Two people, or two hundred people, can watch the same movie and each come away with a slightly different impression. In our own window of vision, we can focus our eyes on any of several points. By looking towards the top, bottom, center, or either side of the screen, we will perceive something slightly different. Do you focus on one person, or on the buildings and scenery in the background? If multiple people are in a scene, do you focus more on a female character or a male actor? Do you resonate more with the adults, the children, the protagonist, or the villain in a story? If you watch the same movie more than one time, you may see things you missed the first time you watched it.
Our perceptions are not limited to what we see visually. For some, sounds may play a bigger role in our experience. In real life situations, smell may also be a factor in what we are able to recall. This is why law enforcement questions as many witnesses as possible in order to arrive at what actually happened during an incident. We each put our attention on many different things at any given moment. Some people pay more attention to the world around them, while others are often lost in their own thoughts or focused on their work. What is perceived through our senses is then analyzed by our brain; but this is further individualized by the atmosphere of our own experience. Our personal history colors our interpretation of present events and also influences our future decisions. Our current state of mind, such as whether or not we have had enough sleep, or if we are under the influence of drugs or sugar overload, also greatly impacts our reactions to the world’s stimuli. Within each individual there are infinite ways in which the world, events, and others are seen; so it is no surprise that conflict arises on a somewhat regular basis. This is where becoming conscious of our feelings and emotions and not allowing them to govern our behavior, is so important. When we learn to think before we speak, respect others enough to really listen to them, offer our compassion and empathy when required, we open any situation to the light – that will dispel the darkness..
Jesus (whom I believe was a mythical figure) is known to have said, “Love your enemies.” I believe this is what he meant. Hatred becomes powerless in the presence of love.