I cannot say for certain where my own love for swans originated. Swans have been loved for millennia by kings, queens, regular people, and peasants alike. Swans have been the subject of art and a symbol of grace and beauty, not to mention one of the most beloved ballets of all time – Swan Lake. And let us not forget the immortal story of The Ugly Duckling.

Here in North America, we have two swan species that are native – the Trumpeter swan (which was nearly hunted to extinction) and the Tundra swan (formerly known as the Whistling swan.) We have a growing population of Eurasian Mute swans. Swans, like nearly all bird species, mate in the springtime. During that time they will defend their nest; and after their cygnets have hatched, they will, sometimes confrontationally, defend their family. I often receive phone calls this time of year about aggressive swan behavior, injured swans, or swans that are in need of rehoming. These are almost always Mute swans, or occasionally Black swans that are indigenous to Australia. The Mute swans and the Black swans are somewhat domesticated and they are the ones that are usually seen in parks and on private ponds. If the cygnets are not promptly pinioned or wing clipped, they will fly off the following spring when the parents kick them out. Each spring, bonded pairs will attempt to nest and produce another brood, so it is not difficult to understand how the wild populations of Mute swans have blossomed.

Like wolves and coyotes; however, Mute swans have taken the brunt of human animosity towards other species, especially along the eastern and the western seaboards. The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, joined by state wildlife agencies, have tried to enforce the extermination of Mute swans for the past twenty years. While I have never had to witness this firsthand, I was shocked to read that two Mute swans were recently shot in Sandy Creek, New York. Many of the residents were understandably disconcerted over the shooting. The state’s Department of  Environmental Conservation (DEC) claims that kayakers were being chased and intimidated by the swans. This makes me furious. Kayaking is a human sport that is engaged in for only a few hours a week at most. Swans are mostly docile creatures except for the few months in spring when they are nesting and caring for their young. What makes boaters and sports enthusiasts think that they are more entitled to a body of water than the swans, who are only trying to raise a family and whose very survival depends on having a pond or lake? It is their home. If human beings do not learn to respect other species that we share this planet with, and if they do not give up their selfish ways, we will all be doomed.

Posted in MAY 2022 | Comments Off on 5 MAY 2022 I SWAN SHOOTINGS


I woke up to snow on Monday that continued through the morning. The grass was completely covered. The streets were filled with puddles and small rivers were speeding down the sides of them, headed for the storm drains. Rain water was pouring off my gutterless roof, splashing into the pools below. I winced, knowing that had this been my own property, I would have already installed rain barrels, to catch the precious liquid; but all I could do was watch with dismay as it grew into small rivulets to sink or run away forever. 

Two feet from the back of the house, I have installed a raised bed which, praise be to God, I had completed Sunday afternoon – only hours before the rain came. On a whim, I mixed together the seeds from nine different flower seed packets. Each of them recommended planting  two weeks before the last frost and that is exactly where we are. I tossed them along the center of the garden bed, leaving the outer edges for tucking in herbs and vegetables later on. All of the seeds were two years old, or older, so the chance of germination is decreased. Still, what have I got to lose? It seems like the most sensible way to make short work of creating a flower garden, which I may or may not be able to stay and enjoy. I will let Nature decide where, when, and if the seeds germinate. The blanket of snow that had covered them and melted by noon, followed by last night’s rain of about an inch, should give them an excellent start. 

I am anxious to see what flowers I will be rewarded with, but my heart breaks when I see so much rainwater being wasted, running down the drain and gone forever.

Posted in MAY 2022 | Comments Off on 4 MAY 2022 DOWN THE DRAIN


An artist, when working on her masterpiece, loses herself in her work. She may paint for hours, oblivious to the world around her as she immerses herself in her painting. She may forget to pick up her daughter from school, so engrossed is she in the world she is viewing on her canvas. A musician may stay up all night creating a tune on his piano that he hears from some place far away. He may spend days writing the lyrics to the music he hears inside his head and be completely unaware that he is hungry. A runner, training for a marathon knows only the sound of his shoes striking the pavement and focuses only on his breath and the rhythm of his stride. A mother, caring for her newborn child, knows boundless joy as the two gaze into each other’s eyes in a private world known only to them.

