The United States is the second largest contributor to greenhouse gases and we have a fool in our white house who has exited the Paris agreement on climate change. We cannot afford to overlook this huge faux pas. Clearly, the impending impeachment is crucial to the wellbeing of our country, but we cannot continue to sit on our hands, while the world crumbles around us.
This is the time for citizens to rise up and demand changes that will arrest the melting of ice caps. We must all do our part – and then some. We are about to begin a New Year, so there could be no better time to radically change our habits. Begin in your own household. Encourage your neighbors. Participate in your local government. Write to your politicians and support Marianne Williamson in her presidential campaign. We are running out of time.
Love is stronger than hate. Light overcomes darkness. We have a situation here. The possibility exists, that life as we know it, for most of us, could drastically change in as little as a decade. Eckhart Tolle tells us that in a dismal situation we have three choices. We can either (1) accept the situation; (2) change the situation; or (3) leave the situation. Our planet’s current situation is unacceptable. It is imperative that we change this situation. We must do everything we can do, to heal our planet. We must begin with our own consciousness. Some of us will leave the situation, but those remaining may also leave involuntarily, due to superstorms and floods. We can choose whether to leave this planet kicking and screaming, or leave in grace, knowing that we did all we could do. The final outcome is not our concern. Our concern is what are we doing today, to bring love and light to the planet?