I was looking ahead in the Farmer’s Almanac at weather predictions for the next two months. That four letter word – cold – was quite over-used in my estimation. Seriously, could it be any more dismal? Why, I wonder, did human beings evolve without any fur or feathers to keep us warm? I would gladly trade in my fashionable garb for a permanently warm covering of feathers that are waterproof. In fact, I would gladly accept a pair of wings along with the feathers so that I could fly off to a tropical paradise, instead of having to pile on 4 or 5 layers of clothing. 

If four letter words must be used, could we use the seldom used one – warm? In all honesty, I prefer the three letter word – hot. I envy those people who can regularly walk around in a single tee shirt and bare feet, in the middle of this bitter cold. I could not tolerate the cold even when I was a child. I am most comfortable when the outside weather is between 75℉ and 80℉, but I often have to wear socks to bed even in summer, because my feet are perpetually cold. Of course I know that complaining does no good. The ego loves to complain. So, I accept the cold. 

I will invite four letter words that bring forth a feeling of warmth. Grow. Seed. Soil. Rain. Tree. Now these are four letter words that make me smile.

Posted in FEBRUARY 2022 | Comments Off on 24 FEBRUARY 2022 FOUR LETTER WORD


Why do we not have laws to prohibit planned obsolescence? Instead of deliberately creating products that will become obsolete within a short time, and marketing them in such a way as to make consumers’ think they need them, why can’t companies make things of quality that they can be proud of? How does this effort to deceive and capitalize on the unknowing public, serve anyone? 

The beginning of industrialization was akin to opening Pandora’s box. It released a swarm of greedy, ambitious businessmen with dollar signs glowing in their eyes. They sought only to profit without a thought about future consequences. For thousands of years prior to automation, things were created out of necessity, thus the English proverb, “Necessity is the mother of invention.” Before the making of things by machines, things were made by hand, by skilled artisans who took pride in their work. Their skill, detail, and beauty is still evident today in some of the antiques that have been preserved. The few possessions that people had were well cared for and they lasted. They were often passed down from generation to generation.

As people began leaving the farms and self-sufficient ways that had been a way of life for many, to go to work in factories, they lost their sense of purpose and became no more than a number to their employer. They lived only for their paycheck at the end of the day. This meaningless life has become normal for a lot of people. They live paycheck to paycheck. They are victims of  gorilla marketing that seeks to make them spend their meager, hard earned money on useless stuff. They are urged to build credit and their debt soon overwhelms them. They become hoarders, falsely believing that the next thing they purchase will make them happy. But it rarely does. 

Younger generations of today do not appreciate or value what they have. Their throw away mentality is like a disease slowly eating away at our finite planet. We are all too familiar with the limited lifetimes of kitchen appliances, vacuum cleaners, electronics, and the automobile that turned out to be a “lemon.” Companies stand behind their products for only one year. They urge people to purchase, at an additional cost, extended warranties that are supposed to protect them when the product fails. In most cases, this only puts more money in the pockets of the product makers. It is a high price for the consumer to pay for a little assurance.

We are a world of too many people with too much stuff. We produce too much trash. We have too much food and water going to waste. It is time we all learn that less is more.

Posted in FEBRUARY 2022 | Comments Off on 23 FEBRUARY 2022 PLANNED OBSOLESCENCE


The Coca-Cola Company may soon face a rising competitor. In spite of its 125 year longevity, a new product developed by the Dutch could supplant Coca-Cola as the leading beverage company. A bubbly, turquoise blue soda, made from spirulina, a form of algae, has been produced by scientists. The beverage, called Ful, is being made in a brewery that produces food grade CO2 which feeds the blue-green algae. The process is carbon negative so it is good for the environment in addition to being a far healthier beverage choice than Coke. The beverage provides vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, chlorophyll, and chelating elements, which aid in removing heavy metals from the body. It is currently being made available in white peach or lemon ginger flavors. Coke, on the other hand, provides no nutritional value and is reported to contain 9 teaspoons of sugar in every can. This can lead to hypoglycemic crashes in those who drink it. It can lead to high blood pressure, obesity, and diabetes. Coke can even clean your toilet – so imagine what it might be doing to your stomach!

