I love sharing good news whenever I am inspired by something I have heard or read. I want to pass it on to inspire others. The arrival of spring signals breeding time for most species. Unfortunately for many, their lives are interrupted by human activity, putting an end to their chance at perpetuating their own kind. The melting snow and warmer temperatures awakens sleeping frogs, toads, salamanders, newts, and caecilians. These amphibians require vernal ponds in order to feed and reproduce. The springtime wetlands, temporary ponds that form in late winter and early spring, and dry up over the summer, are imperative to the survival of these seldom seen species. Due to human encroachment and the building of roads that interfere with the annual journey of these animals to their breeding ponds, many are now facing extinction.

I remember when I was caring for swans in Virginia, driving in heavy spring downpours. Thousands of frogs were jumping across the road in an effort to reach the pond on the other side. I had to creep in my truck, as slowly as possible, to ensure that I did not run over them. I was happy to hear that recently, a stretch of road in London, England has been closed to traffic for a period of three weeks, in order to allow frogs to complete their migration. Volunteers are serving as “frog patrol” to divert drivers to an alternate route. 

I believe that most people care about and want to help wildlife when they can. The problem is that too many people remain ignorant about the millions of other species we share this planet with. When they are educated about those species that they previously knew nothing about, they are then motivated to change that which needs changing. People say that they love animals, but all too frequently their concept of animals is limited to domesticated dogs and cats. Humans have contributed knowingly, and sometimes unknowingly, to the disappearance and peril of thousands of species. It is high time we recognize the error of our ways. All animals – birds, amphibians, insects, fish, and predators of every kind need our help now – if they are to survive. Just like automobiles are required to yield to pedestrians, we need to yield the right of way to them. It is only by helping Nature that we can help ourselves.

Posted in MARCH 2022 | Comments Off on 24 MARCH 2022 RIGHT OF WAY


A lot of people were seduced by Donald Trump’s rhetoric that we should “make America great again.” Some are now realizing that he was only spouting hot air and there was no substance to the lies he was feeding them. The truth is, America has always been great – at least up until the time that Europeans came to “settle” it. America was great with large herds of buffalo grazing on native grasses. Its forests were lush and beavers maintained the wetlands for the salamanders and frogs. Our rivers ran clear. Eagles hunted from overhead and migrating birds did not face potential death from power lines, wind turbines, and glass paned buildings. The native people respected the land and walked lightly upon it. There were no fences, no roads. There was no noise and no light pollution. The seasons were mostly predictable.

Greed could well be mans’ biggest folly. Greed has harmed our world in more ways than we can count. We take what we want with no thought for our neighbor or for our childrens’ childrens’ children. The worst part is that we all know better. Whether we acknowledge it or not, at the deepest depths of our hearts, we know that hurting another only hurts ourselves. America is great. I am not talking about man-made America. I am talking about this land we call our home. We sing, “This land is your land, this land is my land…” so let us become good stewards of this land, our America. Right now she needs more than ever, our love and our respect. She needs our tender, loving care. We must save this America, if we are to save America.

Posted in MARCH 2022 | Comments Off on 23 MARCH 2022 AMERICA


When your world suddenly falls apart or if you are a Ukrainian whose neighborhood has just been blown up, you are suddenly faced with having to make a decision which you are not equipped to make. As one Ukrainian woman said on the news, she did not know whether to stay or to flee. A couple of months ago, those living in Boulder had only moments to decide to leave their homes, ahead of devastating fires that were sweeping through the area. 

We all make decisions continually, all day, everyday. We make them automatically, such as getting out of bed each morning and going to work or to school. Some decisions may require more thought, like what will we eat for breakfast? Should we begin the laundry first, or take out the trash? Should we wear the red dress, or the black one? Sometimes our decisions are major ones, such as buying a house or a car. We may lie awake at night wrestling with pros and cons of one decision versus another. The decision to marry or to divorce may happen quickly even if it has been contemplated for a long time. Sometimes we make snap decisions and sometimes, later regret them. Doctors working in emergency situations must learn to make a decision rapidly, with little or no time to consider if it is the right one.

