I have learned through the years that sometimes, whenever we think we know better than the Spirit that has given us life, we just are not seeing the bigger picture. Learning to let go, to accept, and to trust that higher self within us, allows for the highest and best answers to come forth. I was frustrated and growing more and more anxious about getting the remodeling done for my chicken coop. I am grateful now, that this delay has happened because I can see that my first ideas for it would have been a mistake. Replacing the glass in the windows could be costly, if I find someone else to do it; but I have realized that it may not be the best thing for the chickens. The windows do not open, so getting fresh air in there on summer nights would be impossible. The glass could be broken again by vandals. And, it is impractical for me to spend more money on this property that is not mine. The solution came to me a few days ago. Today I will buy some hardware cloth and staple it on the outside of the window openings. This will allow fresh air in, keep the chickens from escaping through them, and it will keep predators out. When the weather turns cold, I will attach plastic sheeting over the hardware cloth to insulate the building  from the bitter winds. In winter, the south facing windows will help to warm the coop.The light will still get in, which is indispensable to me, since half of the space will be my potting shed. I removed the ugly plastic lattice from my front porch and I will nail it up as a divider between the chicken’s area and my potting area.

There is an existing set of shelves that I had wanted taken out; but I now see that this was another error in judgement. The chickens like to rest on the bottom shelf, which will be warmer for them in cold weather, than the concrete floor. One of the upper shelves can be made into nest boxes when they begin laying next spring. I have found some lovely, dead and very strong tree branches that I will use for their perches, which is a far more natural alternative to using wooden dowels or pre-cut wood. Most of this I can do by myself and I will only need help to re-hang the door that is currently sitting propped up next to the coop.

I am so grateful that what I had perceived as a problem was not a problem at all – it was a blessing.

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