Human beings have always loved to tell – and to listen to – stories. From mythological times right up to the present, we are engrossed in the stories of tragedies and triumph over them. The stories in the bible, classic fairy tales, the numerous fiction novels and our more recent absorption in Hollywood films all contribute to our fascination for other peoples’ stories.

We often get caught up in our own stories as well. Instead of seeing the things that happen to us as events, we take them very personally. Our ego takes over and we seek to judge and to blame. If we have judged an event as bad, we seek to blame someone, other than ourselves, for it. If we can find no one to blame, we blame god. We allow, through our ego, our story to become so large that everything outside of us is merely peripheral. We become either a victim, or victorious. As victims, we repeat our stories over and over to anyone who will listen. Or, we may allow our egos to become so inflated that we take on an attitude of victory and superiority, diminishing everyone outside of ourselves. 

We have collective stories, too. Our current story is of the tragedy happening to our planet and to all of us. Younger generations may want to blame the older ones for the mess they have made, for the global warming that threatens life as we know it. Others may become deeply depressed, believing that nothing can be done to stop it. Some remain in denial, flaunting an air of superiority to mask their fear. The truth is that we are all in this together. If we hold to the belief that we are victims, we lose all hope. If we choose victory, only for ourselves, refusing to do our part for the good of all, we worsen our dilemma. We must set our egos aside, accept our current situation, and do all we can to change it. 

A tragedy is only a tragedy based on our belief about an event. When you subtract judgment and blame, it is merely an event. It is not necessary to conquer a perceived enemy or to dawn a cloak of indignation and righteousness. We can choose to see an event for what it is. We can allow it to teach us and we can choose to view it through the eyes of love. It will take love for each other and for all living things to bring about healing. Love is the only thing that can heal our planet.

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