When we are born, we are in a sense floating along in a vessel over which we have no control. Our parents and caretakers are steering our journey. As we mature and our ego grows, we seek to take hold of the oars and direct our own life. Not knowing any better, we may resist the flow of the river of life. We may try to stop the ever forward movement, or worse; we may attempt to fight our way upstream. We may spend years in the futile attempt to control the direction and speed of our life boat. When we begin to grow old, we simply become too tired to continue our resistance, or we apply the wisdom that we have acquired through the years. We learn to swim effortlessly with what is and to simply let go and float, knowing that life always gives us exactly what we need.

I spent many years resisting the cold. I resisted snow and winter and wind and pretty much any weather that was not spring or summer. I have learned to accept the cold, dreary days. In fact, I actually love cloudy days. I love the long, soaking rains that were common when I lived in Virginia. I miss the rain, but today I sit and watch snowflakes through my windows as they float sideways to the ground. The violin and cello music that I often play on cloudy days seems to add a special ambience and reminds me to simply appreciate this day. I watch the birds flocking to the feeders and I am grateful that I can in some way help them to stay warm and satiated.

I am safe and warm. I have a roof over my head, heat, warm blankets, music, food, and fresh water at my disposal. Clearly, there is nothing to complain about. There is nothing to resist. I accept this moment, this day just as it is. I am grateful for the peace that has come to rest within my soul. It is the peace that comes with understanding. It is the peace that comes with letting go; from moving from resistance to acceptance because we no longer need to steer the vessel. We are the vessel.

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