Edward Aloysius Murphy Jr. said, “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.” This subsequently became known as Murphy’s Law. I cannot help wondering, is this actually a physical law, like the law of gravity? Was Murphy a pessimist?

While I have witnessed evidence that Murphy may have been onto something, I have also seen that the opposite is true nearly as often. The bread often lands with the buttered side up. The rain holds off until after the picnic. Someone took a different route and there was a fatal crash on the original route. God works in mysterious ways. The original quote was “God moves in mysterious ways.” This, by the way, was written by a composer, William Cowper, from the 1700’s. There really is nothing all that mysterious about the events in our lives. Sure, unexpected things happen, but when we set our intention each day from the very beginning, many potential catastrophes can be circumvented.

I know that few would take my word for this, but having devoted the first hour or more, every day for the past thirty years to meditation, prayer, and intention, I have proven to myself beyond the shadow of a doubt, that we experience an almost exact reflection of our inner most beliefs. Whatever we think, state, and feel with conviction, will become our reality. This is a very exacting law that like gravity, never fails. A few days prior to Thanksgiving as a single mom, I was faced with the dilemma of not having a kitchen table. I assured my daughters that we would have a table in time for Thanksgiving. Sure enough, the day before it arrived, a table came to us. My great lesson in this manifestation; however, was that I had not asked for chairs. I did not ask for a dining room set, nor did I ask for a table and chairs. I had simply asked for a table and the universe promptly complied.

So, do I believe in Murphy’s Law? I believe that as long as I believe in it, it will prove me right. On the other hand, if I choose not to believe in Murphy’s Law, that will prove me right as well. And on those few occasions when things appear to have gone awry, I will not judge; but know that there is a reason and know that ultimately; all is as it should be.

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