People caught in tsunamis, floods, tornadoes, and hurricanes have only moments to gather loved ones and flee – or take cover. Those facing fires have only seconds. The people who are bombed have no time at all and if they survive, there is no time to grieve. They must look for loved ones who may also still be alive; or flee for their own safety and maybe the safety of their children (born or unborn) leaving their dead behind. If their home has been destroyed, staying may not be in their best interest. They may no longer have potable water or food, heat, or a means of communication. If they leave, where will they go? Millions of Ukrainians have now fled or been displaced from their homes, because one man made the decision to destroy those in his neighboring country. One man’s decision can be far reaching. One man can, with the touch of a button, set off a nuclear bomb or release deadly chemicals from his warfare arsenal. One human being can destroy most of the life on this planet. It is only our collective prayers that can stop him.

Posted in MARCH 2022 | Comments Off on 22 MARCH 2022 DECISION MAKING


It is the Spring Equinox – not Christmas, not Easter, but the promise of spring – that should delight our souls. It should be, not presents beautifully wrapped in shiny paper and ribbon, stacked beneath an artificial tree, but the tiny heads of crocus poking their heads out of the snow, that cause us to sing with joy. It is the Equinox, and not the Solstice nor its modern equivalent, that should be celebrated. Instead of going about business as usual, should not the Spring Equinox be the cause for the greatest celebration of the year? I propose that this day, that heralds spring and the return of life, should be pronounced a sacred holiday. Work and school should be forbidden as we acknowledge the birth and awakening of new life. Tiny insects emerge to feed on the nectar of early spring flowers. Birds are preparing to mate. We are reminded that new life always comes forth from the detritus. 

Even the least awakened among us, cannot ignore the message of spring. The sight of a flower unfurling from its bud, a baby animal being born, a tree bursting into bloom overnight, and the warmth of the sun as it melts the last remnants of snow cannot help but tug at the heartstrings of the most hardened heart. The signs of spring remind us that regardless of what we have done in the past, or what has been done to us, life is ever changing. There lies a seed within all  our hearts that knows it is a part of everything. It knows that we are here only to love – and to be loved. It too, is attempting to push through the rocks and debris of our ego, to reach beyond those places where we have closed our heart, to finally emerge, awakened, into a new spring.

Posted in MARCH 2022 | Comments Off on 21 MARCH 2022 AWAKENING


I have been immensely grateful that laws were passed to prevent smoking in public buildings; however it has not completely eliminated the problems created by smokers, for non-smokers. I grew up in a household where both parents smoked, resulting in my having asthma for several years. Once I was out on my own, I was able to avoid being around smokers. I have not used an inhaler for many years now, but from time to time I run across a situation where I am exposed to cigarette smoke. My lungs immediately begin to close up. Simply walking past a smoker, I can immediately smell the foul odor emanating from their clothing.

The motel that I have been working in is the least expensive motel in town. The building is supposed to be a non-smoking facility and each room has a no-smoking sign posted on the door. Unfortunately, since I work at the front desk checking guests in, I often have a difficult time. Smokers, who have been driving for hours in their cars with the windows up, reek of smoke. The smell is sometimes so strong that I struggle to breathe while I process their reservation. Some smokers do not respect the no-smoking rules so we can sometimes smell it seeping under their door into the hallway. Those who smoke in their rooms are charged a $150 cleaning fee. This; however, does not take care of the problem. The building itself has no windows that open. Since it is a two story building, it would seem that this would render it as non-compliant to safety standards should there be a fire.

A few days ago we had to clean a room that had been smoked in. The housekeeper sprayed something in the room that supposedly gets rid of the smoke, although most likely it only covers up the smell. She asked me to go into the room to see if I could still smell smoke, but I could only smell the chemical she had sprayed profusely. My lungs began to close up immediately and I had to exit the room as quickly as I could. I am also sensitive to most cleaners, air fresheners, dryer sheets, hair spray, dust, and many of the other toxic chemicals that are prevalent in our environment. Laws don’t stop behavior and many people view laws as another one to break. After arriving home from work last night, my clothing and my hair smelled of cigarette smoke – from spending 8 hours in a non-smoking building! My lungs were congested and they were burning when I went to bed – and they are still burning this morning. It is disheartening. Smoking is a problem that has merely been masked and not truly solved. My heart goes out to the children who live with parents who smoke.