We have all experienced those moments when we are transported out of our bodies to a place that feels most like ourselves. It is that quiet, peaceful state of bliss where we become our truest self, unencumbered by ego or by fear. We become so immersed in the moment, in the task at hand, that nothing outside of us seems to exist.

I have often found myself in moments such as these. I spend much of my time there in fact, as those are the times when I can silence my ego. Whenever I am caring for swans, feeding birds, taking care of my cat, or watering and grooming my houseplants, I become absorbed in the NOW. I find that one of the quickest ways for me to reach that zone is when I am gardening. It makes no difference if I am gardening in my head (planning) or if I am outside actually playing in the soil, accompanied by plants, birds, insects (and my cat.) This is when I enter into my artist mode, where I can create harmony by planting the right plant in the right place, providing it with plant companions, proper soil/food/water, and adequate sunlight. Then I add the finishing touches – the mulch, to ensure they are protected. The time that I spend in the garden is nothing short of artistry.

Posted in MAY 2022 | Comments Off on 3 MAY 2022 GARDEN ARTIST


There was a song recorded in 1965 by Barry McGuire called The Eve of Destruction. It was when the draft was forcing thousands of young men to fight in the Vietnam war and the song reflected a current argument of the time: that they were old enough to kill, but not to vote. The song asserted that we were on the eve of destruction, but most did not want to believe it. 

Racism was another big issue in the 1960’s. Racism is still a problem – nearly 60 years later. The number of hate groups has increased. The tension between people of color and law enforcement is palpable. We had a bigot in the white house for four years and his widespread influence remains a threat to democracy.

The speed with which information travels on the Internet and on social media, has brought the realities of aggression worldwide right into our living rooms. News about climate disasters and global warming remind us every day that habitat is being destroyed and species are being lost to extinction. There are still those among us who believe that genocide will solve the world’s problems by creating a purer race of humans. But regardless of mans’ efforts to control the world, Nature will always be in charge. She is the ultimate power. The world that we experience each and every day is a mere reflection of what is in the collective heart of man, as well as in our own hearts.

McGuire’s song is perhaps more relevant today than when it was first released. The destruction is already happening in Ukraine and it could escalate and spread across the globe. This brink of destruction in which we find ourselves is a slippery slope. Humans are infected with the disease of hate. There has never been a more crucial time to release the grip of hatred in our hearts so that love can begin to heal them. Only when we can heal our own hearts, can we hope to heal the world.

Posted in MAY 2022 | Comments Off on 2 MAY 2022 BRINK OF DESTRUCTION


There are, I have decided, two kinds of thinking. The habitual, addictive type of thinking is what Eckhart Tolle encourages us to refrain from. It is the type of thought that takes over a person’s mind, feeding them a continuous stream of thoughts that are either trapped in the past, or locked in fear, in the future. The only way out of this fast moving train of thought is to remain steadfast in the present moment. As so poignantly illustrated in the movie Milton’s Secret, focusing on the breath is a reliable means to stay rooted in the now.

I have always been a deep thinker – a philosopher. One definition of philosophy is “the rational investigation of the truths and principles of being, knowledge, or conduct.” This definition fits my writing. I try to encourage you (the reader) to examine your relationship with the environment – to question every habit and every belief that you have held to be true. 

I am a philosopher of Nature, of ecology, of spirituality, and of femininity. I contemplate the deeper meaning behind all that surrounds me. There are several historically known philosophers whom we have all heard of, like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. The first known female philosopher was Hypatia of Alexandria. She lived in Egypt in the years from 370 to 415. She weaved together her broad understanding of mathematics, geometry, astronomy, and astrology. She was a Pagan; however, and she was tortured and killed by Christians who felt threatened by her beliefs. I, too, am decidedly Pagan in my beliefs – aligned with Nature. Fortunately, I live in a time when (hopefully) I will not be murdered for my often considered dissentient philosophy.

Women are extremely intelligent in spite of men who say otherwise. Many women are deep thinkers like myself. This kind of thinking, based on quiet observation, is where true wisdom is manifested.

