As a writer, I have always been fascinated by words. Some words are fun to say because of the way they roll off our tongue. I have favorite words and favorite phrases, too. Running amok is a phrase that I like using because it conjures up interesting visualizations.
Words have so much power. They can hurt. They can invoke fear. They can sooth. They can delight. Our use of words can be a blessing, or a curse. We cannot take back things we have already uttered. We cannot un-hear words that we have already heard, just like we cannot un-see something we would rather not have seen.
There are 6,500 languages around the world and numerous dialects of many of the spoken languages. We have numerous words – over 470,000 in English – including all of the jargon and new words that are constantly being created. With so many words and multiple definitions, is it any wonder that we are so often misunderstood?
Other species do not require language to communicate. Their communication skills; however, are spot on, and clearly understood by their own kind. Vague messages could result in death, so it is imperative that they leave no room for misinterpretation.
Knowing the frequent possibility of our words being taken the wrong way, should we not take greater care whenever we open our mouths, to express the stampeding thoughts in our head? How often do we remember to pause, before we speak? Eric Burden and the Animals sang, “Oh Lord, please don’t let me be misunderstood”. If we all took the time to speak words that come from the heart, would we increase our chances of truly being heard? If we choose our words more carefully, can we create more peace in the world?