Posted in MARCH 2022 | Comments Off on 18 MARCH 2022 LAWS DON’T STOP


Not having been raised Roman Catholic and, to my knowledge, not having a drop of Irish blood in my ancestry, I have often wondered just what all the fuss is about. Why do we get pinched if we don’t wear green on this day? What do shamrocks and leprechauns have to do with it and who was this saint who went by the name of Patrick? Patrick lived in the 5th century and it turns out, he was actually British. He returned to Ireland after having been captured by the Irish and later freed. He is celebrated for having brought Roman Catholicism to Ireland upon his return there. The leprechauns are a holdover from the strong Celtic influence prior to that time. They are known for their mischievousness and apparently enjoyed pinching people; however, if you wore green, you became invisible to them. Leprechauns are not necessarily good or evil, but more like a fallen fairy – kind of like human beings. The three-leaved clover, or shamrock, is representative in the Catholic teachings of the father, son, and holy ghost.

There was a devastating potato famine in Ireland in 1845, so many Irish families packed up and moved to America. Their numbers in this country grew and sometime in the 1600’s they began to have parades commemorating the death of St. Patrick. The parades have become a big deal all over the country for Irish Americans and a symbol of their Irish pride. 

In spite of not being Irish, I have always been drawn to the beauty of Ireland, as much, if not more so than England. There is a beautiful ancient quality about these places. The mild climate, the ample rainfall, and the surrounding seaside pull at some part of me, from a far off past. Today; however, it is the green that beckons me. All things green speak to the gardener in me. I dream of lush forests while I am imprisoned in this snow-covered barren land. I will cover myself in green clothing today, in celebration of and perhaps in anticipation of, spring and rain and green.

Posted in MARCH 2022 | Comments Off on 17 MARCH 2022 ALL THINGS GREEN


There is a small percentage of human beings who view other peoples’ tragedies as their opportunity. They are called plunderers. They apparently never stop to consider the suffering that the other may already be experiencing. They care only about themselves and believe that they must take what they want, not realizing that we live in an abundant universe. They judge others by what they perceive so if they perceive that another has more than they do, they justify theft as a means to get what they want. This would include the large number of people who are addicted to drugs and who would throw any sense of moral right or wrong that they may have had, out the window, in order to get their “fix.” 

We are all beginning to feel the pressures of rising prices at the gas pump, due to the war between Russia and Ukraine. The price of groceries have been going higher and higher from the lingering effects of COVID. The ensuing panic at its onset, that caused a buying frenzy of toilet paper and other essential items, may have only been a sampling of what is to come. In recent days those with a hoarder or “taker” mentality are siphoning gasoline from vehicles that do not belong to them. They perceive that those with full gas tanks are better off than they are, but their perception is often yards away from the truth. A woman may be working two jobs to feed her children, making it necessary for her to have a full tank of gas. Another person may need to make regular doctor appointments or attend the funeral of a family member. The person they steal from might be on a limited income with only enough gas to last them for a month at a time. A man informed me yesterday that he had just had his car stolen, along with his wallet and driver’s license and credit cards – and his service dog! The takers; however, do not care about those they steal from.

Things could get worse. They could get much, much worse. We need to be diligent about locking our doors and keeping a close eye on our own and our neighbors homes and vehicles. More importantly, we must resist falling into fear. F.E.A.R. is a trap of false evidence appearing real. We can surround ourselves with protective light and remember, always, that God alone is our Source. That which is rightfully ours cannot be taken from us. Everything we have in life is a gift. Our attitude of gratitude will ensure our continual supply, regardless of the “takers” in the world.

Posted in MARCH 2022 | Comments Off on 16 MARCH 2022 TAKERS


I have been contemplating how very fast most species are able to move. Lions, cheetahs, wolves, horses, and even house cats, being predators, must have speed to match that of their prey. In fact, the expenditure of energy necessary, say for a lion, is so great that after they bring down a large gazelle, they must sleep for several days to recuperate. Birds of prey, as well as passerines, fly at phenomenal speeds that when combined with exceptional precision, allows them to snatch their meal in the blink of an eye. Flocks of starlings and schools of fish become as  one, shifting and turning in dance-like movements. Mice skitter across the landscape and bats fly like jets through the night. Bees zip from flower to flower. All are in a rush to eat and reproduce the next generation within the duration of their lifespans. Snakes may appear to move slowly, slithering over rocks, but their strike is lightning fast. Human beings too, tend to run hither and yon, always rushing and hurrying somewhere, only to discover that they have suddenly grown old.

