged to be a witness to their great journey. Unfortunately, my daughter chose to rain on my parade by reminding of the hunters that she knows, who are happy to see the cranes as well – only for a different reason. The Sandhill cranes are protected in Nebraska where it is illegal to shoot them; but there is a farmer here who floods his fields every fall, creating a temporary wetland to lure them in. This also attracts many species of ducks. They insist that this is not “baiting”, which is illegal even in Wyoming. But, that is exactly what it is. They trick the waterfowl so that they fly towards the water and stop to fill their stomachs with the remaining grain. Then they are shot. This is no different than setting a trap for a wolf or a coyote or even a mouse. There is no thought to the suffering they are inflicting on another being. The hunters of today do not fight or hunt or play fair. The truth is that human beings are not nearly as strong or as fast as those species they kill. Their brains have figured out ways to outsmart them, but only by disconnecting their hearts. They use all sorts of decoys and whistles to imitate the animal that they are hunting. In many cases it is only to acquire a trophy and impress their buddies. 

One day when all of the wildlife has been either hunted to extinction or their habitat has all been covered over in concrete, what then will the hunter do for recreation? Perhaps humans will begin hunting one another. When there is nothing left to hunt or to kill or to eat, will we at long last realize our errors? Will the human race awaken before it is too late?

Posted in OCTOBER 2021 | Comments Off on 7 OCTOBER 202 CRANE MIGRATION


To become thoughtless is to become free of thinking. According to the dictionary, to be thoughtless is to be inconsiderate or uncaring. It is to be unthinking, which most consider to be impolite. They do not understand that the thinking mind is driven by the ego. In psychoanalytic terms, the ego is that part of the mind that mediates between the conscious and the unconscious. The problem is that the unconscious has taken over control of the mind, in a never ending stream of thinking. The ego gives away its power to the unconscious mind and is swept along on the current of toxic thoughts. These thoughts in turn give rise to emotions that continually feed the ego. The ego, like a hungry wolf, allows its hunger to take over, feeding on the emotions which produce more toxic thoughts in a continuous stream. 

Throughout the ages, men and women have sought to slow the wild meanderings of the mind. They have entered into monasteries, subjecting themselves to strict codes of conduct and spent their days in quiet contemplation and prayer. They have spent entire lifetimes seeking God and peace and denying physical comforts in the effort to escape the blaring, raucous noise of the voice inside the head. They have meditated and engaged in yoga practise and attended retreats in an attempt to be free of the self. 

Disempowering our ego is kind of like trying to teach an old dog new tricks. It has been running our lives for our entire lives. It can be obstinate and exasperating to deal with. It is especially contrary during the middle of the night when sleep refuses to come. I think that Eckhart Tolle provided one of the best examples for learning to quiet the mind, which is to observe a cat watching a mouse hole. The cat is attentive to the moment. He is watching. He is listening. He is not distracted by judgement, anxiety, or fear; but fully intent on his task. He is thoughtless. We, too, have moments that completely engage us and crowd out the noisy chatter that is always seeking our attention. It is in those moments that inspiration alights, sometimes because we have invited it, and sometimes it arrives and surprises us. These are the moments worth living for. These are the moments, when we are thoughtless, in which we are immersed in grace.

Posted in OCTOBER 2021 | Comments Off on 6 OCTOBER 2021 THOUGHTLESS