Posted in APRIL 2022 | Comments Off on 29 APRIL 2022 DEEP THINKING


Do you remember Kermit from Sesame Street? He sang, “It’s not easy being green…” Indeed, it is not easy being an environmentalist, an ecofeminist, a naturalist, or a budding permaculturist in a world that is mostly brown. In a world filled with self-centeredness, caring about the earth is viewed by some as self-martyrdom. The skepticism alone, that we encounter nearly every day, wears away at our resolve. We, who are dedicated to helping our planet, are confronted by those who remain defensive and unwilling to change. Willing or not; however, change will come upon us. The human race, having been shackled by male hierarchy for centuries, must now work to restore balance – not only among ourselves – but among all species.

Our planet has its own immune system. It will rid itself of the parasites (human beings) and bring everything back into balance, with or without our help. Will we continue doing things as we have always done? Will we continue to build weapons and bombs and fight among ourselves? Will we continue to poison the soil, the water, and the air we breathe? Will we go on destroying habitat and discriminating against other species? Will we continue to rape our Mother Earth of her resources to satisfy our own glutinous appetite for oil and minerals? Will we continue to turn a blind eye to the havoc we have created? Only time will tell.

Our world was once green with lush forests that were filled with life. Today, much of the world is brown and dull from the endless concrete and asphalt that covers miles and miles of its surface. Even the prized green lawns are turning brown as water sources are drying up. The splashes of color are from the painted cars and buildings. They have replaced the brilliant hues of birds, butterflies, and flowers that were once abundant. Millions of people walk out their front doors everyday, get into their cars and drive to another building where they spend most of their day. They rarely, if ever, notice the natural world around them, which in some places is nearly non-existent. They believe that a plastic plant or flower that requires no care, adds beauty to their space. They do not understand that real plants are living, breathing life forms. Their essence benefits us in ways of which we are not even aware. Green is so much more than just a color. It is more than a marketing scheme for businesses that want to appear environmentally friendly. Green is the color of life. When all of the natural green disappears from our planet, then surely we will disappear, too.

Posted in APRIL 2022 | Comments Off on 28 APRIL 2022 NOT EASY BEING GREEN


The term ecofeminism was coined by a French woman, Françoise d’Eaubonne in1974. Noting the associations between women and the environment, and the way in which both have been dominated under a male hierarchy, it sought to reassert value to the sacredness of each. Those women who viewed themselves as ecofeminists began to split off into different ideologies – radical ecofeminism and cultural ecofeminism. 

The radical group believed that they must end the dominance that men have had over women and Nature – and the exploitation of both – for cheap labor and for the taking of Earth’s resources. Cultural ecofeminists focus on the intimate relationships women have with Nature based on their biology. They honor Nature based spirituality, which has led to a resurgence of pagan and goddess based religions. Further splitting of feminist ideals occurred as some wanted to steer away from the more romantic notions of women and Nature, to address those more tangible practices affecting our lives, such as agri-business. This gave rise to vegetarianism and veganism. The radical groups marched and protested against the poisoning of our planet, deforestation, loss of species, and the ill health brought on us all, by placing profit above sustainability. The groups continued to split off, a more recent group theorizing that in order to end oppression and domination, we must take into account sexual and racial biases.

These theories can be argued in academia. Feminist women can become activists demanding change where change is needed; but is this needless bickering approaching the problems in the same way that our male counterparts would approach them? We can argue that we are more attuned to Nature, or we can argue that we must reclaim our power from male hierarchies; but we must stop arguing. Women must unite and come together as one if we are to succeed. A fragmented group is a weakened group. The one thing that sets us apart from most men is that we can think with our hearts and not our heads. We know in our hearts what is wrong in the world and what needs to change. We should not be wasting our time and energy arguing about what feminism is or isn’t. It is all Nature. We are Nature. We can only be strong to the degree that our hearts are opened.

Posted in APRIL 2022 | Comments Off on 27 APRIL 2022 ECOFEMINISM


Between  my adolescent years and the beginning of the current decade, fast food chains have grown to provide breakfast, lunch, and dinner to many Americans. The first McDonald’s restaurant opened in 1955. As more and more women joined the workforce, the number of restaurants grew steadily, helping to feed workers and their families who no longer had time to cook. Due to the increasing demand, restaurants, as well as growers and suppliers, looked for ways to cut corners and to prevent food ingredients from spoiling in transit. Convenience, cost, availability, and profitability drove many restaurants to use less expensive and often inferior products. Foods became heavily laden with preservatives and added ingredients to lengthen their shelf life. Nutrition was of the least concern. The meals that were being offered to the public only needed to be palatable and appealing to the eye. As more people began to rely on fast food, obesity and poor health ensued. 

