It is the beginning of a new week and today I want to begin on a positive note. While it is in my nature to observe those things in our modern life that are disturbing, it is more uplifting and inspiring to focus on the good that is happening in the world. I believe that more and more people are waking up to the immense problems our planet is facing, but more importantly, they are listening to their hearts, following their dreams, and doing what they can to implement healing where it is needed.

Many of us have lost faith in our government, but rather than turning away in apathy, some seek a different path to address those things that have been ignored. Sean Gerrity, is one of those people. He has taken on the huge task of seeking financial support from wealthy philanthropists, to create an American Prairie Reserve, which will spread over 5,000 square miles. His dream is to reintroduce genetically pure bison and other wildlife species – coyotes, wolves, grizzly bears, and mountain lions – that roamed the area before it was taken over by cattle ranchers.

Naturally, he has run into resistance by the ranchers and property owners, but little by little, he is finding the support that is needed. While his project is being entirely funded from the private sector, it will not in the end, be donated to the federal government, as was the case with Yellowstone. The opposition is strong, being made up of Christian infused cowboys who believe that the land belongs to them; and they have no intention of selling. Those ranchers, who live on and work the land, love it, too. However; they want to control, confine, and manipulate the way in which the land is used, choosing their cattle over the natural buffalo that once roamed freely. And because they own their property, no one but them, can enjoy it.

I think that as time goes on, younger generations will discard the cattle ranching and way of life that their ancestors held so tightly to. Perhaps one day we will move away from having any animals that are confined to ranches and farms, and trophy hunting will be outlawed. A new world is emerging, slowly. Recognizing the problems is the first step. Solutions are being birthed every day all over the planet and this is hope for a future that works for all sentient beings.

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