Six weeks out, Trump’s refusal to concede the election has gone far beyond reasonable conjecture. It is sending dangerous messages to our youth, as well as to adults, that insolence and disrespect may allow you to have your own way. It is threatening our democracy and making our country look foolish to the rest of the world. It is unhealthy. It needs to stop.

Joe Biden won the election by more votes than any president in American history, showing that the majority of Americans were able to see through the rhetoric and deceit of Trump. Prior to the election, when Trump was asked pointedly if he would step down, should he lose the election, he would not look the reporter in the eye; but looked away and mumbled under his breath in a barely audible reply, that sure he would concede. It was obvious at that time, he had no intention of doing so. You only need to look at Trump, to see his perpetual frown; listen to his sneering and condescending nonsense, to know that he is highly dangerous. 

He has not, as far as anyone can see, been doing his job of late. Instead of leading the country in the fight against this pandemic, and working to help the people through the resulting financial crisis, he is wasting everyone’s time filing unsubstantiated lawsuits and playing golf. 

January 20th, when President-Elect Joe Biden is sworn in, cannot come soon enough. Trump’s ship is sinking, but he is hoarding the lifeboat and stepping on everyone in his path to save himself. People who have had to flee their native countries to escape communism, have witnessed first hand, their democracies being overthrown by power hungry monsters. They are nervous because Trump reminds them of the persecution from which they had fled. Our democracy and our American values are at risk. It would behoove us to remain vigilant of Trump and his supporters; and to be prepared to stand strong together in the defending of our democracy. Our country is being shaken at its core, by the pandemic, the present economic instability, and the radical followers of Trump, who recently incited violence, burning a “Black Lives Matter” banner. These threats should not be ignored. We must watch our backs and keep shining our individual lights in order to dissipate the dark cloud of Trumpania.

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