I have asserted for years that we should not be wasting money on space exploration, treating  our planet like a worn out toy that can be discarded and replaced with something new. After all the hype of yesterday’s SpaceX launch, I was delighted to hear that Prince William’s views are in alignment with my own. In an interview for the BBC, the prince said that we are robbing from our children and “that’s not fair.” I know that a growing number of younger people are feeling this and we need to be doing all that we can do, to deal with the damage that has already been done. Prince William stated that “we should be trying to repair this planet – not trying to find the next place to live.” He goes on to say, “…no more clever speak, clever words – not enough action.” It is time to stop simply talking and lamenting about climate change. It is time for bold and innovative solutions.

I believe what we need is to adopt a code of earth etiquette.The dictionary defines etiquette as the customary code of polite behavior in society or among members of a group. We are all members of this earth group and we are citizens of this planet. To be polite is to show behavior that is respectful and considerate of other people. Should we not treat this planet, that is the very source of our life, with nothing but politeness? The definition of “ethics” is the moral principles that govern a person’s behavior or code of conduct. In our human advancement, we have left those moral compasses and rules of etiquette behind; but should we not have them today as the guiding principle in all that we do?

Prince William has joined forces with Sir David Attenborough to launch what they are calling “Earthshot”. It is a challenge to scientists and others to undertake the huge task of finding answers to our most pressing problems, and to reach for a Nobel prize in environmentalism. They hope to change the prevailing attitudes of doom and gloom and to loosen the grip of anxiety that has befallen so many people. It is a challenge to transform the prevailing negative attitudes into ones of positivity, hope, and possibility. We all need to be on the same page, the page that will take us to a happy ending.

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