Those who know me, know that I abhor guns. The fact that they exist at all, is representative of the obsession with violence that permeates our race consciousness. I am sick of people telling me that having a gun makes them feel safer; when the reality is that having a gun and using it, is more likely to kill the owner of it, than an intruder. It is doubtful that the average person could hit their target should they decide to use it. The other misconception that so many people have, is that making more laws is going to solve the gun problems that have become prevalent in today’s world. We have accidental shootings, drive-by shootings, school shootings, shooting sprees, and mass shootings. There is the “legal” shooting that goes on every day between police officers and law breakers. There are hunters who shoot animals, mostly just for a trophy to adorn their wall. For soldiers, shooting is commended.

Yesterday, a two year old got hold of a gun while being left unsupervised in a vehicle, and shot his four year old sister. A two year old! There really are no words for the lack of responsibility shown by the adult in charge of these two children. Young children and teenagers are being shot everyday due to the neglect of their parents.

When I was a young child in the fifties, violence was a common theme in the cartoons that I watched with my siblings. Elmer Fudd was in hot pursuit of Bugs Bunny, smoke billowing from the end of his rifle. The Rifleman and Bonanza were popular television shows and Davy Crockett was every growing boy’s super hero. Most of us grew up without giving much thought to popular TV westerns and went on to become productive members of society, without guns. Some boys grew up in the mountains or in the country where they may have learned to hunt, but it was to provide food for their families. 

Things are much different today. Guns are no longer carried mostly by cowboys and ranchers. They are found in cities and suburbs. Women are now carrying guns, too. We probably all know at least one person who owns a gun, even if like me, you are simply a fading flower child from the 1960’s. Children today are being exposed to violence almost from the moment of birth. Well over half the programs and movies that are made and watched, contain violence. Children are playing video games where they get to pretend that they are shooting someone or something. It is considered entertainment. Young boys and girls should be running barefoot through the grass, exploring the natural world and becoming aware of life’s fragility. They should not be glued to cell phones and televisions where much of their day is spent watching violence. If we are going to stop the violence in the world, if we are going to put a stop to war and bring about peace, we have to start by eliminating the violence in our homes and in our neighborhoods. We need to refuse to have guns anywhere near ourselves or our children. We need to know that only by eliminating guns, can we begin to eliminate the violence.

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