It is time for our government to undergo a major overhaul. Too many areas of our government are immune to the needs of the people. The main reason that so many do not vote, or pay any attention at all, to what is going on in the world, is because they feel that it would not make any difference. It is true that one person alone, cannot create change. It takes a coming together of many, to accomplish great things.
It is far too difficult to impeach a sitting president. This needs to change because when it becomes evident that the commander in chief is leading our country into a downward spiral of conflict, the people must be able to act in haste to rectify the situation. The longer it takes to dethrone a power hungry maniac, the more damage we allow him to inflict. The more devastation he is allowed to wreak, the more challenging it will be to bring our country back to a state of grace.
The people should not be limited to only voting in a new president every four years. The people need to have more interaction with their government on a regular basis. If a yearly survey of satisfaction, or dissatisfaction of the people was implemented; and if each year the people voted to retain the current president in office, or vote him out, we could circumvent potential problems. Our country is currently in grave danger – not only from global warming – but from the current president who continues to abuse his power. It is time for the people to demand change and to facilitate healing of a diseased administration.