I am often horrified by the complexity to which modern life has evolved. I think about it at tax time since tax filing is no simple matter. There are rules and there are exceptions to the rules, requiring an accountant to ensure that filing is done correctly. Our legal system is absurdly complex, requiring attorneys to decipher laws and their clients to pay astronomical fees for the interpretation of those laws. 

Children are forced to go to school to learn how to navigate as adults in our complex world. They are herded into and out of school just like sheep and cattle are herded into the slaughterhouse. Young adults often continue to be driven through the education systems of college, providing them with a fancy degree and a huge student loan debt. It is a game that the human collective consciousness has chosen to play; but it is also like a prison. Those who are unable to play the game that society expects them to play, often struggle in a life of poverty or wind up in an actual prison. Only a few have come to know the real freedom that comes from living off the land and being self-sufficient. Most peoples’ lives are confined within four walls, surrounded by concrete and asphalt, living only in their heads. They do not know the freedom of walking barefoot over the Earth, discovering her native fauna and flora, smelling the soil, listening to the birds, and appreciating the warmth of the sun. They have been taught that life is all about becoming tethered to a job, making as much money as possible, and investing it in order to have a retirement income. In their working and striving, they cannot seem to find happiness regardless of what their money can buy them. They suffer from anxiety, fear, and poor health. They are prisoners to modern life, deprived of knowing the freedom of simply being alive.

Real freedom is being free from the confines of modern life. The winners of the game are those who have refused to play the game, who live according to the laws of nature rather than those made by man.

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