While the Coke company claims that their product is now sold in plastic bottles that are recyclable, a mere 30% of them actually make it to the recycle center. The company is responsible for a major portion of the plastics that are now in our oceans. Coca-Cola fought to eliminate the “deposit for return” on bottles that had been in place since the 1930’s, believing that it would negatively affect their profit. Even if they do a major overhaul of their packaging, so much damage has already been done. The fact remains, Coca-Cola is not in business because they care about the health of the people who buy their products. It does little to quench one’s thirst. Unfortunately, Coke is only one of their roughly 200 products sold in packaging that is not recycled. And, let us not forget their other competitor – Pepsico…

I suspect that many people on the planet today have never tasted pure, fresh water. In a world that has become addicted to flavored, bubbly water substitutes, Ful may be an answer to a growing problem, both in terms of human health and the health of our planet. My own beverage of choice is almost always pure, clean water.

Posted in FEBRUARY 2022, JANUARY 2022 | Comments Off on 22 FEBRUARY 2022 BEVERAGE OF CHOICE


Iceland will no longer be issuing whaling permits and current permits will expire at the end of 2023. The International Fund for Animal Welfare, with the help of their slogan, “Meet us – Don’t Eat Us,” says there is no longer a demand for whale meat. Prior to 2003, which ended a 13 year ban on whaling, it had been going on for centuries. In addition to their meat, whale oil was used as lamp fuel. The ban was put in place because of the serious decline in their numbers. The more recent project has encouraged the public to “whale watch” and it has garnered tremendous support from visitors as well as Icelanders.

GreenPeace has also worked hard to help our oceans recover from overfishing. They have compiled a list of 22 species that consumers should avoid purchasing and eating, because they are threatened with extinction. Fishing practices have destabilized oceanic ecosystems and the food chain of fish species. In those fish that are “farmed,” still more problems have ensued caused by the non-sustainable farming methods. 

Halibut is a favorite fish of mine and apparently others, but its popularity has left it vulnerable to overfishing for most of the past century. Albacore tuna, a migratory species, has become a regular item in most peoples’ pantries; however, unless the tuna that is purchased has been pole caught, the consumer is unwittingly contributing to the problems being created by longlining methods. This method of capturing the tuna results in other endangered species being caught in the nets along with them. Sea turtles, sharks, and even seabirds are often trapped in the tuna nets. The decline of predatory tuna, also from overfishing, is impacting the entire ecosystem. Pirate (illegal) fishing has exacerbated the problem. Atlantic salmon is becoming extinct in many rivers where it is normally found. Farming salmon is depleting the food that salmon eat. It is creating disease in the salmon, which are treated with herbicides and pesticides, which further compromises the health of the salmon and the surrounding wild species. The dredging of Atlantic sea scallops is destroying the seafloor, corals, and sponges. Thousands of Loggerhead sea turtles are killed in the process. Orange roughy, another popular fish, live up to 149 years old in the wild, but they have been brought dangerously close to extinction.

In short, our oceans are in serious trouble – not only from the millions of pounds of plastics that end up in them – but from our blatant disregard for the life that inhabits them. You can learn more about the endangered fish on the GreenPeace website. It is becoming apparent that we must all begin to look for new ways to satiate our human hunger. We need to consider consciously and carefully, the meals that we create. We do not need large amounts of meat, or fish, in our diets. We need to eat meals with ample, organically grown vegetables and fruits. We need to include other sources of protein, such as mushrooms, to replace meat and fish. We need to question our obsession with taking vitamin supplements, which also put animals and sealife at risk. We must begin to replace our human greed with common sense, if we are to return our oceans, our forests, and our planet to a state of balance.

Posted in FEBRUARY 2022 | Comments Off on 21 FEBRUARY 2022 WHAT NOT TO EAT


One of the things I dislike about living in the arid midwest, is the deceptive sunlight streaming through my windows. It is bright and sunny and deliciously warm when I am sitting in front of the window, but when I step outside I feel a cold blast of air hit my face. The shocking cold of temperatures that still haven’t made it out of 20℉, combined with sustained winds of over 25 MPH, feels like an insult to my body. Next week is expected to be “bitter” cold for a few days – with daytime temperatures barely rising above 0℉. This is probably normal for those living in Alaska and other areas in the far north, but it is next to intolerable for many of us. 

