What is comfort? One definition is a feeling of ease and well-being. We have comfort foods and comfortable shoes. We have a favorite pair of jeans or a comfortable sofa or bed. We sometimes find comfort in relationships, but ultimately we spend our lives seeking it. Having enough money or food certainly gives one comfort; and having shelter and a sense of security is a top priority for all species.
We may not give much thought to our need for comfort in the balmy days of summer. Often though, the warm days of summer can slip away in the blink of an eye. Last evening the temperatures still hovered at mid-70° Fahrenheit. Tonight it will drop to around 19°. That is a drop of around 50° in a period of only 36 hours. It is a shock to our systems. Even those who love the cold and love snow, begin to scramble in an effort to ensure they have the necessary comforts throughout this first cold blast of winter.
As we drag out our winter coats, gloves, hats, and wool blankets, pile wood for the fireplace, stock the pantry with cocoa and other necessities, there is a subtle excitement that charges the air. While winter may not be everyone’s favorite season, there is no denying that we all welcome change on some level. It is inevitable. It is our tendency towards boredom that keeps life continually evolving. We may complain, or as expressed in a quote my daughter sent me, “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning to dance in the rain.”
We wrap ourselves in comfort by accepting the changes, by not resisting what is, and appreciating the gifts that each change brings. While many people on the planet do not have adequate shelter, or sufficient food, or even clean water, let us be thankful for all that we have. As we make that pot of chili, put on our slippers, and curl up in our favorite chair with a mug of hot cider, let’s take a moment to give thanks, and to bless those who are not so fortunate.