There are, I have decided, two kinds of thinking. The habitual, addictive type of thinking is what Eckhart Tolle encourages us to refrain from. It is the type of thought that takes over a person’s mind, feeding them a continuous stream of thoughts that are either trapped in the past, or locked in fear, in the future. The only way out of this fast moving train of thought is to remain steadfast in the present moment. As so poignantly illustrated in the movie Milton’s Secret, focusing on the breath is a reliable means to stay rooted in the now.

I have always been a deep thinker – a philosopher. One definition of philosophy is “the rational investigation of the truths and principles of being, knowledge, or conduct.” This definition fits my writing. I try to encourage you (the reader) to examine your relationship with the environment – to question every habit and every belief that you have held to be true. 

I am a philosopher of Nature, of ecology, of spirituality, and of femininity. I contemplate the deeper meaning behind all that surrounds me. There are several historically known philosophers whom we have all heard of, like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. The first known female philosopher was Hypatia of Alexandria. She lived in Egypt in the years from 370 to 415. She weaved together her broad understanding of mathematics, geometry, astronomy, and astrology. She was a Pagan; however, and she was tortured and killed by Christians who felt threatened by her beliefs. I, too, am decidedly Pagan in my beliefs – aligned with Nature. Fortunately, I live in a time when (hopefully) I will not be murdered for my often considered dissentient philosophy.

Women are extremely intelligent in spite of men who say otherwise. Many women are deep thinkers like myself. This kind of thinking, based on quiet observation, is where true wisdom is manifested.

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