I was thinking recently while sitting and simply being grateful for so many things, that I am truly grateful for color. Unless you are an artist or involved in some other form of creative endeavor, you may not thing about color very much. Of course, we know that it is actually the sun reflecting various spectrums for our eyes to perceive, but can you imagine a world without it? Would it be dull and depressing? Growing up with black and white television, we did not miss the color or even notice that it was not there. Did our imaginations automatically supply the color without our conscious realization?
It is interesting how when we are feeling joy or when we are in love, colors appear brighter; while if we are feeling gloomy or melancholy, it is as if that ability of our eyes to see color becomes clouded over. Most people have favorite colors and there are sciences that determine the varied emotions that colors can elicit from us. There are also colors associated with our auras. I have always loved purple and green because it is the combination so often seen in many of nature’s spring flowers. I prefer colors in pairs, ones that complement each other, like pink and grey or navy and white, rather than one color by itself.
We are all familiar with the primary colors of red, yellow, and blue, and with the secondary colors of orange, green, and purple. Beyond the many tertiary colors of infinite shades of these, I have often tried to imagine other colors that might exist elsewhere; but of course I cannot. Is it possible that different colors exist in some faraway place on another planet or in another galaxy? Probably not; but suffice it to say, I appreciate the vast array of color available here on our own planet and I am grateful for a colorful life and for my eyes that can perceive it!