The intensity of the war in Ukraine seems to be growing more sobering every day. Here in our own country it is hard to imagine the terror and despair that the Ukrainians are feeling. Young parents fear for their children and their children are being traumatized by the bombing and the ugly death all around them. One woman had the bright idea to write her 2 ½ year old daughter’s name and birthdate, and her parent’s contact information, on the child’s back. When she shared it on social media, many other parents did the same with their young children, so that if the unthinkable happened (the child being separated from his or her parents) they may be able to spare their children from becoming orphans. Fortunately for this woman and her daughter, they made it safely to France.
The bond between a mother and her child is the strongest bond in the world. The determination of these refugees to protect their children is heartwarming and heartbreaking all at the same time. Putin has descended on these people in a reign of terror that they, nor the rest of the world, saw coming. There is a feeling of disbelief here in the western part of the world, yet all we have to do is see the pictures displayed on the news, to reinforce the outrage we feel for the atrocities that are being committed. There are Jewish people alive today, carrying the painful memories of the terrible experiences they managed to survive, in concentration camps during Hitler’s rampage on the world. Many of them were only children at the time.
Russia is now responsible for millions of Ukrainian children being forced to grow up in a chaotic and horrifying experience. They will be traumatized. Many of them will be grief stricken, if they lose parents or other family members. It is unfathomable. Putin is apparently a father himself. I wonder what his own mother, or the mother of his children would have to say about his murder spree? Clearly, he has given no thought to the children. It is the children who will suffer the most.