I think one cannot help but feel their heart leap with joy at the emergence of a sunny, spring day. Following weeks of cold, bitter winter, the first spring-like day rivals the excitement of Christmas morning. The birds also react to the change in energy as they begin to seek mates and build nests to raise a brood of young hatchlings. When it is warm enough to open the windows, I love to listen to the beautiful birdsong that drifts through them. Sitting in a patch of sunlight that is beaming through the window, its warmth penetrating my very bones, is like a slice of heaven. Not even a hot bath can warm me in the delicious way that the sun can. I often envy my cat that has no “to do” list and he can lie in the sun without the slightest sense of concern or guilt.

Spring; however, is often fickle. She can be here one day and gone the next. She is often timid at first, appearing weak as she confronts her winter opponent. Winter wants to show her who is boss. He wants to monopolize our days with blustery winds and unexpected, late snow storms. He wants to remain even after the dismissal bell and overstay his welcome. In the end, Spring will blossom in all her glory. She will win the day. Love always wins.

Today, I will revel in the first signs of a spring day. I know that she is not yet here to stay. She will fight that yearly battle with winter for a few weeks yet; but she will in time, come to reign for her allotted time, before she must abdicate her royal position to her summer sister.

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