It appears that Donald Trump is bent on causing our world, and our country, as much damage as possible before being booted out of office – like a two year old throwing his toys and breaking them because he cannot have his way. What is still more unsettling, is his numerous and blatant lies that he feeds to his followers. I heard an interview on NPR with a gentleman in one county who was overseeing the elections. Trump tried to claim that millions of ballot signatures had been forged; but that number was larger than the total number of people living in that county! It is one of endless examples of his gross exaggerations. The absurdity of his continued whining about the election being “stolen” from him is wearing down the very fabric of our democracy. The hundreds of lies that he has “tweeted” because he is not man enough to speak directly to the people, is disheartening at the very least. 

The president of our country should be of impeccable character. He or she should be completely honest, transparent, and sincere; but we have allowed a man with clearly no integrity whatsoever, and who is a habitual liar,to lead our country down a very dangerous path.

I feel like I am beating a dead horse when I have to keep writing about this deplorable man; but yesterday he withdrew yet another protection which will greatly threaten migratory birds. We are currently losing up to three species every hour and as many as 150 each day! I am a birder. I feed birds and squirrels and stray cats, not to mention other wild animals in the area. I ensure that there is always fresh, unfrozen water for them to drink. I do what I can, but it is the downward spiral that our earth is taking, that causes me so much distress. I wish I could do more. I would gladly give up my own life to save a single bird or other animal, but that would still not stop the genocide of so many. That is the agonizing truth.

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