More than fifty well known fast food chains are now struggling. Many have had to close all but a few of their doors and several have claimed bankruptcy. A few, such as Marie Callender’s and Boston Market, now sell their products in the frozen food section of the super markets. 

The free exchange of knowledge that is now available to us on the Internet, has helped to bring awareness about the problems in our food system. Our attitudes are changing and we are demanding healthier, organic foods that are free of hormones and preservatives. Documentaries have allowed us to see into the dark secrets of suppliers: of the cruel treatment of and unsanitary conditions in which  animals are raised. Those practices that had previously been hidden from us have been exposed. People are now choosing, based on their own conclusions, the type of diet that will best support their individual requirements, for the optimal health of their body and for their peace of mind. Those who have never learned how to cook or to grow their own food, are now embracing the possibility that they can rely on themselves, rather than on the corporate food chains to nourish them. They are choosing home cooked foods over fast foods. They are choosing health over sickness. We may be ushering in a new era and headed for a time when fast food is a thing of the past. We could be on the threshold of a new age of healthy, happy, and peaceful human beings.

Posted in Uncategorized | Comments Off on 26 APRIL2022 USHERING IN A NEW ERA


When I was in high school, I rode with my girlfriend and her parents to drop off her older sister at her college campus in Boulder, Colorado. My friend and I helped her settle into her tiny dorm room and I remember most vividly, hanging the large peace sign in her window. Peace signs were a common sight in those days and in the years following, usually seen on the bumpers and windows of VW beetles and buses.

The peace sign originated in the UK. It was designed by peace activist Gerald Holtom in 1958, to protest nuclear arms. His inspiration emerged from a dark moment of despair, when he visualized a peasant with hands stretched out and down, prior to being shot by a firing squad.

The period between 1945 and 1989 was known as the Cold War. It was a time when tensions were high between the United States and Russia and the race to build a nuclear bomb was a high priority. Russia built the first nuclear power plant in 1954. There are now 55 nuclear power plants, each with 1 to 3 reactors. The United States has the largest total number of nuclear reactors world wide. Most of them are in the eastern half of the country.

Most of us do not think about where or how our electricity comes to us. We become annoyed whenever our power goes out. Our reliance on something that could potentially annihilate us is not something we give much thought to; but this power that is helping to heat our homes, is the same power that is used in creating deadly bombs.

We have seen evidence on the news of Ukrainians shot down execution style, by Russian invaders. We have seen Ukrainian cities that have been leveled to the ground and their nuclear power plant targeted by Russian soldiers. This is what the nuclear arms race has brought us to. Is it time for all of us to display peace signs in our windows and to protest the nuclear power that has run amok in the world? I propose we have a peace race.

Posted in APRIL 2022 | Comments Off on 25 APRIL 2022 PEACE RACE


The terrible Chernobyl disaster that occurred in April 1986, in Ukraine, released massive amounts of radiation into the environment. The country, after more than two decades since gaining its independence from the Soviet Union, was beginning to recover; but Putin’s rampage over the past two months is poisoning the area all over again. The environmental crimes he continues to inflict are unfathomable.

While it was the 1969 oil spill in Santa Barbara, California that spawned the first Earth Day, human caused disasters continue to plague our planet. The little everyday things that are mindlessly piled onto our planet’s plate, add up on their own; but the disasters heap almost insurmountable problems onto its already overburdened shoulders. 

Today is Earth Day and billions of people will be raising their voices in an effort to awaken others, to the peril that we are on the verge of facing. We see the sickening destruction on the news. The horror, for us, is far away and may even seem surreal; but it could become our reality as well, if Putin is not stopped.

Ironically, a huge graveyard has been discovered in North Dakota containing the fossils from the dinosaur extinction, which is believed to have been caused by an asteroid striking the earth about 66 million years ago. If we do not make haste to create peace worldwide and if we do not make the health of our planet’s environment the most important thing, we too, will one day be mere fossils lying buried in the earth.

Posted in APRIL 2022 | Comments Off on 22 APRIL 2022 THE MOST IMPORTANT THING