I was unaware until yesterday that the use of animals for scientific testing is still prevalent in spite of Cleveland Amory’s fight against it more than 40 years ago. There are numerous organizations, including the Humane Society International, doing their best to stop these deplorable acts. While rats and mice have been the most common animals used in testing, there seems to be no limit to the variety of species used in these tortuous acts. The most shocking to me is that some countries use chimpanzees and other primates for their gruesome testing. The ignorance that allows human beings to believe that other species do not suffer or feel pain, both physically and emotionally, is incomprehensible. Scientists, in general, seem to lack any degree of empathy.

The means of torture to these innocent animals and birds goes far beyond what a sane person can fathom. Indeed, any person who carries out these horrific experiments is clearly insane. Physical restraint for extended periods of time, food and water deprivation, and the infliction of wounds are the least of the insidious deeds that these scientists conduct. Injection of and forced exposure to dangerous chemicals and infectious diseases, along with force feeding, burning, cutting, and surgery are common practices. Behavioral experiments of isolation and social deprivation, shock, and genetic manipulation are routine, as well.

I believe it is the drug manufacturing companies, along with the manufacturers of the millions of dangerous herbicides, pesticides, fungicides, makeup, and industrial chemicals that are continually being marketed to consumers, which are behind the genocide of so many innocent species. We must put a stop to this evil that has become so pervasive in our modern world. Mother Nature provided us with all that we need to maintain perfect health for all. The human collective ego has deluded itself into believing that it can “cure” the innumerable problems that it created. We must put a stop to corporate greed and put a stop to the ongoing murder of our fellow species. Human karma has brought about global warming. When we torture or kill another, we ultimately torture and kill ourselves. It is more important than ever to raise our collective consciousness and refuse to tolerate the serial killing of other animals. The abominable practices that have persisted for far too long are no longer acceptable!

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