Turtles; however, are rarely in a rush. They move slowly and methodically and never seem to be in a hurry. Not surprisingly, they have one of the longest lifespans of any mammals. Jonathan, a tortoise living in the Seychelles Islands, has been recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records as being the oldest known living land animal. They suspect that he may actually be more than two centuries old! His eyesight is gone, but his hearing is still good. He is being cared for by a veterinarian to ease his future transition.

Due to their mild manner and unhurried motion, tortoises in general live anywhere from 80 to 150 years. Instead of looking for medical “miracles” to extend our human lives, what if we simply adopted a lifestyle more like that of turtles? If we slow down, taking each day as it comes, we may not only live longer; but we might enjoy good health while we are living our lives.

Posted in MARCH 2022 | Comments Off on 15 MARCH 2022 TORTOISE


No one would argue that our brains are overloaded with a lot of useless information. I watched a program about a family living off the land in Kentucky, during the Great Depression. They were musicians and I marveled at how they knew the words to songs even though they did not know how to read or write. Without television, radio, phones, and internet to distract them, they had ample sapce in their memories’ reservoirs for song lyrics.

In our technologically savvy world we have a constant stream of information bombarding us from all directions. Our minds are kept busy even when we should be sleeping, trying to sort through and file the sensory overload we deal with on a daily basis. There is much that we do not understand about our brains. For some reason that I cannot fathom, I always remember that March 14th was my step father’s birthday. We did not like each other, so why on earth do I remember his birthday, but I can barely remember the birthdays of my grandchildren? Why do I recall my phone number from when I was a child, but I cannot remember ones that I may need today? Why do songs get stuck in my head – even ones that I have no recollection of recently hearing – but were probably playing in the background while I was grocery shopping? Why do certain phrases of something someone said to me years ago, stand out above 99% of all the other things they may have said?

Communication is a complicated thing. Other species communicate with their own, as well as other species. Elephants are known for their excellent memories. Memory is based on experience that varies for each person, experiencing the same event differently. Good communication can be complicated and yet it is vital to our existence. Decisions and choices are made not only on current information, but on the accumulation of stored memories. The only way to find clarity amidst the din and noise of modern life, is to seek that quiet place within. We must escape on a regular basis to that silent space, through meditation, a walk in the woods, or a regular yoga practice, where we can separate the wheat from the chaff, so to speak. It is from that silent space where we can close the door long enough to hear the still, small voice within; that we know the decisions we make are crystal clear.

Posted in MARCH 2022 | Comments Off on 14 MARCH 2022 SENSORY OVERLOAD


I am on my second cup of coffee and still awaiting the appearance of my muse. She is running late today, sleeping in I suppose, to hide from the cold and the wind. After five months of snow, wind, and frigid temperatures, we have both grown weary and long for some green, even knowing that the Wyoming spring is still nearly two months away.

My kitten has more energy than he knows what to do with. Having munched the tops of the tulips I am forcing indoors and knocked things off of shelves, he has grown bored of his toys and of watching the birds and squirrels through the windows. The mice videos on YouTube have also ceased to hold his attention, so at long last he settles down for another nap. I cannot help wondering if the young bears, that have been hibernating with their mothers, are also growing claustrophobic and testing the mothers’ patience while being confined in their dens. I watch the birds quarreling at my bird feeders. Everywhere I look it seems there is anger and hostility. My work at the motel brings in frustrated guests because they are tired of driving and the highway closes when the wind gusts and blowing snow make for treacherous travel. Pain bodies, which are egos that have suppressed trauma, emerge to cause mischief.

My muse is here at last and this is what she is saying to me: Whether it is the rude cashier at the supermarket, a cranky toddler, a misunderstanding with a partner, a corporate entity that evades blame, or a country that wants to dominate, we are all challenged each and every day to practice love and compassion. We are given numerous opportunities to remain steadfast in our resolve to be the peace that our world so desperately needs. We must forgive ourselves and others for any slights that we perceive and remember that each moment is a new moment to change a frown into a smile.

Posted in MARCH 2022 | Comments Off on 11 MARCH 2022 PATIENCE