I was told by a friend that my chickens would not start laying until the spring, so I was pleasantly surprised when I discovered two eggs on the Winter Solstice. They had been laid on the floor in one corner of the chicken coop, in spite of the fact that I have three nest boxes with a fake egg in each. It took only one time; however, of showing Violet the nest box and she began to use it. Within a few days, Ivy began laying too, in the next box. Late last week, Marigold laid her first egg. Buttercup and Iris have not as yet begun laying, but I am sure it will be soon.

I am always amazed when I look at the eggs. They are so perfect and pretty and often, still warm whenever I retrieve them. My chickens are a breed known as Easter Eggers; so they have different colored eggs. The color of their eggs; however, is determined by the color of their ears. Violet’s eggs are a bluish green. Ivy’s are a light brown. Marigold’s eggs are light grey. When the other two chickens start laying, I may not be able to tell whose egg is whose. For now I am enjoying the daily observation. I have spent many years observing nature – swans, various birds, and other animals. It is so enjoyable and I never grow tired of it.They fascinate me, as do their eggs. Their eggs are little miracles that remind me daily of the miracle of life.

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