The weariness and dreariness of winter will maintain its grip here for another 3 months. I have lost track of how many times it has snowed since mid-October; but March is usually the snowiest month in this part of the country. Of course, the water is needed so I don’t complain too much, but I am a passionate gardener who feels like a prisoner when I cannot be gardening. The only way for a gardener to survive in a place like this, is to have a greenhouse. Alternatively, I could move to Hawaii, if there were not so many other things to consider – like being near family and having an infinite supply of money. It would be easier to be a migratory bird so that I could simply lift off and fly away to a warmer climate.

It is not actually the snow that I mind. It is quite lovely when it is freshly fallen, twinkling like billions of diamonds in the moonlight. It is the tedious and strenuous shoveling that causes my fingers to freeze. It is the layers upon layers of clothing that I have to wear to stay warm, to the point where I can barely move. It is not being able to open my windows for some fresh air. Mostly though, it is the deprivation I feel at not being able to garden. I strive to make the best of the situation. I can take advice from an expression I heard recently: “Suck it up, Buttercup!” I will sit in front of a sunny window whenever possible, as deceptive as it may be. I will accept this interminably long winter and if I am lucky, perhaps spring will arrive a little early this year.

Posted in FEBRUARY 2022 | Comments Off on 18 FEBRUARY 2022 DECEPTION


It is in today’s news that Donald Trump’s accountant has stopped working for him. It was obvious over the past several years that Trump had not come by his money honestly. His immature behavior at having lost the election only emphasized the lack of integrity by which he has conducted his life. Karma is seldom instantaneous, but it is as certain as the rising of the sun each day. I believe that more and more evidence will be revealed over time, of the precarious position that our country was in during the time that he held office. I am still baffled by the large number of people who practically worship the man. It makes as little sense to me as the gestapo that followed Hitler’s orders.

They say that desperate people do desperate things. Victor Hugo’s tale, Les Misérables, is a poignant illustration of this. Stealing a loaf of bread when you are starving is a desperate act. On the other end of the spectrum, people with millions, who suddenly lose it all, resort to acts of desperation as well. In Trump’s case, he was desperate to hang on to his position, to feed his narcissistic personality, so the attack on our capital was his attempt to hold on in whatever way he could. This man will never give up the need to satisfy his ravenous hunger for power. Prison or death are the only means by which he will be prevented from wreaking still more havoc on the world.

Karma is real. What we think about all day long, what we say, and what we believe to be true, combined with our actions, produces our reality. We get exactly what we give in life. Those who only take will have to pay the piper at some point in time. There is a collective consciousness and collective karma, too. We should give careful thought to those people, groups, and belief systems that we choose to follow. We have the freedom to choose every moment, whether our actions will add to the good of life, or add to the suffering. Choose wisely.

Posted in FEBRUARY 2022 | Comments Off on 17 FEBRUARY 2022 KARMA


Yesterday I talked about the importance of mulch in your garden and around your landscape plantings. The most common mulch is shredded hardwood or pine bark mulch. Not only does it provide all of the benefits that I previously mentioned, but it also adds to the aesthetic appearance. Plants just look better when they are tucked into a bed of fresh mulch, like a picture looks better with a mat and a frame surrounding it, or a window with a curtain and valance. You may have seen trees in public settings with thick donuts of mulch around them. This; however, is the wrong way to mulch. The mulch should be no higher than the base of the tree or it will invite insects and disease that can bore beneath the bark, eventually killing the tree. The mulch should be spread out to the tree’s drip line if there are no other trees or shrubs near it. This will ensure that the tree’s roots are protected. It will conserve moisture so that the roots continue to grow down into the soil and do not rise above the ground level in search of water.

