Murder happens on many levels. Manslaughter, or the slaying of one person by another, is clearly wrong. The death of victims of by a serial killer, which have been known to number in the hundreds and even higher, is unimaginable to most of us. Those who embark on killing sprees are not always caught. It may take years to follow the clues that lead to finding the murderer. It can take still more years to get a conviction.
War criminals are in a class of their own. Can the extent of deaths for which they are responsible ever actually be determined? War crimes are not crimes against one person. There is a ripple effect that causes not only death, but suffering to millions. The pets – dogs and cats – that belonged to the victims are either killed along with their owners, or they are left homeless along with the other survivors. The trees and gardens and house plants that someone may have nurtured, are decimated along with the building that was once their home. The soil and water surrounding these areas is contaminated. Beneficial insects and any wildlife in the area that cannot take cover underground, are also harmed. Harmful chemicals or radiation may be spewed into the air, rendering it dangerous to breathe for decades. In other words, the crimes that a war criminal commits are not just crimes against humanity. They are crimes against ALL LIFE, and our planet, which is the source of our life.
The death of a war criminal cannot even begin to atone for the heinousness of his crimes. If he is caught, what kind of punishment can be severe enough for the atrocities that he has instigated? Banishment – complete banishment – locking him away in complete solitude to reflect upon his crimes may be the best we can do. The important thing is that we rise above our anger and know that revenge is not required of us. The law of Karma will provide exactly what is needed for the war criminal. We must keep the fires of love burning in our hearts and love will continue to grow and to heal the traumas of all who have suffered. Love is the only thing that can bring us back to peace.