It is a curious thing that human beings are prone to boredom and ever seek to fill their lives with celebrations, games, sports, and an infinite number of recreational activities. Christmas and Easter of course constitute the largest of celebrations, being adulterated from their original pagan beginnings by the Christian church. In fact, the Christian church is responsible for a great many of those things that remain as obstacles in our modern life. On the one hand they preach love and forgiveness, but in the other, they condemn those who do not adhere to their fictitious beliefs. They preach non-judgement and yet they judge all of those who do not belong to their particular fold.

Millions of people still participate in the Christmas holiday. They uphold the old worn out traditions in spite of global warming and climate change. They continue to over-spend and over-indulge and never question why they do these things. Since the advent of industrialism and factory farming, human beings no longer concern themselves with obtaining food. While government institutions, like the National Wildlife Federation, state sanctioned fish and wildlife departments, The World Wildlife Fund and The Sierra Club proclaim that they support the “conservation” of animals, they are supported by the NRA. They have millions of hunters who lobby the politicians in order to secure their right to hunt – for trophies. Then, they call this “wildlife management”. They promote that “recreational” hunting and hunting for “sport” puts the hunters in touch with nature. The absurdity of this does not even warrant comment. Since we have eliminated most of their natural predators, people are told that it is necessary for hunters to “cull” the overpopulation of deer. There seems to be no end to the justifications that human beings can invent for their inhumane behavior.

You may be wondering what Christmas and hunting have to do with each other. Both Christmas and the prevalent attitude towards animals started with the Christian church. The church is responsible for feeding people the lie that human beings are superior to other species. They have convinced people that other species are of a lower intelligence, that they do not have feelings, and that they were put here for us to have dominion over. They interrupted this to mean that animals, birds, fish, and even plant life, could be tortured and exploited for profit. The Christian church had planted into the feeble minds of many human beings that snakes are evil – all because of a fabricated story about Adam and Eve. People are awakening and being made aware of the many lies they have been told. We can only hope for acceleration in this process. We need many, many more people to wake up to the insidious things that continue to take place every single day around the world and we need it to happen now, before it is too late.

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