There are other materials that can be used as mulch, such as straw, leaves, compost, shredded paper, or cardboard. Stay away from cedar mulches. They will deplete the nitrogen levels in the soil that is needed by the plants. It is slow to break down (turn into soil) and is even toxic to some plants. Whatever you use for mulch, DO NOT use rubber mulch that is made from used tires! It is highly toxic and leeches heavy metals and other unhealthy substances into the soil. When rain water moves the soil into the waterways, it can even kill fish miles and miles away. One of the selling points for it is that it deters harmful insects, but it also deters the beneficial ones. Since it does not break down, the soil is never replenished and the health of your plants will continually go downhill. When temperatures rise in the summer, the smell of rubber mulch is really awful – like the smell in a tire shop. It is also highly flammable – not a good combination for areas that are already experiencing drought. Once rubber mulch has been put down, it is nearly impossible to remove. In short, rubber mulch is toxic to people, pets, and wildlife, so for the sake of everyone on the planet, do not purchase or use it!

In arid climates it has become a common practice, especially around public buildings, to use rock in the landscape. Rock comes in all colors, shapes, and sizes and it does not need to be regularly replenished like wood mulches. In reality though, rocks and pebbles are usually unsightly. Weeds grow through them and germinate on top of them, and they are generally at some stage of death by Roundup®. Rocked landscapes are often riddled with trash and cigarette butts, adding to what is already an area mostly devoid of anything green or colorful. Rock can absorb a lot of heat during the day, especially when temperatures are already soaring, and those plants that are not tolerant will literally bake in the sun. The rock adds no measurable nutritive value to the soil and if there is foot traffic, the soil beneath it becomes compacted. In most cases, landscape fabric has been placed on the soil beneath the rock, literally suffocating it. I could go on about the evils of landscape fabric, but I will leave the subject here for you to absorb. 

We really can all do our part to begin reversing the damage to our planet. Little things, like being a conscious consumer, will make a big difference. We begin by questioning. Then we act upon the wisdom we receive.

Posted in FEBRUARY 2022 | Comments Off on 16 FEBRUARY 2022 MULCHES


It takes very little space to grow a bountiful harvest of food. Planting shade trees is of prime importance, although we need not limit ourselves to only those which will benefit future generations and not our own. There are numerous smaller sized trees that will bear fruit within a few short years. We can follow the example of the British by creating espaliered trees to grow up the side of our house, garage, or shed. We can opt for hedge rows in place of privacy fences. We can consider the possibility of making a green roof on top of a garage, shed, or part of our main residence. As an alternative to a formal hedge, or to the common sprawling evergreen surrounding a home’s foundation, we can intersperse fruit bearing shrubs such as blueberry or cranberry. We can include raspberries, and blackberries as understory plants where they receive only light shade. Grapes can be grown on existing fences and other tall structures such as arbors. Highly nutritious Jerusalem artichokes can be grown as a temporary privacy screen. 

In addition to providing food for ourselves, planting a diverse array of plants, known as a polyculture, helps out the wildlife that visit our yards. When we plant both deciduous and evergreen trees, we provide shelter and habitat for many bird and insect species. Ornamentals add beauty to our landscape, but if we strive to plant mostly native plants, we ensure food for native fauna. Pawpaw trees are a small understory tree that bear small, edible banana-like fruits. More importantly, it is the host plant for the Zebra Swallowtail butterfly. Sunflowers will bring numerous birds to your yard and several parsley plants will provide for many species of butterflies. A wide range of flowers and herbs will bring in native bee species, as well as honey bees, that are necessary for pollination. The more diversity that you can create, the less chance there will be for disease or insect infestations to attack your garden. With so many areas suffering record drought conditions, it makes sense to use what little water is available to grow food, in lieu of trying to maintain a ravenously thirsty lawn. Green grass may be pretty to look at, but it offers nothing to us – or to wildlife – in the way of food.

The most important thing you can do in your yard is to maintain a 3” to 5” layer of mulch around your plantings. Mulch can be obtained for free at local landfills that offer free curbside pickup of branches and leaf debris. Home improvement stores generally put their mulch on sale a couple of times throughout the gardening season. I cannot stress enough the importance of mulch. It protects your soil and your plants roots, especially during winter when as the ground freezes and thaws, it can heave plants right out of the ground. It helps to maintain moisture, preventing the topsoil from being blown away in the wind (think of the Dust Bowl during the 1930’s) or being washed away in a heavy rainstorm. It helps to slow down the movement of water, allowing it to percolate slowly into the soil, making nutrients available to the plants. It prevents the cracking and crusting that happens when soil is left bare to the elements. It reduces weeds! It helps to prevent soil borne diseases that happen as a result of water splashing onto the leaves. Large, heavy plants like pumpkins, watermelons, cucumbers and squash are kept off of the soil surface, also lessening the possibility of infestations. Soil that has been mulched will warm up more quickly during the spring thaw, allowing for an earlier planting of annual crops.

