There are people who live much of their lives in darkness. Perhaps they live in an apartment with only a few windows, or they live in a house nestled in the woods, or they live in one which has no windows in sun-facing directions. They may work a night shift. They may live where there is light, but they keep their blinds closed and neither the darkness nor the cold bothers them. I crave light and sunshine and I find that during that brief period of the day known as dusk, I often endure short episodes of depression. Similarly, I prefer not to greet the new day until darkness has gone.
My new home with its ample windows is appreciated not only by me, but also by my houseplants that seem to be smiling. My cat stretches out in the sun shining through the bedroom window. One recent afternoon when the sun was filling the room with its bright beams, its warmth bathed the chair I was sitting in and I indulged myself in a short nap. It was heavenly.
We often associate darkness with evil, but darkness is merely the absence of light. While our bodies seek physical light, our souls seek inner light. There are people on the planet who are keepers of that light. We are drawn to them when we seek the light. We are drawn out of darkness, out of confusion, out of the illusions that cloud our clarity, as in a window into our soul. I believe that more and more people are turning towards that window. They are awakening from the pervasive darkness that has enveloped the Earth and they are moving towards that light. We are learning that we cannot fight the darkness, nor can we declare war on it. Violence will only bring more darkness. The only way to dispel the darkness is to spread light wherever we go.