Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day. It is without a doubt, my favorite of all holidays. It is sad that many people begin this day, and the ensuing holidays, with trepidation and dread. Dissention between family members, and old buried wounds, create unnecessary unhappiness, bitterness, and resentment. The old traditions have been forgotten as consumerism has exerted its stronghold on the masses. The beauty of Thanksgiving is now overshadowed by Black Friday and Cyber Monday. The thanksgiving meal has descended to merely filling up the belly before embarking on a no holds shopping spree.

Food, itself, is taken for granted by those with ample income. Waste is prevalent among those who have more than enough. How often do we take the time to truly be thankful for the food we have? Are you one of those who only has to think about what they feel like eating – or are you one who has had to learn to portion and stretch the food you have, to ensure there is enough for your children? Thousands of children and families are hungry most of the time. They often rely on prepared foods or fast foods, especially if they lack the knowledge of how to prepare healthy meals from basic ingredients. After having eaten low nutrient, high sugar and fat content foods to fill their empty gut, they then have poor health to add to their insufficient means.

Whether you approach Thanksgiving with joy, or see it as just another day to “get through”, why not approach it with the fullness of love? Begin and end your meal with gratitude. Sit quietly and perceive the others sitting at the table with you, as they are, without judgement, without attaching any past or future thought. Smile. Look into their eyes when they are speaking to you. Listen. Suspend any need to talk about yourself. Allow love to flavor each bite. Chew slowly. Savor every dish. Above all, give thanks. Be thankful. And remember to say, thank you.

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