I am gravely concerned by the appointment of Amy Coney Barrett to the supreme court. I find it appalling that Republicans have been more concerned with voting her in, than they have been with helping the American people deal with the pandemic that we have found ourselves immersed in. We women have had to fight long and hard for our rights – our right to vote, our right to hold public office, and even, our right to an education. I believe that Roe versus Wade was a true milestone. We stood up to demand that we would no longer be treated as chattel; but to be taken seriously. We had it confirmed that rape within a marriage is still rape. Most of the inequities to women have been recognized, including date rape, stalking, and sexual harrassment in the work place; yet we still have women who have been totally brainwashed into believing that abortion is murder. Barrett and her cohorts have as one of their main objectives, to overturn Roe v. Wade. Even if Biden wins the election, the majority of Republicans sitting in the justice department represent a real threat to women.
In one of George Carlin’s gigs he jokingly says, “If a fetus is a human being, how come the census doesn’t count them”? He concludes by asking that since a few fertilized eggs are expelled every time a woman has her period, does this make her a serial killer? We may find his jokes amusing, but he makes clear the point, that pro-lifers cannot back up their arguments. (You can watch the clip on YouTube: “Abortion and the Sanctity of Life”.)
George Carlin also says that he used to be a Catholic “until he reached the age of reason”. Amy Barrett is a professed Catholic and has been open about her position as a pro-lifer. The Catholic church has been steadily declining in its power. This is because people are beginning to think for themselves, rather than being told and blindly following what others tell them to believe. I suspect that the church is trying to hold onto some of its power through elected officials and politicians who are pro-lifers like Judge Barrett. I am baffled as to why so many women are willing to openly defy women’s rights. We cannot allow ourselves to slide backwards or to allow men to push us back down. What these pro-lifers are saying, is that a woman should have no say over what is done to her body. If they succeed at taking away our rights to the reproductive parts of our bodies, how long will they wait before taking over the rights to our entire bodies, by making vaccinations mandatory and making organ donation, after we have passed on, a law? We should all be concerned. We (women) are powerful and capable of bringing much light into the world; but we need to stand together if we are to continue forging a path to true equality.