I had always envisioned that when I began this blog, I would be writing about the numerous species of waterfowl, birds, and other wildlife visiting my property and my pond. When I first began volunteering for the Swan Research Program at Airlie, in Virginia, in 2005, I wanted to spend hours with the collection of over 70 swans, in order to observe how they communicate with each other. Unfortunately, life does not always turn out the way we hope it will.

Certainly, it was never my plan to live in an apartment complex, nor to spend the final years of my life, alone. This is where years of a very slow awakening to my spiritual presence, has helped me to reach a place of acceptance. The challenges have been endless. Being told that I had to take down my hummingbird feeders and limit the number of plants on my deck to only three, clearly was not acceptable. Still, I have learned to stop resisting. I have learned to accept even the unacceptable. I look for the good and the beautiful in each moment and let the rest fall away.

This does not mean in any way, that this is my choice. My only job is to show up every day, to allow light to shine through me, and to use my talents and abilities to do what good I can do, wherever I can do it. I am grateful that I have been allowed to have a garden just beyond the apartment property. I am grateful that my first attempt at creating hügelkultur beds was successful; and that my garden was chosen to be on display in the town’s annual garden tour. I am grateful that my organic, sustainable garden has thrived; and I am grateful for the beautiful flowers and the produce that it has provided me. I am grateful for the birds that visit my garden regularly, keeping insects in check. And, though I do not have a pond or waterfowl to enjoy, I am happy to report that I had a young garden snake sheltering in the straw bales that define the perimeters of my compost pile. Earlier in the season, I had a toad to delight me when I discovered it in the manure I was spreading around the plants. There was also evidence that a bunny had feasted on a couple of zucchini, and I was happy to share. My neighbor feeds the squirrels and we both feed the birds. We were surprised by an unusual white sparrow that has been visiting.

I will never stop entertaining the possibility of having property once again, with waterfowl and healthy populations of wildlife to grace it. In the meantime, I will continue to provide water for the birds, the stray cats, and all of the other critters that pass through my garden. I will share what I have and observe when I can, in spite of the fact that my bird feeders are a good fifty yards from my window. I have learned that happiness is not dependent upon outside events. Joy wells up from within me on a daily basis, when I allow it to. This blog is the means by which I can pass along that joy, while helping others to awaken to the miracles all around us. I am letting go of preconceived ideas about what this blog should be about. The vision is ever changing, but I open myself to that deep place, where wisdom can come through me and reach those who will benefit from it.

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