How often have you made a purchase and brought an item home, and as you began removing the packaging, you noticed the fine print with the warning, “May cause cancer and reproductive harm”?  Most of these warnings originate in the state of California. Does this mean that only those people living in California should heed the warning? Do the warnings apply if you reside under the governance of a different state or country? Do the same terms apply as with a pending storm, where a watch means the possibility exists, but a warning implies that cancer has definitely been seen in association with the product? Do these warnings imply that I should return the product to the store? Or, must I wait until I have cancer and then employ an attorney to prove it was this particular product that I purchased, that caused my cancer? 

The medical media has built up immense fear in the general public, over this dreaded word. There are so many types of cancer that one can succumb to; but what is cancer, really? We know that basically cancer is just a lot of abnormal cells that decide to attack the body. Doctors have hundreds, if not thousands of drugs that have been created by pharmaceutical giants, for treating symptoms. Masses of people remain imprisoned in fear, which allows these companies and doctors to continue making money hand over fist. In order to increase their quota of patients, they have devised a multitude of various screenings, brainwashing people into believing that they must have these tests for their peace of mind. Naturally, many of these tests produce “false positives” and there is the possibility of human error added to the equation; but regardless, most people prefer to trust a fallible test, than to trust their own body.

Is it possible that some cancerous cells in the body are nothing more than our normal aging process? Without a doubt, global warming, and pollution of our air, water, and soil, are a huge factor in the cancers that are running amok among our human population. Would it not make more sense to address those things that are causing people to get sick, rather than merely treating symptoms? Instead of killing people with radiation, chemo, and frighteningly dangerous drugs, is it possible that given the chance, a healthy body could rid itself of cancerous cells on its own? I suspect nearly every body alive on the planet today carries within it some cancerous cells, as well as numerous toxic substances that have entered via our drinking water, our food, and our air. We can continue to “fight” cancer as though it were an actual enemy, or we can begin to clean up the mess we have made.

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