If you are considering planting a garden this spring, use this planning time to get creative. What can you do in your existing yard, to make it more wildlife friendly and also provide free food for your family? Many beautiful yards have been implemented by completely eliminating grass or having it only serve as pathways to garden areas. Whatever you decide to do as you are re-thinking your yard, remember to mulch, mulch, mulch!

Posted in FEBRUARY 2022 | Comments Off on 15 FEBRUARY 2020 RE-THINKING OUR YARDS


I remember, back in grade school, we had to decorate shoe boxes and  make a small hole in the top, large enough for someone to slip in a valentine card. We would buy silly valentines that came in packages of 20 to 30, sign them, and give them to every other student in our classroom. Sometimes, in the afternoon, we would put away our school books early and have a “party” that consisted of having a couple of sugary treats and perhaps a small juice. These were usually brought in by a couple of the students’ mothers who had volunteered to host it. We would then read the valentines that we had received in our box, in hopes that we had one from a boy (or girl) we liked, or hoping we did not get one from someone we thought we did not like. 

What was the point of all this? Was it early training in the social expectation that we should all one day find that perfect someone, marry, and live happily ever after? As I look back on all of the subtleties, I can see the many ways in which our culture has “trained” us for eventual courtship and nuptials. Getting a good job, falling in love, marrying, and having children are what is expected of us. 

The lucky children are those whose parents have taken the time to teach them that they are valuable all by themselves. They do not need anyone to complete them. They are already whole. Better still, are those children who have grown up knowing that they have a choice about whether or not to bring more children into the world.

Love is a beautiful thing when one finds it. It seldom lasts for the duration of one’s life. As adults – Valentine’s Day – this human invented holiday is a reminder for unattached individuals of how alone we are, but it can also symbolize the broader spectrum of love. We can use the day to recall past lovers, our mothers, our children, our special friends, and our pets who have loved us. We can remember those people who make us feel that our life matters. We can make this a day for self-care, knowing that regardless of our current status, we are all lovable.

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Human beings are inclined to pass judgment – on one another, on animals, on plants – even on the weather. Of course it is natural to have likes and dislikes and to be more drawn to one thing, rather than another. This is what makes us individuals and not simply clones. Problems arise; however, when we allow our egos to convince us that we are right and those people or things that do not agree with us, are wrong. We have formed our own opinions, or simply accepted someone else’s opinions as fact. We have been told that plants which seem nearly unstoppable in their growth, are weeds. Those plants which we do not find aesthetically pleasing, or that do not provide us food, are eradicated, as though they are our arch-enemy. But, in spite of our cursing them – verbally and chemically – these plants continue to not only survive, but to thrive. They have learned to adapt.

There is not a scientific classification for weeds. Weeds are plants that are opportunistic. Generally, they are non-native plants that have found themselves on foreign soil where there is little competition. They take advantage of the bare and depleted soil that we have left for them and proliferate at an astonishing rate. Being opportunistic ourselves, we should appreciate this trait in those plants that are able to withstand environmental changes. Our world is changing very rapidly. Species that are not able to adapt to the effects of global warming, or to human encroachment on their habitat, will – and are, becoming extinct. 

As our planet continues to warm and as we face more devastating global events, we must learn to think outside the box. The “weeds” that are growing around us can teach us. The fact that they are growing in a particular area tells us what type of soil they are growing in. The weeds are not “bad”. They are showing us what conditions exist for them to thrive, so that we can learn what it is we must do to adapt. They are our teachers and we can learn from them. Every living thing on this planet is undergoing change continually. The speed at which these changes are happening is increasing exponentially. If we ourselves do not learn to adapt and use this opportunity to learn from our mistakes of the past, we too might perish.

Posted in FEBRUARY 2022 | Comments Off on 11 FEBRUARY 2022 OPPORTUNISTIC