Two months from now it will be All Hallow’s Eve. Two months from that, it will be a new year. We may all be feeling apprehensive about what the forthcoming year will bring. We are only three quarters of the way through the current year and I know I am not the only person who is ready to be done with it already. We have been living with the chaos of a pandemic, the ongoing disease of racism, and police brutality. We have a corrupt and immoral man sitting in the oval office, holding (with utter contempt and disdain for the people) political campaigns on the front lawn of the White House. It is my belief that his ultimate goal is to overthrow our already unstable government to become a dictator. He has been chipping away at our weak spots, creating division and further pushing us apart so that we are no longer a united states, but divided, and quickly descending into mayhem. He is dispensing fake news, making up his own rules, and striving to prevent certain segments of our population from voting. He has alluded to refusing to leave the White House, if Biden wins the election in November. Is this not a blatant warning to those who might interfere with his nefarious plans? He has no agenda to lead this country; but to rip it apart and spit on those he is meant to be serving.

I know that my warnings may fall on deaf ears and it is not my job to convince or sway those who may as yet, be undecided. Biden and Harris will work to reverse climate change, creating new jobs at the same time (which Trump tries to pass off as a hoax). They have plans. They have integrity. They have empathy. I cannot convince anyone to vote. Still, I PRAY every day that fellow Americans will listen to their hearts rather than to the rhetoric of Trump and his supporters about our economy. Our economy means nothing if we do not take care of our planet and the life that is living on it, regardless of color, race, or species. While I respect everyone’s opinion, I pray that those who want to vote, will do so; and that their vote will count, unimpeded by foreign interference and those who would cheat their own people.

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