Intelligence is given far too much importance in our modern world. IQ’s are clearly over rated. I have never known my own IQ, but I assume it is low since geometry was far too complex for me to wrap my head around. Probably, the right side, the creative side of my brain, is far more developed than my left side. I love order; however, and chaos totally upsets my personal equilibrium. I have thought that if I were quite young and very, very strong, I would like to be a bricklayer.

Those people with Phds and other post nominal letters at the end of their names, are regarded with esteem, while those with only high school diplomas are looked down upon, regardless of their abilities. Sometimes, the most intelligent people lack plain, common sense. Having a college education opens doors of opportunity, while full time mothers and those with real life experience are barely acknowledged. Often, those who work the hardest are paid the least and those who do next to nothing are placed in coveted positions and given generous salaries. 

Wisdom is a word that is seldom used and not assigned much importance. It is generally a vague concept given only to the elderly, but the elderly are no longer revered. Some children are labeled “gifted”, but they often suffer emotionally, and/or lack social skills. Scientists now say that approximately 20% of humans and animals are considered “sensitive”. Our human obsession with taking things apart, such as our brains, in order to understand them; and our desire to label everything and everyone, does not honor the individual. We want to place everyone in a box into which no one really fits.

The truth is that we are all gifted with a special purpose. We all have intelligence, but our interests and our knowledge varies. Wisdom is something that grows with our understanding of the world we live in and our place in it. Most likely, those who are “sensitive”, those who are “different” are souls who have reincarnated many times and they are the ones who are “awakening.” They carry with them the light of wisdom, whether or not the world considers them to be intelligent.

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