I believe there is a line somewhere in the bible where Jesus says to Satan, “Get thee behind me!” Having often allowed my ego to have complete control over my life, I can now say to my ego, whenever I witness it rising up to take hold of the reins, “Get thee behind me!” This is freedom in the truest sense. When we no longer allow our egos to manipulate and control us, we can show up in the world as we were meant to.

The ego; however, will do its best to confuse us – especially when it comes to making major decisions. We may think that we are making a decision from the heart, when instead we are coming from the head. The head looks at things logically, but it does not see clearly. It bases its observations on what it can perceive through a dimly lit veil.

Our world has found itself in the midst of chaos. It is operating from the collective ego. The answers that we seek will not be found by the scientists or the mathematicians or the physicists, unless they first venture deep into their own soul and into the depths of their hearts. As Marianne Williamson says, “We need to have a deeper conversation”. We must dispense with superficial niceties and speak the truth. It is only from that place, that we can dissolve the egoic darkness that has woven itself into the human fabric. It is from the heart, that healing of our planet will commence.

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