Many years ago when I met my first husband, he got me into the habit of writing a TTD, or Things to Do Today list. I have continued this practice ever since. In fact, I write all kinds of lists. I have lists of future projects that I hope to accomplish. I have a perpetual grocery list. I have lists of flowers that I want for my garden. I have lists of trees and shrubs that I hope to one day plant, as well as lists of gardening chores. And like most consumers, I have lists of things I would like to have one day. I have notes with ideas for future stories and blog posts.

I  know that I am not alone in this frenzy of list writing. I have small scraps of paper everywhere, of lists and reminders of things I must remember to do. They are posted on my refrigerator, taped to cabinet doors, and placed next to my handbag to help me remember what I need to do before leaving the house. We have become a society of people who are constantly “doing” and seldom resting. Today, people may stop whatever it is that they are doing, to check their phone or PC for texts or emails. They distract themselves by engaging in sites like Facebook, Twitter, and TicToc. At the end of the day, and often all day long, they also watch their TV’s. They are forever caught up in the total occupation by their minds. 

Since I have been following the teachings of Eckhart Tolle, I have become increasingly aware of my obsession with doing. I am learning to practice the art of being present and being aware of the moment that I am in, rather than being swept away by my mind into a past that is gone, or a future that is not yet here. I still make lists, but I now call them Things to Do Today or Tomorrow. Since I am rarely able to check off more than a few things on the To Do list that I have made for a day, I have decided that it can be tomorrow, or the next day, or the next. I no longer feel rushed or pressured about anything. Everything will get done in its perfect time and in the perfect way. I am at peace with what is, enjoying new moments as they arrive. In changing my Things to Do Today list to a Today/Tomorrow list, I feel the stress fade away and I am free to enjoy NOW.

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