I was looking ahead in the Farmer’s Almanac at weather predictions for the next two months. That four letter word – cold – was quite over-used in my estimation. Seriously, could it be any more dismal? Why, I wonder, did human beings evolve without any fur or feathers to keep us warm? I would gladly trade in my fashionable garb for a permanently warm covering of feathers that are waterproof. In fact, I would gladly accept a pair of wings along with the feathers so that I could fly off to a tropical paradise, instead of having to pile on 4 or 5 layers of clothing.
If four letter words must be used, could we use the seldom used one – warm? In all honesty, I prefer the three letter word – hot. I envy those people who can regularly walk around in a single tee shirt and bare feet, in the middle of this bitter cold. I could not tolerate the cold even when I was a child. I am most comfortable when the outside weather is between 75℉ and 80℉, but I often have to wear socks to bed even in summer, because my feet are perpetually cold. Of course I know that complaining does no good. The ego loves to complain. So, I accept the cold.
I will invite four letter words that bring forth a feeling of warmth. Grow. Seed. Soil. Rain. Tree. Now these are four letter words that make me smile.