Watching some of the interviewers on the news yesterday, I was moved by the determination and grit of Ukranians who have solemnly resolved to hold onto their country, in spite of the terrorism Putin is inflicting on them. Russian civilians were interviewed as well, openly disapproving of Putin’s war on their neighboring Ukraine. Some of the Russians who led protests criticizing the war, were arrested by Russian officials.
Much of the world is waking up to the evils of war and they want no part of it. In their hearts, most people want peace. This gives me hope that the time of peace which so many marched for, sang for, and advocated for more than 60 years ago, is still possible. The hippies and the flower children of that time have mostly been forgotten about, sloughed off as teenage rebellion or a passing fad; but many of us are still here. We have concealed and guarded those ideals in the belief that a time of love, peace, and understanding may still come to pass.
This is not a war brought on by the Russian people, but by Putin and his oligarchs who have been corrupted by power. I suspect that this war will become known in future history, as Putin’s War.
The United States is often regarded as the most powerful nation in the world. I would like to think that this is not because we have the strongest military or the most sophisticated weapons; but because our collective consciousness is one of love and generosity. We are in an international position to be seen as the great example. We have the opportunity to defeat Putin, not militarily, but with wisdom. Biden has already taken us in the right direction (by imposing sanctions) away from conflict and violence. We must stay the course of peace and hopefully witness the air escape from Putin’s over inflated ego, leaving him flattened, on the side of the road, for vultures to consume.